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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Happy Birthday to ye, Silkie! Here's to ye on your blessed day. ~Lady B
  2. Yes, this really was said last night at supper: "Eat your ice cream properly! Not with the sword!!"

  3. Tonight on the History Channel on Modern Marvels is "Pirate Tech". Not sure if it's past or contemporary, but it's still work a look nevertheless. Modern Marvels on the History Channel, tonight at 6 central. Check local listings to find what time it's on in your area. ~Lady B
  4. One's Quarters should NOT be soakin' wet!

  5. T'was gonna say, yo'r name be right familiar, m' good man. Well, glad ye hover 'bout this ol' Pub and enjoy it! And shall continue to enjoy comradery and carousin' with ye, Mr Arms. Indeed, we shall all cross paths some day, sooner or later. Florida, eh? Plenty of Floridian Pirates here on th' Pub. :) Glad ye introduced yo'rself with a picture of ye. A fine pirate ye be, good sir. ~Lady B
  6. Wishin' m' Sister of th' Sea a very happy and blessed birthday! May Poseidon shower thee with wealth and good forture one such as ye need and deserve, lass! Many, many blessings, and of course, many, many... much many more treasures to be tossed at yo'r feet! :::Hoists tankard high::: Here's to ye, Black Syren! The best of wishes and wealth on yo'r special day. Th' Pub and piracy would be hollow without ye! ~Lady B
  7. I'm still in awe, Mr Bagley. I've fancied to have at least one for several years now but never was able to obtain one. As ye pointed out, they are incredibly pricy! Most places I have seen put the more decent usable ones at a few hundred. Yikes! I could use that sort of money for a Marquee tent! Shall watch the eBay site. Perhaps someone will sell them on etsy. They'd be easier to lug around to events than a chest I'm sure. Especially if you need to carry about something a lot. Or you haven't much room to store in yo'r tent. Great for the cavalry reenactors and anyone else upon horseback at events. Again, once again, ye amaze me with yo'r prowess with leather, good sir. ~Lady B
  8. Very nice hat! Seriously, m' good man! It's fantastic! Not one of them black blanks with some tape about it, it's right nice, colorful with some fantastic trimming! :::applauds::: M' compliments, sir! And matches th' waistcoat right well, too! A fine lookin' pirate ye be! Massive kudos! ~Lady B
  9. Verified documentation or not, still, sounds rather delightful to try at least (WITHOUT the anchovies!). There's many varieties of salmagundi. Many of them tastey. ~Lady B
  10. I'd say lard would be best to use. In some places (like around here) it's usually readily available. But wouldn't pure butter be a better sustitute than any sort of oil? Butter would be more common, would it not? Olive Oil being more of a spice commodity that people would pay through the nose for? Aye? Would rather sell that or barter olive oil rather than use it? Keep the recipes a coming! Shall have to try this Caribbean beef stew. :) I'm always enjoying the amount of recipes that are posted here on the Pub. ~Lady B
  11. Thank ye, Carmella. Tis always fun to take certain experiences both online role playing and even reenactment events to create a persona's backstory. My goodness, Elana! Those are some indepth bios! Now, are these character strictly online characters? Or are they personas you have as a type of CosPlay or reenactment character? Loving these backstories on everyone's personas. And ye gotta love th' French, aye, Gage? ~Lady B
  12. :::gags; horrid face; chokes; etc::: oh, GOD! Bob, those horror stories... whatever they are... UGH! It's god-awful horrific stuff! Tastes like puke, looks like guts and blood, and smells S***! I still cannot understand how people really can fancy that stuff! UGH!!! OK, I need a bath now after just thinking about it. ~Lady B
  13. Quote from co-worker: "Stealing is good. Makes everything better! Yes, that includes piracy."

  14. Two great authentic ethnic restaurants here in Washington, Iowa. This place I HIGHLY recommend if ANY of you come to Iowa or even remotely close to it! This place has received lots of awards because it's been nominated by patrons and visitors. Rated incredibly high for it's fantastic food and atmosphere. An authentic Italian restaurant and shop, called Dodici's. Seriously, people... it would be a massive shame if you drove by and never stopped. If the restaurant is not open, then the shop is and there is plenty of fantastic local and imported wines, plus the soups are THE best ANYWHERE! Really! I've NEVER had a bad soup. Yet? Nope, no yet. Alessandro is that good! He and his family are from Italy though his wife was orginally from here. So, they opened up Dodici's and it's become such a highly acclaimed place because the food is great and so is the people who keep the place. Lots happens there like wine tasting events, social gatherings, even partakes in the "Slow down and Savor" event that takes place in Washington only twice a year! I have NEVER had a bad experience there nor bad food! It's the best! Another authentic place is the Casa la Grande. It's owned and run by a Mexican family. And they prepare the food fabulously. Real Mexican, not this Mexican-American stuff that's heavily seasoned and all. This is the real deal! And of course, if any of you have been to the Amanas near Iowa City and Cedar Rapids, that's a fantastic place for great German faire! Colony Inn is the best for a breakfast served family style. And the Ox Yoke Inn is THE best for great German entrees served family style. German potato salad is the best! As Rachel Ray would say ... "Delish!" And even for some of you who my recall... cottage cheese and chives! yes, chives in the cottage cheese! it's fabulous! very flavorful! I could go on and on about a lot of the restaurants around Iowa. So many of them that are fantastic it deserves it's own thread! Jonesy's near Urbana, Linn Street Cafe in Iowa City (my cousin Frankie's restaurant), John's Shamrock BBQ in Ainsworth, Bryn Mawr between Washington and Columbus Junction, Ced-Rel near Cedar Rapids, The Cheese Factory in Kalona (BEST cheese curds!)... Oh! and I MUST make mention of Simply Divine in downtown Cedar Rapids. My good friend Pete, she has some of THE most delightful candies, from childhood favs to the best truffles of assorted flavors with NO preservatives or additives. Especially the alcoholic ones! the After 8 and Grasshopper are one of my favs but the best one I had was the Mimosa. These are HUGE truffles, too! The person who makes them are out of Eu Claire, WI. Ok.. done with my ranting and raving. But, seriously.... check out some of these places. As I tell my neices and nephew, I shall NEVER steer you wrong with food! ~Lady B
  15. I've seen some variations of paella on some shows on the Food Network, mainly when Guy frequents various places on "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives". Some look good, some great, some... ehh. I admit, I'm eager to try it though. I've some seafood and meat and other veggies that need to be cooked up. This will most likely end up to be one of my fav dishes like ratatouille. :) Keep the recipes coming, mates! ~Lady B
  16. Hmm... a few recipes I have that I'm eager to attempt with in a dutch oven. In due time, I suppose. One was ratatouille, another was bacon-leek-tomato creamed gravy with chicken and bread. Plus multitudes of others. If I try them, they turn out well, shall post them here. ~Lady B
  17. LOL... oh, there are SOOOO many recipes to use! Here's one that can be used at events since you can obtain some of these veggies and are great for events, too. RATATOUILLE! Yes, you heard me right. It's delightful really! Like a marinara sauce but better! You can season it if you wish or not. Requires zucchini, squash (generally the yellow banana like squash), eggplant, onions, tomatos, and green peppers. Slice or dice up and put in pot or dutch oven. A little water (3 cups is way too much). Tomato or veggie juice works best. And cook. Bring to boil like a stew and let it all simmer. Now, you can add lime, lemons and/or oranges to it if ye like. It adds some zing to the dish. Lightly pepper as it soaks up the pepper well. Light on salt, too. But other spices like basil, paprika, savory, garlic... you can use as much as ye want to taste. It's a fabulous veggie dish! With squash... depends upon what types of squash you get. Butternut squash makes a fantastic bisque. Or just roast it and dash some brown sugar or maple syrup upon it. Acorn squash is great baked with maple syrup upon it. Zucchini and squash... you can skewer on a kabob and roast over a BBQ or campfire. With or without meat. Stir fry the zucchini with squash and whatever else you have. Steam or bake squash with sweet potatoes and carrots. Mash the squash. Oh, dear God, one can do so much with zucchini and squash! LOL, if ye can't tell, proper veggies as these two are often eaten within my family. Canning is a very good idea if you can't freeze. ~Lady B
  18. We lot be a wealth o' information, Malasses. Any question ye have, we shall answer to th' best of our ability. After all, tis what th' Pub be all about! Information and comradery. ~Lady B
  19. Pretty darn good there, Frenchy. Kudos. ~Lady B
  20. Ahhh... a fellow radio person! :) Well, still at the radio station. And taking in some commissions to make 18th c attire. Feeling like a full time and a half mom but the kids, etc are not mine! :rolleyes: ;) ~Lady B
  21. Weather will not differ me from attending an event. I've been to some VERY hot ones and survived... BARELY. It's having no means (money, transportation, time, etc) to attend an event. I miss the good ol' days when I had a good job that paid well to allow me to attend events PLUS live decently. BTW, those are some pretty good photos. :) Always enjoy seeing what there is each year. ~Lady B
  22. Damnit... Well, tis only August, granted however at current, I will NOT be attending PiP this year. Only way I'd attend is if I win the bleedin' Lottery. The Fates are being most unkind to me to not allow playtime with all you lot. Have fun nevertheless. Apologies for pullin' out. ~Lady B
  23. Ye'll be missed, Daniel. I'd say don't be a stranger, but, well... Hope t' see ye pop in from time t' time. :) ~Lady B
  24. Fond of French women to be sure Lady B. Hehehehe... Close enough I suppose. ~Lady B
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