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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Oooo... Looks like I might be swiping m'self a news paper at PiP. :) Just add on one more mention of misdeeds to m' wanted poster. ~Lady B
  2. Oh, don't tell me that. :) Now I'm wishing I had a million dollars. LOL Hmm... that is a tough decision between linen or silk. :::ponders::: ..... Silk! Hehehehe.... pink flowers, hmm? That'll look cool! ~Lady B
  3. Hats by Leko has a wide range of colors and sizes, that's what makes it a good spot to look. Townsend blanks are good, too. But they - like many other sutlers - are restricted to black, brown and gray. ~Lady B
  4. Haven't seen it here yet, so figured I'll post it. Apologies that this is short notice. ~Lady B Pirates on Ice: Ice Skating with Pirates Sunday, March 21, 2010 3:00pm - 5:30pm The Pettit Ice Center, 500 S 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214 $10 Adults $8 Kids (12 and under) Skate rental included Pirate Dress Encouraged! ~ No weapons, swords, guns on the ice (nothing you want to fall on!) ~ No alcohol during skating. ~ Eye Patches...maybe not Tickets available online: at http%3a%2f%2fwww%2ePortPirateFestival%2ecom before March 20th After then or for more information or for alternate ticket arrangements; contact us at 262-388-9762 or info@portpiratefestival.com AFTER PARTY Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant 1901 S 60th St West Allis, WI 53219 6:00pm-9:00pm Dinner specials just for the Pirates! 9:00pm-??? Karaoke Benefits: Port Washington Pirate Festival June 4-6, 2010
  5. Hehehehehe.... :::nods::: I think it'll work. If only as a piece to tide ye over until ye get to make more outfit pieces. But tis nice and a good choice. ~Lady B
  6. Pinner Aprons. Tis th' key there. I've had GREAT success wearing my pinner apron and keeping my nice gowns clean. Plus the gowns wash clean anyways. Keep at least a good 2 pairs of pinner aprons that cover the majority of the front of ye and ye wouldn't have a problem with staining so much. It's amazing what we living historians go through to understand the past. But that is one VERY loverly pair, Constance. Majo kudos to ye, lass. That looks like it could have been used as a waistcoat type for a hunting/riding/travel habit. Looks like some of those I've seen. I've imagine they were rather versatile. I'll take ye up on th' offer, Constance. How much, lass? :) ~Lady B
  7. I hope they have Cruz all CGIed and such. I just don't fancy her as an actress. So, Bess... who else is comin' back? Besides Depp and Rush? ~Lady B
  8. Wicked! Hoping I can get there. Suppose I best see about getting a room, too. ~Lady B
  9. Damnit man! Ye make it difficult fo' a person t' save their doubloons! :::Whimpers; starts counting their coinage::: ~Lady B
  10. Petticoat has been SOLD! to a lass in New England and is loving the petticoat. If ye need or want a period petticoat, any size with period style fabric, quilted or not, just contact me. Th' hold of The Captain's Share is open. ~Lady B
  11. UPDATE!!! Rope sandels have been sold. ~Lady B
  12. Found some rope sandels at Goodwill the other day. Obtained them for someone I know but he doesn't want them. I'm not going to keep them in my chest... so they are up for sale. The rope sandels are $5 plus shipping. They'll fit a size 7-8 ladies/6-7 mens. Made in Made in Mexico, they are in great shape despite a little wear so they are naturally distressed and look like they can hold up to anything. Message me. First come, first serve. ~Lady B
  13. Why thank ye most kindly, Oderlesseye. ~Lady B
  14. Figured I'd pipe up an' state somethin' about it bein' Bloody Davy Kidd's Birthday. After all, he is m' nephew! Any of ye who attended Port Washington in 2006 met m' wily nephew (he still owes me a ring after losing one of my favorite rings in Lake Michigan!). Pete, I doubt you can get away with calling him a hobbit... he's just slightly taller than I! Spooky! Hoist yo'r tankards high for this lad. And pray... th' lad turns 16! ::: hears a horror scream::: ~Lady B
  15. I think FB can be applied here, too. I'm darn near envious, Foxe. ~Lady B
  16. Awww... tis BilliesDarlin's Birthday! Come on now ye lot! Join me in some fine wishes for a fun lass. Billie has himself quite th' gem there. Here's to ye, lass. May it be one heck of a day for ye and a grand piratical day at that. ~Lady B
  17. Thanks for th' info, Hurricane. I guess I better plan on bein' there for the whole event, aye? As far as it is from Iowa, I may as well spend a whole bloody week down there. ~Lady B
  18. Aye... seen that... LOVE IT! Brilliantly awesome. :) If that doesn't draw th' masses... nothin' will. ~Lady B
  19. Food vendors full? Mmmm... good! I expect t' be well fed! M' application t'was sent in. Patiently awaitin' orders. ~Lady B
  20. Awww... No! This can't be true! T'was hopin' t' finally set foot on th' Royaliste! Grrr.... Aye, I'll boycott alright! I just won't attend! ~Lady B
  21. OMG OMG OMG!!!! I can't believe I damn near missed m' own former Captain's Birthday! Bloody hell! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MerryDeath! Hope ye have a fabulous day... especially with yo'r favorite lad. I'd offer ye some rum, but... well, err... perhaps as Port Washington. A mighty Bday to ye, lass. One of th' finest and wildest women on th' Pub! ~Lady B
  22. Ye gents are EEEEEVVVIIIIIIIILLLLL!!!! Especially for a Lady such as m'self who's ALWAYS lookin' for fine things t' adore m' attire. Th' buckles are right nice. ~Lady B
  23. Ahoy, Korisios... I'm not sure about the Guatemalan and Caribbean styles during the Golden Age of Piracy, however I know that Mayan styles wouldn't have been worn as th' Mayan civilization has fallen before the Conquistadors had set foot upon the Yucatan. Post Mayan styles that were a mixture of Mexicana and Spanish influence were possible, but your basic traditional Mayan were not. Possible some slave of a Spaniard wore the head wrap, a skirt/kilt/pants of old Maya/Aztec/Toltec descent but doubtful the shoes and other traditional styles would have been worn by a pirate or buccaneer. Most of the Mexicana tribes had been converted by the Spaniards by the time of the Golden Age. This is worth some research since the Spaniards did use these tribal descendents as slaves and workers from working on plantations and mines to transport of the gold shipments on land. How many successfully escaped and became pirates... is unknown. ~Lady B
  24. YE ALL DARN NEAR GAVE ME A BLOODY HEART ATTACK! Geez!!! Haven't been t' PiP yet. Glad things will round back up t' normal... well, as normal as it can get for a pirate event I suppose. Pity about the end of the contract though. But, aye. These things are incredibly tricky. I swear, one would believe we be messin' with th' tricky Prometheus. ~Lady B
  25. I've experimented a couple times with makin' period shoes (with not-so perfect results) but in due time perhaps something a little less expensive and more realistic for women 'll come along for here in the States. But, aye... in th' meantime, check with Mary. I highly recommend th' footwear she has, especially the colonial ladies shoes. Right nice they are. Ye can obtain them in black OR white. and not as pricy as them foreign shoes. Or th' fugawee shoes either. Plus if th' shoes Mary sells gets wet or ruined, ye won't have a heartattack after $100+ down th' drain. ~Lady B
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