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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Hurricane.... you are EEEEEEEVIIIIIIIILLLLL! The Indonesian Trident-head chabang looks like a fantastic item for our very own Black Syren! :::coughcough**getitsomeone**coughcough:::: I'm seeing a couple items on there I'm fancying. Umm... that Afghan Blunderbuss... ye think the lock has been changed from a flintlock to a precusion? ::le sigh::: ~Lady B
  2. More likely th' greed of devils worse than we. Nope, I don't celebrate this so called holiday, never really have. But I will be a Lady and wish all ye fine pirates a fine V-day. ~Lady B
  3. Foxe... yo'r a devil for tauntin' us with such a find device! :) ~Lady B
  4. dammit... now I want more stockings just like I want more shoes! ~Lady B
  5. Can't wait t' see what be in that treasure of yo'rs, Bo. :) ~Lady B
  6. :) I was beginnin' to think Bess was decoratin' her hat with other items b'sides feathers. Tis a right nice sword there, Oderlesseye. The decor is fancy and makes a point. Especially th' Spade. ~Lady B
  7. Mysterious Island was pretty wild, but of the Jules Verne stories, 20K Leagues is my fav. Well,... I'm starting on a book called The Secret. Just wondering who all has read it and what you think. I'm not exactly sold on it from what I've read thus far. Hoping to obtain Pirate Latitudes soon. Looks like a pretty decent book. Is it? Is the book worth purchasing? ~Lady B
  8. Oh, dear Lord... :::groans and sighs::: ~Lady B
  9. That it does, Silver. That it does. I can't help but each time I'm in the supermarket, when I see crab legs to think about those guys who crabfish. Already I am hearing of some people who are incredibly stunned and saddened that he's passed away. Apparently, he's impacted people in a way that some can't. And gained a lot of respect. He's been through a lot, especially while on the show for those couple of seasons. ~Lady B
  10. Yeah... I've done that several times, Matt. They tell me otherwise. The stores tell me they just get what's shipped to them and that they have no control what's being sent to them. BS says I! ~Lady B
  11. Don't feel bad, Bottles. My dad and step-mom slept through it, too. And they live not too far from the epicenter. Odd balls. I was up at around 4am and didn't feel anything. At least, I don't think so. Heck if I know, my poor memory is shot. Yeah, Cheeks... the earthquakes are kind of increasing yet I heard that they are decreasing in strength and the fault area is becoming dormant. Ummm, yeah. if they say so. I'm not about ready to treat it as dormant. It's like saying Yellowstone won't erupt someday. ~Lady B
  12. Awesome, Gertie. :) That's perhaps the best way to get ahold of Pirates Magazine. I've not had much luck getting it at Barnes & Noble who's suppose to carry the magazine but do not. ~Lady B
  13. Meh. Hit a 4' drift in a jeep with 35" tires . . .that was interesting . . . LOL... WOOHOO! Sounds like you need more than a jeep, you'd need a dune buggy! It's a whole new off road sport (meaning you don't know WHEN you've gone off the road but somehow you have and it's a challenge and adventure just to get back on the road, that is IF you can see the bloody road!). Pew... I think ye've discovered a new Xtreme game.... Blizzard Off Road! ~Lady B
  14. Hmmm... Looks like Iowa during a normal winter. Fun driving in that, isn't it, Pew? :) ~Lady B
  15. Tis time we move on from this subject matter. If there be any discrepencies... please take it off th' Pub topic to a more private setting... please. Been down this road b'fore... don't want t' go down it again. Thanks mates. ~Lady B
  16. Awww... such a handsome lad. ~Lady B
  17. I feel for you all out there. I really do. Sunny today to the point it's blinding as it reflects off the snow. Cold, and VERY windy. Sounds like another snow storm is heading our way.... again. UGH! Does it ever end? Great... these damned snow storms will be reaching into April or May! ARGH!!! At least the earthquake is adding a little change to the recent snow around here. ~Lady B
  18. Yup... ye read that right. Another Midwestern earthquake. And so close to many members of the Archangel, too! (Damnit, what ye bloody devils doin'?) Apparently a 3.8 (was initially thought to be a 4.3) magnitude earthquake from the vicinity of DeKalb, Illinois was felt rather strongly in Chicago! Shocking, eh? Happened around 4am, this morning. So any of ye around the northern Illinois area (possibly eastern Iowa, southern Wisconsin, Western Michigan, Northwest Indiana...) and ye felt a little shaking around 4 this morning... THAT was the earthquake. Cool, huh? I'm a bit bummed... 'cause dammit! I missed another Earthquake! ~Lady B
  19. Ye can actually see to th' road, Hook? Wow, darn good eyes. LMAO!!! There ye go, Bob! I like that idea with th' snowblowers! At this rate... we'll all be Snow Pirates... or, ICE PIRATES! We best start buildin' those Arks, mates. We'll be needin' them when Spring comes around! ~Lady B
  20. My my... Tis another fabulous Birthday. :) A hearty Happy Birthday to ye, lass. Hopefully ye get what treasure ye wants an' dream of obtainin'. May there be plenty o' rum cake for ye to enjoy. ~Lady B
  21. Tis a fine list. Congrats to Pub members Sterling, Stynky, Cascabel, and Greene. ~Lady B
  22. Phil Harris, Captain of the Crab boatCornelia Marie, died Tuesday at aged 53. Those who have seen the Discovery Channel favorite "Deadliest Catch", know the brash and bold Phil Harris as though he were a best friend. Captain Harris has endured much during the seasons of including a massive injury and cancer. Below is an ariticle from Associated Press on Yahoo. Captain Harris will be sorely missed. Huzzah to a fine Captain. ~Lady B Discovery Channel: 'Deadliest Catch' captain dies Phil Harris, the fishing boat captain whose adventures off the Alaska coast were captured on the television show "Deadliest Catch", has died, the Discovery Channel said Tuesday night. He was 53. Harris suffered what his family described as a massive stroke on Jan. 29 while the fishing vessel he captained, Cornelia Marie, was in port at St. Paul Island, Alaska. The fisherman was flown to Anchorage for surgery. The reality show, which has filmed five seasons, has been one of the Discovery Channel's most popular and depicts the crab fishing industry in the dangerous waters off Alaska. "It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to our dad - Captain Phil Harris. Dad has always been a fighter and continued to be until the end," sons Josh and Jake Harris said in a statement released by the network. "For us and the crew, he was someone who never backed down." In a statement, Discovery Channel senior vice president Elizabeth Hillman says, "Phil was a devoted father and loyal friend to all who knew him." "We will miss his straightforward honesty, wicked sense of humor and enormous heart," she said. In an e-mail to The Associated Press, she said no additional information was immediately available Tuesday night. Harris had seemed to be improving, and in a posting last Saturday on the ship's Web site, he was described as "talking to friends and family today; showing his greatest progress" since the stroke. His sons wrote in a Feb. 3 posting that "No one ever said Captain Phil Harris wasn't tough. Today, dad showed some good signs of improvement, squeezing our hands and even summoning his trademark Captain's bluntness ... We are encouraged but still very cautious." According to the ship's Web site, Harris started working on fishing boats at age 7 and started work 10 years later on a crab boat. When Harris turned 21, he ran a fishing vessel out of Seattle, making him one of the youngest to captain a vessel in the Bering Sea. When Harris suffered the stroke, the family said a friend, Derek Ray, had flown to St. Paul to take over the role of relief skipper for the rest of the opilio crab season. Harris' fishing vessel was based in Seattle.
  23. LMAO! Awww. come on now, Pew. Do ye REALLY want t' be in a place with no more snow? Just think of all the piratical snow fights we can have. ~Lady B
  24. Hmmm... favoritism when all decked out in our attire, eh? ::ponders with a smile:: Oh, none t' worry, good Captain... I'll be makin' m' presense known. I doubt ye'll miss me. I just pray that I can FINALLY make an attempt t' stand upon th' deck of th' fine Royaliste. :) ~Lady B
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