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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Hmmm... so many to nominate. Ladies gettin' their own? Oh, bloody hell no! We can stand up with th' best o' them piratical scoundrels and most can out do them! Co-ed, says I! There be a few of them who stated they'd nominate for me. But I have yet t' see those bloody scoundrels and lop-legged bilgerats step up to th' quarter deck an' pipe up! Tis time I be ensurin' they do such! ::: pulls out pisol and sword::: Pipe up! Bagsley! Aye! Bagsley! And Aye! Second, Oderlesseye! These two gents have indeed done quite a bit for Pirate and Community. And Will! Th' bacon lover! Hehehehe... ~Lady B
  2. Nice. Interesting choice of pattern. ~Lady B
  3. Ahoy... an' welcome to th' Pub. Ye've come to th' right place, lass, when it comes t' anything piratical. Now.... Pub tradition be that ye buy each of us a round a drink o' choice. So... HYPNOTIQ for me, thank ye. Again, welcome. Take a look around. MANY, MANY threads that offer much information on any sort of topic ye can imagine concerning piracy or sea-farin' sorts. ~Lady B
  4. Bloody awesome, Oderlesseye. ~Lady B
  5. Rats! Bosun Carmina! Black Hearted Pearl! Calico Ann Rackham! All a good pirate and worth their weight in gold and salt! And that's quite a bit, mates. So, Happy Birthday to all of ye. Hoist yo'r tankards, mates, and wish 'em well on this day of theirs. ~Lady B
  6. Ye and Sea Rover 'll be sorely missed. But perhaps another event. Hoping I can still go (since I was planning to not go Sunday and spend it with my dad in Chicago since it's his birthday). Had an added expense at the last minute - a new battery for the car. I'm still debating if any of this is doable. ~Lady B
  7. 40 pounds?!? Bloody hell, lad! Oh, none t' worry, we'll powder ye up good. :) Or powder that wig as Pete suggested. Sterling 'll bring the Port... I have some madeira... ye gots th' merlot, Oderlesseye? Cross, what shall ye bring? As t' some strings.... ::: glances around; pondering::: ~Lady B
  8. Nope. I guess I'm not attending PoP. Tis too far out yet for me and things can happen in 3 months time. So, not attending. If registration wasn't so far from the actual date, I might attend. But.... just can't say 100% for sure that I'm attending. Maybe next year, mates. ~Lady B
  9. I never call it Happy Memorial Day. For in some cases, it's not so happy. It's often bittersweet. It's happy, it's sad, it's memories, and moments we wish to forget. However, it is a Memorial day. A day to remember and honor those whom did what needed to be done, to serve our country, to offer their lives when some of us were unable to fight or unwilling. Those who sacrificed not only gave their lives but everything else... the rest of their life. This is in honor of my uncle Bobby who fell in Vietnam (and yes, my eyes are tearing up as I type this) plus both of my grandfathers who were lucky to have survived WW2 and live into their 70s with grand, fond memories made and better yet, to leave my family with momentos and personal accounts of their time spent during WW2 in the European campaigns. I salute them and later on, will make a trip to their graves to place a flag on their graves. As will I place a flag on the memorial of a Revolutionary War soldier who moved to Iowa, lived and died here at the age of 90 oh so long ago. This day is so we never, NEVER forget ALL of those who fought in wars from the Seven Years War and War of Independence all the way up to the War on Terrorism now. They fight for us. HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH! ~Lady B
  10. LMAO! Gives a WHOLE new meaning to SQUARE RIGGED! ~Lady B
  11. Poor Israel. Th' wig befits thee well... however... ::: starts to finger the treads::: ye need some fine velveteen and damask or jacquard and a grand large hat with plumes - and not talkin' 'bout Stynky's fingers - powder that face. Will make ye a proper fop yet, m' dear. Join we fops already on that side. Perhaps Cheeky 'll have another packet of face powder an' paint. Slave? Phfst! Should be far from such, Cross! ~Lady B
  12. LOL... sounds like a right nice idea there, Oderlesseye! Should have a Ball for we fancy pirates t' sport our fine threads. ~Lady B
  13. Right nice table there, O'Keefe. Smart, too. ~Lady B
  14. Sterling's right. Don't be blamin' him for th' "high-toned & fancy" appearance. If ye blame anyone... blame me. At least this time save Sterling's neck. I think others have been dressin' fancy before even I! So... it's somethin' that infects us all. LOL.. and ye be right, Oderlesseye. However, oddly enough... they STILL pick us out. Must be somethin' 'bout us. Fancy lookin' or not. Tis a fine outfit. Looks like ye took it off some pitiful, unsuspecting Admiral. LOL ~Lady B
  15. Hmmm.... ::ponders what th' devil Bilge is up to this weekend::: ~Lady B
  16. Congrats to Bottles and his wifey! Hope it's a healthy wee baby boy. Rather a tiny tot. Again, congrats, Bottles. ~Lady B
  17. Granted, not piracy. But how is it related? Well... we know someone involved in this Con who's involved in Reenactor Fest, too. :) FREE ADVERTISING for which I'm sure they will greatly enjoy! CyPhan is a new Sci-Fi convention in the Chicago area! ANYTHING Sci-Fi! June 25 - 27, 2010 at the Westin Chicago North Shore in Wheeling, Illinois (see a pattern here?). Special guests: Nicki Clyne (Battlestar Galactica) and Jewel Staite (Stargate Atlantis & Firefly)! More info, check out the website: CyPhan Also... for those of you not in the Chicago area and are unable to view the commercial during Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe, check out their commercial on YouTube! Come on! Let's support this Con! ~Lady B
  18. LOL... Aye! Bloody well set that trend. ::: Wearing velvet and velveteen, silk and damask, fine cottons, jacquard, etc; with fancy hats to boot!::: And dressin' all fancy is bad... how? ~Lady B
  19. :::le sigh::: I'm hoping to get the Registration in. But, not sure who is attending with me let alone I haven't a clue if I will have that weekend off. So, I'm at a catch 22. ~Lady B
  20. Ye all shall be missed greatly. :::hugs Red Bess::: especially ye, Bess and Rover. And can completely understand Sterling. ~Lady B
  21. Very nice, Oderlesseye. Ye look rather respectable! Hehehehe :) ~Lady B
  22. No kidding! I didn't think we still had any old threads! Boy was I wrong! Bloody hell this is an old one! I feel old m'self! Thought I posted on this one ages ago, too. Oh, well. Will post now. M' real name is Stacy, derived from Anastasia which is Greek for "Resurrection". ~Lady B
  23. Brilliant! Thanks for th' bump. This is helpful since I'm reworking my nephew's slops...again. ~Lady B
  24. LOL... Don't know about that. If I do, M.A. d'Dogge 'll be followin' me 'round beggin' for more Conch! LOL Thanks for th' suggestion. I'll think about it. We shall see when th' time comes. Two weeks! E'eryone excited? Again... who's attending this event? ~Lady B
  25. Be prepared to be in your period shoes for at least 12 hours! Make sure they are comfortable! Keep yo'r tankard handy at all times. You do NOT have to always swagger about in a severely drunken "Jack Sparrow" style to show you are a pirate. There's a hundred other people pulling that trick. Don't need one more person with a bad Jack Sparrow imitation. Above all... do NOT do anything STUPID! Meaning, something that will get you arrested at events. ~Lady B
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