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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. :::Glances about::: Haven't seen Charity on here in a while. I know she be in th' Netherlands- Oh,... a charity... not Charity herself. Well why didn't ye say that! So many charities t' go with, isn't there? ~Lady B
  2. LOL... Ye sure it's been handled by Frenchies? And not Continental Militia? Hell, I'm still stuck on the "fruit of the loins" (not loom) bit! Good God, Sterling! Ye are bloody damn OLD! Stynky... would figure ye'd have at least a couple flasks on reserve by now.... just in case ye lost one... again... like recently. ~Lady B
  3. Lookin' good thus far. Nice fabric, too. ~Lady B
  4. Hoist yo'r tankards high, mates! A mighty birthday wish for ye, Gunpowder Gertie! Old? Nay! Ye be a pirate! We all be 'round 300 years old, give or take a decade or few. But ye don't look a day over 30. May it be a piratically blessed day for ye. With what treasures and booty ye desire! ~Lady B
  5. Frightening how this topic is dry as low tide on a spit of land! I'm still planning on attending. I've most of m' arrangements made and now sortin' through items t' take with me. T'was hopin' t' set up a wee encampment, however, I haven't had much luck gettin' ahold of th' admin of th' festival. Bummer. Shall keep attemptin' though. Red Bess... m' nephew is wantin' to attend, with his girlfriend. We shall see, depends upon funds for him, too. I notice by yo'r statement on th' status at how excited ye be for this event. I'm prayin' for good, sunny, nice, calm winds, 70 degree weather. Generally, exactly what we had in '06. ~Lady B
  6. Grrr... wish I were close 'nough, Captain. But... I can sure 'nough spread th' word. How be that? ~Lady B
  7. Ooooo.... tis right nice there, Bagley! Thanks for postin' it here. I'm impressed. How much for a monster such as that? ~Lady B
  8. LMAO! Oh, dear Lord! Sterling was CLONED! Welp... glad th' lot of ye survived th' event. Can't wait t' hear more 'bout Fells Point. ~Lady B
  9. Posting this here, as she called me up this afternoon to have me relay to all ye on th' Pub... she's unable to get on and respond properly due to a wrist injury. So, all of ye send yo'r good juju and prayers to our beloved Black Syren. Poor lass needs a massive break, aye? Again, get better soon, Syren, m'dear. Prayers always be with ye. ~Lady B
  10. Oh, how that Jimmy Buffett song rings so true... "I'm a pirate, 200 years too late..." Free time? What free time? OK.. maybe I have a tad bit right now since I'm on here.. but that silence does NOT last for long. ::Looks at the clock, cringes as the kids will be bouncing over here in less than an hour::: Grrr... no free time here. ::ponders::: seems it, aye? This I can agree with completely. I have fought in armor ( and looked like I'd been beaten to a pulp). I have done jousting on horseback. For sure, shyte happens. :::nodsnodsnods:: Guranteed, there will be SOME instance ye will have a flesh wound, be it minor or major. I don't think I've gone to an event without just the slightest cut. Hell, last pirate fest I went to, my pinhole pick for my guns had jabbed into (and damn near through) my finger. Didn't feel a bloody think but my finger was incredibly bloody by the end of the battle scenario. Sliced with flint, etc.. it's just one of the perks we historical folks get. Hear ye about the job issue. I tell ye... commandeering one of them fine ship - Genoa, Kalmar Nykel, etc - seems all th' more tantilizing. But no match to th' current world Navies... unfortunately. ~Lady B
  11. I posed this question on Ye Olde Tavern and now will do so here. Any of ye who participated recall the recipes? Or does anyone know where I can obtain those recipes? My family (parents, nieces and nephew, sister, aunts and uncles, etc) wants to try those awesome dishes now. I swear, everyone was smacking their lips - along with laughing histerically at M.A. d'Dogge. Again, where can I obtain the recipes for those fine dishes and entrees? ~Lady B
  12. I've a feeling somehow that thread was lost in the latest updating or shifting around of things. Pity, too. ~Lady B
  13. Damnit, Bo! Oh, what a temptation! Tis a nice vessel indeed. I'm with ye, though. Wish I had th' funds and attended more events to utilize such a vessel. ::le sigh:: ~Lady B
  14. Robbie... ye kick that damned horse... that horse 'll kick ye right back! Or bite ye if ye be lucky! :::places a sign around Robbie's neck that says "WARNING! If next to horse... STAY BACK!"::: ~Lady B
  15. Oy! VIDEO! I know many 'll be taking pictures... but this is the age of moving pictures, too, mates! How's 'bout some video and have it posted on YouTube or else where? How's that? Would love to see the Induction Cememony of the Devil's Dozen Order. (We almost need our own cable or satellite channel specifically about pirates, don't we? So many events, so many movies, so many documentaries, and more!) ~Lady B
  16. ROTDLMAO! Oh, Hook... THAT deserves an award! ::applauds:: Tis a fabulous little ditty jig, QM James. Looks like fun. And nice use of not only the hat but the hunting frock! Kudos. Don't really see many attempting to wear that piece. ~Lady B
  17. :::hugs::: Here's one more that feels th' same when watchin' Dinner: Impossible. Had that same pang as well. Aye, seems that real life never lets up, does it? I'm sure ye'll get an event in.. somehow. Especially if ye become desperate enough t' see everyone. I know it sounds bad, but that's a great incentive t' take a break for yo'rself. Ye be well missed, Jessi. ~Lady B
  18. That's a bit creepy. Yikes, lass. Looks like ye should have partaked in that massive feat in PiP this past November. :) Oooo... Billy Bones has himself a lass! ~Lady B
  19. A mighty happy birthday to ye, Chrispy. ~Lady B
  20. Tis a good thing that is a plushie and not th' real thing... I'd be searchin' all over for it! OK.. I admit... I fancy th' bloody things. They are THE best way to wire yo'rself up good when ye need t' stay away all night. Why? Simple - pure sugar! Now... Mission... I admit... I was HIGHLY entertained by yo'r "mission" to find th' facts about the Peeps. Tis a good thing we get them at certain times a year, aye? The melting in the coffee was like something from a sci-fi, aye? :) Ye be so funny. ~Lady B
  21. Yeah, heard that Disneyland was evacuated. Sounds like it was a hell of a ride. Glad all are ok. Any damage anyone? Besides loss of water? :) ~Lady B
  22. Hmmm... ne'er though o' that. Sounds interestin', Pew. Shall have t' give this a shot. ~Lady B
  23. Just go with the flow of what you can do I suppose. One is only limited by the ideas they have. ~Lady B
  24. I found a bottle at a local Hy-Vee (grocery store) and thinking about picking it up. It's under $21 (I wonder if that's a hint on who is NOT suppose to drink it). Anyone try this rum yet? ~Lady B
  25. Welcome back to th' friendly confines of th' Pub, Marcus. :) Pull up to th' table and have a pint. Gonna buy us all a round? ~Lady B
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