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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. LOL... Cross! I'm awaitin' Sterling t' smack ye, turnin' ye black an' blue fo' that. :) Ye should be tossin' gold an' gifts at J8ksdad's feet! Ye bloody pirate ye. ~Lady B
  2. Many birthday wishes to J8ksdad! A hearty piratical birthday to ye, good sir! May ye be b'stowed with many a fine treasure t'day with plenty o' rum an' rumcake. A cannon salute for as many years ye be. Huzzah! ~Lady B
  3. Ahoy... Glad to see some more folks in Iowa getting in on th' piratical band wagon. Alas, I won't be able to attend that event. But I would love to be kept in the loop. I'll send ye an email. ~Lady B
  4. Hmmm.... I think m' purse is attempting to burn a hole. Looks like I'll have to be obtainin' some maps here by th' summer. ~Lady B
  5. Hehehe... Ego? naw. But kids sure learn quickly when they are inquisitive. So... where's these jumps of yo'rs lass? Would have figured ye'd have them up by now. :) Eyelets or not. ~Lady B
  6. Hmmm..can't view 'em. I'd have to register to do that. Bummer. Well, I'm sure what there be be nice and any of them 'll work. ~Lady B
  7. Yup... I'm on both. Lady Barbossa's Myspace Lady Barbossa's Facebook ~Lady B
  8. There is a lady who makes lace, mainly via bobbin, who attends some Rev War events in the midwest. I'll ask Hazel Dickfoss who this is. But her handy work is amazing! ~Lady B
  9. Ye and me both, Callenish. :) I'm grumbling each time someone gets an outfit piece finished. Very nice, Pete. Kudos on a nicely worked outfit there. And ye sport it so well, too. ~Lady B
  10. Nice. :) I want one now! Bloody, hell that would fantastic for one's home or work place or even take to events! They need to make them again. ~Lady B
  11. Ahoy, MadL... Ye can check with Mary Diamond on footwear. She offers some colonial style shoes with a femenine touch. Not overly pricy and if something happens to them, you won't scream, cry and need to be put into a padded room. :) They are comfy. G. Gedney Godwin is one place to go, as Conny had mention. Most other sutlers who sell shoes are either from the UK or sell Fugawee footwear. Townsend use to have a fabulous low squash heel shoe for ladies, but they no longer sell them instead they have the flat heel just like everyone else, they look more like men's shoes from the late 18th c. Sarah Juniper and Reenactment Shoesare the only two I know of that have good footwear for the late 17th and early 18th c that does not look cookie cutter to men's footwear nor the generic you see with most sutlers. Sorry that's about all there is. Sad, I know. Perhaps in the future there will be a better variety especially for women. I'd most definitely like to see more squash heel shoes rather than the flat, wide heel. ~Lady B
  12. Oooo... hell, I wouldn't mind trying some of the old, frozen whiskey! I'll be looking forward to a taste when they replicate it. Huzzah! thanks for th' article. ~Lady B
  13. Well, I'll be. Happy Birthday to ye, shipmate! Hope ye got what's ye wanted. Blasted, I forgot yo'r rum cake. :) ~Lady B
  14. Kudos, Connie. Nice work. :) They look close enough and more than passible. Impressive indeed. ~Lady B
  15. Oh, dear God, please NOT Penelope Cruz!!! ANYONE but her. Ok, not anyone... but there has to be some other better actress than she. She's reminds me too much of these teenage &*(#)@&*$# on Disney channel tv shows and tv movies already. It's stomach churning. If they are going to bring in a sexy woman, at least pick Angelina Jolie. Sad, but she may work. At least she can pull off the seductress well, like Black Syren suggested. Please, please, PLEASE... some other gal. I don't want to vomit and be sick during the film. I want to at least enjoy Barbossa. Already... I am taking these rumors worth their weight in salt. Until I hear from Iron Bess here what the word is... I'll take it as nothing more than a worthless rumor. ~Lady B
  16. Fabulous fabric, Constance! I'm drooling. Hmmm... good question about stitch or bind. Good question indeed. Can't wait t' see the piece finished. ~Lady B
  17. OOoo awesome link, Sterling. Now why can't we find modern lace similiar to those designs? Would be a lot easier for we historical folk. Those are great examples though. I'm leaving the lace making to the professionals. Maybe if I obtain the coinage, I'll have a fabulous lacemaker from this region to make me some special lace for a fine gown. Maybe. Need th' darned money for it though. Or cuffs... or a cravat. ~Lady B
  18. Ooooo... I'm really likin' that cat. Eyein' it whilst droolin. ~Lady B
  19. Thank ye, oh might Captain. :) Lookin' forward t' seein' ye and yo'r fine ship this summer. ~Lady B
  20. Yup! Port Wash Pirate Fest is a go. It will happen. Anyone making plans to attend? ~Lady B
  21. Local Library should have a book on lace making of any sort. I went to the Library today and found two books on making lace: bobbin lace making and Lace making for beginners. But, as I've glanced about, Googling and searching online, it's more about what type of lace rather than just... any lace. Ye just may find something out there at some store that will look like the lace from some outfit in a museum somewhere. ~Lady B
  22. Damnation I am rich!!! Well bet the Wife will take me back now.... LOL... Now why would ye want t' do that? And ye be rich? Bloody hell! I'll be wallowin' in it (not shyte! but fortune) as well! Time for a party, Sterling. Bring out th' liquer! Hide th' gunpowder! :::hides th' silver candlesticks and the barrels of wine; attempts to look innocent::: :::Throws on "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga; then skips to a halt:: wait... What?!? No strip poker!? Awww.... ~Lady B
  23. Hell's Thunder! M'lady B., talk about Absinthe and meeting the Green Faerie... that mix will have ye meeting with the Green Leprechaun. Slainte! Jas. Hook LMAO! Oh, Hook... that's nothin'! Ye should drink gin, whiskey, cello, rum, tequila, tequilla rose, wine, scotch, and whatever else one right after th' other, or all at once. Ye'll be meetin' more than th' Green Leprechaun. As ye can see, hitchhiker.... we be a wily lot. BEWARE! ~Lady B
  24. Welcome to th' Pub. Glad ye found yo'r bearin's to our fine establishment. :) Ye've come to th' right place for anything pirate related. And hopefully, ye'll be jointed with a fine crew, too. Th' Carolinas be fine country. Again, welcome aboard. Oh, and ye owes us a drink. I'll have bailey's irish cream with creme de mint. Thank ye, laddie. ~Lady B
  25. Tis a very, very good question, MadL. Been seeking out lace m'self. I'm severely kicking myself for not pick up some "lace" at the local Goodwill that was PERFECT for the period as a cravat. Sterling may know. Sterling's sported fine lace before. ~Lady B
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