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Posts posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. UPDATE!!!

    HMS Bounty info

    The HMS Bounty will be remaining at the Pier in Chicago throughout October & 'dressed up' as a ghost ship thorugh October!

    So, may change the Invasion a little.

    Still looking at joining Toby as Jack Sparrow at the Museum of Science & Industry on September 18th for the MovieMakers exhibit there.

    Maybe a casual group outing to the Bounty.

    But will plan a major Pirate Invasion in October to coordinate with the HMS Bounty.

    I am discussing this with the Pier at the moment.

    Interested? Let me know! October Invasion TBA soon.


  2. Very cool!

    Good to hear he's returning. Granted Johnny, Geoffrey, Orlando & Keira made great as Principals, but theco-stars like Mackenzie made the movie all the more an adventure ... each character grabbed your interest. :D


  3. Just 8, huh?


    Hmmm... will be tough... Partially agree with Christine on that. Since I already have 2 of the 2-disc DVD. One from Wal-Mart for that coin, the other from Blockbuster for the rental card. Hey, I grabbed what memorabilia I could. But, neither can top my standee of Barboss! :::HUGS grinz:::

    Hmm... I Guess, we shall see what it will be eventually. Hopefully more with Barbossa... since there is little that have Rush as Barbossa in the bonus'.

    Again... only 8?!?


  4. AHOY an' AVAST! all ye who either frequent or not th' port o' Chicago!

    The HMS Bounty be returnin' to the Navy Pier for the month of Sept!

    Sep. 3-26

    Tall Ship H.M.S. Bounty

    Navy Pier 600 E. Grand Ave. Chicago, IL 60616 (312) 595-PIER

    Guests of all ages will be invited to participate in a spectacular, month-long, educationally-oriented event involving tours and stories regarding the Bounty - one of the most widely recognized tall ships in the world.

    I've spoken with a couple other fellow pirates in the Chicago area about an Invasion in the future. How's about an Invasion on a weekend when the Bounty is in the waters of the Lakes?

    Welcome to ideas on what else to do, where else to go.

    Would be fun to be on the Bounty, get as many pirates as possible for a photo for Morgan! Ahoy, Morgan! Our favorite Patriotic Pirate! HUZZAH!

    Come pirates from WI, IN, IL, IA, & some of you who dare to come from OH .. or even MN, MI & MO!

    What say ye?


  5. Tis a pity Toby won't go for it. He'd make a fantastic Sparrow!

    What about Wade? I know Wade was rather bummed over the Toy Faire thing... maybe getting him into Disney would be awesome. May cheer him up a bit.

    Or even Jimmy! Jimmy makes an awesome Jack.

    As to Barbossa... Oooo.... between only 2 gents I am aware of that dress up like the ol' Captain.... & then there is Barbarous here if & when a fine attire is constructed for him.... I'm sure Barbossa will be a challenge. Oh! & Pintel & Ragetti! Those 2 are just 'da bomb'! Yes, Bess .. you can relay that on to Lee & Mackenzie.

    Maybe more PotC fun stuff... besides just the ride... like a stage show like they do with all the other Disney stuff like Indiana Jones... I think...

    Maybe be so bold as to actually have the Black Pearl ship... ::gasp:: it can sail behind the Columbia. :huh:

    Still hoping for a PotC Convention. & the theaters are not being all that cooperative on reshowing PotC, let alone doing the PotC Interactive... since the Interactive was meant as a fundraising idea. I've tried it here since March with little luck or sucess. Was hoping to raise money for the families of the Signal Battalion out of CR.. but they returned to the US in May-June. ::Le sigh::

    Just wanting more, this blood-thirsty pirate fandom .... :)


  6. :( Umm... no.

    I think I have seen that "avatar" more times than I care to. Since a friend of mine has been using that for her IM icon for months.

    I say turned the bloody bilge rat over to Barbossa & his cursed pirates.


  7. :) What Grey said.

    I do resale images or whatever that is stated as PotC. This guy crossed the line when he said it was official PotC props when they are not.

    Now... here's the kicker... he can get in trouble not ONLY from Disney & other studios... but from the people he bought it from I guess.

    :::Shakes head::: There is crazy... & then there is stupid. We are pirates... not fools. That eBay guy - I won't even go so far as to call him a gent since he is NOT a gentleman - has most obviously crossed the line of BOTH... a stupid fool!


  8. :P:P:P

    Oh, what childhood teen memories are aroused because of that movie!

    "The Goonies" was shown last night here in CR at Bever Park outside on a large screen. Was fantastic!

    LOVE the Inferno! Fine ship. Hard to choose a favorite scene. Though love the scenes with the Inferno.


  9. Ahhhh... Don Carnage! A sly fox he was! :P

    Aye, Hook & Smee... I was gonna say, I think I've heard let alone seen them on TV during parades, etc.

    :::Hands Barbarous a couple quill pens, inkwell & parchment paper:: I've plenty where that came from, Barbarous. For real.

    All you have to do is choose the color of ink: black, blood red, or Inca gold.


  10. :P Oh, dear Lord!

    Guinevere, this is also on eBay! Even those I know who are in the Artillery units in the NWTA & else where would NOT buy such silliness!

    Cannon fork & knife indeed.. ::Sarcastic::

    As to the hat... Cap'n Sparrow has emailed the brigand & also came to the conclussion that he's not tellin' the truth. Saying that the hat ONLY had a chalked in prop number. The Cap'n knows well that's not the case.

    Plus, as I have mentioned, any person with eyes can tell that is NOT one of the original hats.

    :: Turns to Barbarous; overly curious & intregued:: I find that a challenge, good sir. & I accept your challenge. Eventually.. someday you will see the fine attire. Or perhaps myself in a new outfit. Then wager on whether you are eager for a fine new outfit.


  11. Actually, Christine ... I have considered it. I've been stocking up on costume patterns that have been on sale through JoAnn fabrics. So... maybe in the near future I will be open to make attire for my fellow pirates. B) Both men & women.

    I finishing up on a Jolly Roger for Barbossa II... as well as doing 2 gowns for myself, a white satin fancy pirate outfit.. then the outfit of Calico Cat from the card game Pirates of the Spanish Main. & on top of all this.. STILL working on the King's Colours for a new British Rev War regt out in NJ. I have to tell you... the Union Jack is a HUGE pain in the arse! :lol:

    So... Aye... I may not be a great seamstress.. but I can hold my own... I've had to to keep the bilge rats & sea dogs at bay from taking my attire! B)

    :::breathless; hand upon chest::: Flattery like that gets you everywhere, Barbarous!

    B) :::Bow deeply before Barbossa:: Such an honor it would be, too, Barbarous... to repair your signature hat.. or make you a new one. :)

    Perhaps a new outfit for the most feared pirate of the Spanish Main? B)


  12. :angry: Your hat?

    Well... I suppose it be. Though... we can compare the finery of our hats. Hell... in comparison... & I admit... I may be bragging here... MY Barbossa like hat is better than that one from eBay! By a long shot with the long nines!


  13. I've heard of some of the extra's in "The Patriot" grabbing some of the items there cause they could use them for the re-enactments. Some were sold as well. Not all the items were to standards with some units... but others would allow it.

    I know someone who bought Tavington's finale scene uniform. It was cool... but curious enough to know what she was going to do with it. Last I knew, she just.... had it. No practical use for it. Ooooh, how I would have LOVED to have the helmet! The rest of the uniform, I couldn't use.

    I guess.. for me.... if I buy a prop... #1, I would REALLY have to want it. #2, I would want to find a way to use it.

    I'd STILL love to get my hands upon a replica of Barbossa's/Dawg Brown's pistol. & Barbossa's ring.

    ::ponders:: though a carbine from PotC would be cool... as long as I would be able to use it. But if it's no better than the one Art, my commander has & more expensive.... Ummm, I will take Art's... cause I know it works. :D

  14. Aye, glad to hear someone's usin' the pattern already fer their own purposes!

    Does anyone know where I may find a full length (to the floor) pattern for a wench's chemise?

    Captain Wolfy Wench

    Try McCall's pattern # 4091

    This is a 2 type pattern, 1 of the styles is colonial... so, can pass off as a chemise/shift. Ruffles can be added or not. Check it out. I think it's worth it. Besides, this weekend McCall's & Butterick patterns are on sale for $.99! So.. time to shop some more fellow pirates! :)


  15. Those 2 items - the drum & the tomahawk - are easy enough to get if you kow where to look for one. That type of tomahawk you can get from any where like Jas Townsend, Gg. Gedney Godwin, or any sutler at any re-enactment!

    The drum, they are a bit pricy but regt I know of get those IF they have a drummer. I've seen that with the British in the NWTA. :: shakes head:: This guy is REALLY pushing it... cause most of this stuff if not for resale in that type of way. Re-enactors are REALLY picky about what they get their hands upon cause of authenticity.

    Bess... give this bloody bastard a nasty dose of medicine!


  16. :lol::lol: ROTFLMAO!!! :lol::lol:

    ::wipes tears away:: Ooooh, Redd! So right... SOOOO right!

    Again, have fun, Bess!

    I still thing sending some of us pirates up to this guy would be fun! Oooooh, what we could do with him...

    Kidnap him... blindfold him... take him to the Black Pearl & have him walk the plank over some shark infested waters near a god forsaken spit of land smaller than Bess's isle... & with NO pistol! :)


  17. Capt' Jack Sparrow emailed the seller got a reply back that the hat porp # was chalked in, which told Jack that it wasn't the real prop.

    :::Sits down with popcorn & soda::: Oooooh, this is such a dramatic part! I'm going to love this!

    You know.. the difference between a good pirate & a bad one... the bad one is caught!

    This guy is SO busted like a captured pirate at execution dock!


  18. OK... also rather curious... what did Johnny take from PotC? I kow he's taken some items from each film he's been in... like Sleepy Hollow for instance, he got that device that held that criminal guy during the beginning scene with Christopher Lee... kinda looks like a torture device, I think it's a restraining device... anyone know what I am talking about? That & Johnny supposedly bought the gray old horse, Gunpowder.

    Heaven forbit what Johnny got a hold of this time! Well.. besides keeping the gold teeth..


  19. :rolleyes: ROTFLMAO!! ;)

    Ooooh, that is fantastic, Bess! Jerry B has the model of the BP in the back yard.

    I can just see it... kid next door....

    "Daddy! DADDY! Mister B has a big black ship in his BACK YARD!"

    No one else wants your job, huh, Bess? Makes it all the easier for you... well, in 1 way I guess. 1 less stress with all that you have already.

    Ahhh.... so I heard that many items from the sets just... disappeared! :)

    LOL.. think they will need security at the sets? ;) I know SEVERAL regts in His Majesty's service... close to the era. ;)

  20. :::Shakes head::: MY hat looks closer to Barbossa's hat than that one! Close, but no cigar.

    Aye, the hat belt & the buckle were not right... nor the pheasant feather, it's too new.. :::nods::: I didn't think it was the real thing whatsoever. Besides... doesn't the real Barbossa hat just cock up naturally? I know mine does & it stays there! MerryD could vouch for it, I'm sure.

    Too many feathers? Not even I have that many feathers.

    Yeah.. have fun there, Bess! LOL, I'd say have a LOT of pirate decend upon this person... Oooooh, how much FUN we could have! Perhaps have someone passing off as Barbossa searching for his hat? ;)


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