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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. There is a topic of the Dinner: Impossible under Pirate Pop since it's a TV show. It would be possible to merge the various topics if the other forum mods are willing and able. ~Lady B
  2. That was bleedin' hilarious! Dogge.. ye've outdone yo'rself! And O'Keefe playin' with as ye attempted t' shoot th' Master Chef... brilliant! And ye lagin' behind near th' sunbathin' beauty... priceless. Of course, my comments after laughing aloud were "Sterling's gonna kill him!". But my family got a kick out of it. And want to try that rum soaked salmon on the cedar planks now. I told them... they couldn't have my Pirate's Choice rum. Kudos, Dogge. Ye did the pirate name justice or.. injustice or.. well, ye made it fun. ~Lady B
  3. ROTDLMAO!!! That was THE most hilarious bit I have EVER seen! Dogge... ye were grand! But I'm sure Sterling is WAY ready to keel-haul you! O'Keefe was just as hilarious. Aye, I saw Stynky there, Cascabel, Braze, Silkie, Jamaica Rose and her beloved hubby, Cross and many, many more! What a lot! And Dogge... I think ye've gained an interesting new ... something at least in response to yo'r question "What will they think of me now?" But tryin' to shoot th' Master Chef? O'Keefe played rather well with that one, too. The whole of the feast looked fabulously delicious! :::applauds::: m' compliments to all ye who were in it. And Leather... he was such a trooper. ~Lady B
  4. And ye don't look a day over piratey, Foxe. Yeah, I'm with Callenish. I've seen WAY too many lasses who wear those corsets and some skirt with modern boots and she calls herself a pirate. Looks more like the latest fad from Hot Topics to me. There are the many levels of a pirate portrayal. I think this was being discussed on Living History Worldwide, too. But again, boils down to the person portraying a pirate persona. I had LOTS of fun this evening being rather tame but giving the truth and reality of piracy to some kids this evening. They were overflowing with questions and it was difficult to stop them from asking questions. But I told them I was afraid of the gallows and why. I told them gold wasn't the main item of interest on merchant ships, I made mention of what I would have done and what other crew members would have done. These kids were FASCINATED with the knowledge! And they soaked it up! I've found more often, people are fascinated with the reality and soak it up rather than being disgusted with it. The disgust and fear of one wrong move is just that... fear. If a portrayer is responsible, they should have nothing to fear. But that's the key... that portrayer HAS to be responsible. It is difficult to immerse one's self in the full portrayal when others around you are just not that into it. But the public is hungry. They want that knowledge. If it's fascinating enough, they will go with it. ~Lady B
  5. Yeah, same here, Sterling... sewing and need sleep. ::Clears throat:: Reading and replying to Hawkyns question or inquiry... I wanted to portray the many sides and aspects of piracy, progressing towards the history of it. Yeah, yeah, I'm a woman being a Captain, not all that historical, right? Well, I wasn't going to have that freedom of history and interaction with other crews and spectators as I dreamed of with my former crew, hence why I struck out on my own and why I am trying to create a crew (like we need any more, right? Plenty of them around?). But I'm kinda with MA d'Dogge... wearing many hats. I like the Hollywood fun aspect, but I want more of the historical stuff, too. A lot I want to do, but I'm limited to what I can spend on stuff, where I can go, and what I can do. If this was an ideal world, I wouldn't have to worry about ANY of that because I'd be a real pirate! In some manner of fashion. Hawkyns... My portrayal and persona - at current - is dictated to what event it is and who is there & willingness to interact. Sad, but true. But pirates didn't act by themselves, after all they were dictated by those around them. As it is in any society of sorts. But I hope to change some things and do more of the encampments and hopefully do more of the fun drama and portrayals rather than just prancing around looking cool. I'm itching to pull the trigger, in more ways than one! ~Lady B
  6. I know I wouldn't be able to. I'm with ye there, Rumba. Doubtful many 'll be able to attend this casting call. :::but looks at Billie Gunner anyways::: ~Lady B
  7. I'll ask that question to m' step-bro upon his return from the sea. Still working at the radio station. Not many hours, but that's ok for right now, since I've been caring for m' mom who busted up her leg pretty good back in Feburary. ~Lady B
  8. Tis nice, Matt. Glad it functions. Nothin's worse than a non-functionin' pistol... especially when it continuously shatters yo'r flint! Curious t' see what it will look like as th' finished product... well, sort of finished. Depends upon how far ye get with it. ~Lady B
  9. Wishing on of th' best to one of th' lass on th' Pub! Here's to ye, Red Handed Jill! May ye obtain all th' plunder yo'r black heart desires on yo'r blessed day. ~Lady B
  10. Depends upon how much coinage I have for one, and also how long PotC 4 remains in th' theater. Hmm... haven't been t' FB since last night. I guess we shall see, aye, Robert? After all, Eye won't be th' first, nor th' only, or th' last pirate on th' Pub t' be associated with PotC. ~Lady B
  11. What ye goin' on 'bout, Pew? Town meetin'? Fleet? Ye be raidin' yo'r own stores, Pew? ~Lady B
  12. That be lunch for later, Hook. The brow functions th' same way as th' beard. ~Lady B
  13. Hmmm.... I'll take the first line.. the shots! Someone else can have th' guinness. Who's up for a contest or race to see who downs the most in the least amount of time. PEW! Line 'em up again! ::: Slaps the bar counter laying down three pieces of eight!::: ~Lady B
  14. One an' all, hoist yo'r tankards high for one hell of a lass! Tis th' birthday of Red Bess! A lass whom I'm very glad t' say to know and to have been lucky t' be a shipmate to. Here's to ye, Red Bess... may yo'r piratical dreams come true this year... and shall see ye at Port Washington as I owe ye a drink. ~Lady B
  15. Some pretty wicked Colours there, mates. ~Lady B
  16. Oh, tis completely understandable why NO implants. Law Suit is NOT what Disney needs for someone's blunder with the boobs. That's WAY too dangerous, too. Could cost the girl her life if one of those implants should burst during a swordfight or tumble. So... Will and Elizabeth's kid is not in it? Awww... would have thought the kid would fancy tagging along with Barbossa or event Jack. LOL, or maybe that one red headed bad luck kid from the comic strip in the Disney kids mini-magazine thingie. That kid was hilarious! Ok... now I'm intregued. I'm actually wanting to see this film now. Even with Cruz. ~Lady B
  17. Relayin' th' message here.... MerryD spoke with Jan (lass in charge at the River Museum)... there will be NO Pirate Festival in Dubuque this year. Tis a pity. Perhaps next year. ~Lady B
  18. Grrr.. ye all be makin' m' whimper wishin' I was attendin' this event! Alas, I shan't... I have a commitment to Port Washington. Wish this event was on another weekend. Blast it! I'd be right up there with ye, Silas, on th' prisoner takin' and sword demos. I'm a bit rusty since it's been nigh two years since last I did some serious swordfighting (thanks to the Brotherhood of Steel for the training). Only way I'd attend the Fort event is if Port Washington cancelled. Perhaps next year, mates. ~Lady B
  19. LOL... Yes, Dogge... they fancied th' lot of ye it sounded. Plus there be a GREAT shot of ye and O'Keefe bellyin' up to a pint with th' Master Chef himself there in that article. As well as a grand image of Cascabel and Braze on one of th' vessels on the previous page. Tis worth pickin' up th' magazine, mates! Plus, keep a weather eye upon March 31st! ~Lady B
  20. ::Leans over to Mission::: He could be. ~Lady B
  21. Hmmm... who is that masked man on a mission? Oh! Tis Mission! Interesting but hilarious pic. Kudos on th' look, Mooseworth! Ye look like a man who can take on th' world and give Sam Bellamy a run for his money. McCool... that's just pure brilliance there, nevertheless! Absolute creativity. A fine mix of realism with the fantasy. Hats of to ye both. ~Lady B
  22. I recently flipped through the April 2010 edition of Food Network Magazine and boy, was I surprised to see Braze and Casacabel and even MA d'Dogge as part of an article! Oh, this grabbed my attention after laughing with gleeful amazement and childish stupor. Apparently, Dinner: Impossible cooked up a hell of a feast for those in Key West! Didn't someone on here mention they had a surprise fest? Anyways... I read the article and I am highly curious to see the outcome... and better yet, all m' pub mates on this show! This special showing of Dinner: Impossible is March 31st at 10PM (Not sure if that's Eastern or Pacific, so check yo'r local listings for the proper time) on the Food Network. I don't think this is a show ANYONE will want t' miss. ~Lady B
  23. Yup... definitely FB applies. Damnit, Foxe! Now I want to relieve both of them from yo'r possession. ~Lady B
  24. There be a lot of elements and places and things that still can fit into future PotC films. About damn time to bring in the Sirens and Mermaids. But if they be bringing in the Sirens, that's just... awww, poor Black Syren... they won't be bringing in Angelina Jolie as the top Siren. After all, that was Black Syren's "wish" years back when we had a thread on who would you want to play yo'r pirate persona in PotC. Oh, so many elements that could be part of PotC. And most fan fics are generally dodging and missing those elements! OH! Oy, Bess! Is Will and Elizabeth's lad in this one? I have to wonder since there's always an element of the credit clip that's in the following film. :) ~Lady B
  25. Oooooo.. Larger than the collection at the House on the Rock in Wisconsin? Those are some nice pieces of period hardware. ~Lady B
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