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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Home Shopping Extravaganza where I live via radio; half price on 6-pack of beer but nothing for rum! Bah!

  2. Good Lord, Michael! There be a good number o' pirates near yo'r locale... could right well conjure up a crew with so many lookin' t' join a crew and sign articles. :) Huzzah! ~Lady B
  3. LMAO!!! ::: applauds ::: that's brilliant, Eye! :) Right nice there, PoD. Ye look sharp and a right proper pirate! Kudos to Lady Brower. ~Lady B
  4. If you have the Cooking or Food channel, record some of it if ye can. Some awesome things they've had on like some surf and turf ideas that could be incorporated for events! Just brilliant! Otherwise, Rachel Ray as some great ideas. Or you can check out the Food Channel.com... they've some incredible ideas of food. My favorite from Rachel Ray was the B(acon)L(eek)T(omato) gravy with chicken! Those she said applewood, any type of pre-cooked bacon would work. Leeks is a must, and roma tomatoes are best. It's a brilliant and quick dish that takes all about 15 minutes to make. I'll have to run over to Rachel Ray's site to try and look for it. Ahi (yellowfin) Tuna! Great stuff, takes on the take of whatever you cook it with and even exudes a taste of nice, clean, light pork! it's delish! You can cook it on anything. After you've cooked it and put it in the frig, you can even warm it back up in the microwave and still taste pretty good. The price is not too bad either, you can get them for $7 - $10 a pound and that is darn good as usually each steak costs around $3. Not too bad. The fabulous thing about these... you can use these recipes at events!!! Especially the BLT gravy with chicken as it's a gravy and you can actually chop up the chicken into pieces and bits and use nothing more than bread to scoop up! It's a dish that's beyond heaven when you try it! And VERY, VERY addictive! One of Rachel Ray's brilliant dishes. Hmm... The others, I'm sure can be incorporated, too. Like a pirate's hamburger! How's that, Roberts! Patties of burger made to order with whatever toppings you want in a dutch oven. Pasta... perhaps orzo and gnocchi or spatzel. Make your own or store bought. Making your own is easier and it's a great pasta that goes with ANYTHING. Here's something simple that combines two of your favs... and also can be at events... GOULOSH!!! It's simple: burger, pasta and tomato/veggie juice. Add in veggies and spices if you want and sausage. :) You really cannot go wrong with Goulosh! The Food Network or the Cooking Channel always have some great ideas in food, even with low cost and better yet, dishes you can make at events! Shall keep watching those channels for some ideas to pass along. ~Lady B
  5. Hmm... good point. It would carmelize it and sweeten the beef rather than allow the beef's natural flavors to shine through. GOod point. ~Lady B
  6. Aye, Cross. As attractive as those are, they are generally impractical. Especially those blasted, freakin' bloomers! Ugh! Hated those! They are fun to wear for a costume party but not the type of thing last nor good for a long term pirate event especially when camping is involved, etc. A fantasy pirate look many like and would rather go for because they want to look the way they want to look and price. But there are some who will wear a more longer lasting, historically appropriate pirate look out of comfort and is far more enjoyable. Face it, some of us pirate ladies like the right look for reasons of being able to get on and off the ship without troubles, walk about without passing out, able to go to the bathroom without troubles of how one would bend over, etc. There are ways women can dress in men's attire and yet accentuate their figure. I suppose if a pirate woman wants to... she could wear a mantua over a gentleman's ruffled shirt, with petticoat breeches/slops underneath silken stockings and find shoes with hair like they were wearing a hunting habit or ribbons through them as though a loose "rag" look (which is a means to curl the hair overnight, long story). There are unique ways to take a more historically correct look and altering it to a unique woman's taste. Darn the fact that my scanner is broken, otherwise, I'd conjure up a few drawings. ~Lady B
  7. Generally I've looked around various places for something to use other than plastic totes. Michael's Crafts store had (not sure if they still have them or not) some small chests that were PERFECT for any sort of 18th c reenacting and storing almost anything! They were unfinished but had a good, basic design that kept the bottom of the chest off the ground even though you never noticed. I was able to store my plates, small pots, tankards and glasses, spices, silverware, and much more in there. I have about 3 of them. Only thing I wasn't able to put in there, were my cast iron dutch ovens. Some nice stuff though so far. :) Necessity breeds creativity. ~Lady B
  8. Oooo.... tis a nice chest. How much for a devil like that? ~Lady B
  9. Yup. You can do that, or obtain a sod cloth or some treated Sunforger canvas from a carrier and make your own sodcloth (which is not that difficult). Never really had a problem with rain though. How odd. I've always used those cheap Aztec style woven rugs and they've been fantastic. ~Lady B
  10. Aye, tis a fair price for a vessel of her calibur. However, just struck me as odd how... distant the ad was between the vessel and the LLC that runs the vessel. So, if this trust group is selling it, does this mean the trust itself is for sale with the ship? Along with the employees? I'm just beyond confused how a ship is for sale but the rest of the company a part of the ship and the website there is no mention of it. Just... too odd. And way off. So, why sell a ship you just refurbished? What will happen to the LLC that governs the vessel? Like I said, just sounds a little ... off. Aye, I'll start playing the lotto and see if I win. The Bounty would be a well worthwhile vessel to keep around. Or worse comes to worse, place her in permenant dry-dock like the HMS Victory. ~Lady B
  11. One sick pirate... NEED RUM!

  12. Welcome to th' Pub. Glad ye found this fine piratical establishment. Feel free to wander about, just keep thy weapons an' coinage close to thy vest. Lookin' forward t' more carousin' with ye. ~Lady B
  13. Oooooo... I'm still glued to th' ring! Aye, right nice items ye have there, Old Crow. ~Lady B
  14. Ooooo.... a Turkish Pirate! Not many of them about th' piratical waters! Huzzah! Welcome to th' Pub, Gio! Grand t' have ye with th' lot of us. :) ~Lady B
  15. ROTDLMAO!!! ::: applauds ::: I love it! "Poker Face" and "Bad Romance" are the only two songs I like from Lady Gaga. A great parody! ~Lady B
  16. Really? Seriously? It this for real? I thought it was under some trust or some volunteer organization or something else, receiving donations, etc? Apparently someone had pointed out to me that the HMS Bounty was up for sale for just under $5 million. Here's the URL: http://easternyachts.com/bounty/index.htm Is someone pulling our peg legs or is this the real deal? ~Lady B
  17. Happy Birthday to one o' th' Devil's Dozen's own. ~Lady B
  18. Happy Birthday to ye, Silkie! Here's to ye on your blessed day. ~Lady B
  19. Yes, this really was said last night at supper: "Eat your ice cream properly! Not with the sword!!"

  20. Tonight on the History Channel on Modern Marvels is "Pirate Tech". Not sure if it's past or contemporary, but it's still work a look nevertheless. Modern Marvels on the History Channel, tonight at 6 central. Check local listings to find what time it's on in your area. ~Lady B
  21. One's Quarters should NOT be soakin' wet!

  22. T'was gonna say, yo'r name be right familiar, m' good man. Well, glad ye hover 'bout this ol' Pub and enjoy it! And shall continue to enjoy comradery and carousin' with ye, Mr Arms. Indeed, we shall all cross paths some day, sooner or later. Florida, eh? Plenty of Floridian Pirates here on th' Pub. :) Glad ye introduced yo'rself with a picture of ye. A fine pirate ye be, good sir. ~Lady B
  23. Wishin' m' Sister of th' Sea a very happy and blessed birthday! May Poseidon shower thee with wealth and good forture one such as ye need and deserve, lass! Many, many blessings, and of course, many, many... much many more treasures to be tossed at yo'r feet! :::Hoists tankard high::: Here's to ye, Black Syren! The best of wishes and wealth on yo'r special day. Th' Pub and piracy would be hollow without ye! ~Lady B
  24. I'm still in awe, Mr Bagley. I've fancied to have at least one for several years now but never was able to obtain one. As ye pointed out, they are incredibly pricy! Most places I have seen put the more decent usable ones at a few hundred. Yikes! I could use that sort of money for a Marquee tent! Shall watch the eBay site. Perhaps someone will sell them on etsy. They'd be easier to lug around to events than a chest I'm sure. Especially if you need to carry about something a lot. Or you haven't much room to store in yo'r tent. Great for the cavalry reenactors and anyone else upon horseback at events. Again, once again, ye amaze me with yo'r prowess with leather, good sir. ~Lady B
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