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Posts posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Oh, it was awesome, Fancy. Had the language... but didn't have the octopus scene. Bummers.

    I'd like to see some of the old movies. I rather rent them first to decide if I want to buy them. But... the local rental stores around her don't have much of a good selection of old pirate & swashbuckling films. I haven't seen "The Sea Hawk" or many of the old ones. I haven't seen "Casblanca" either. It's just not around here to rent. Sad,m isn't it.

    I want' to get "Blackbeard the Pirate" with Robert Newton... but... I can't get ahold of it. I don't like ordering online. As many times as people have told me to do that.... I won't.

    HEY! Sheila! Good to have ya with us! BTW... you had an honorable mention in No Quarter Given newsletter... as a girl with "Horns & a green outfit"... hehehehe....


  2. AVAST!

    Not sure how many of ya get No Quarter Given... but I just received the lastest issue.

    Apparently the Public Museum in Oshkosh WI is wanting pirate Memorabilia & pirate film memorabilia. I've mentioned this to a couple people I know already in te Chicagoland area who have PotC items.

    The pirate exhibit will be run from the spring into the fall of 2005.

    Perhaps an invasion during this or for the opening of the exhibit?


  3. My reply, Pete....

    :) :) :) :) :)

    Aye.. that you are. A modern day story about teens who go in search of the infamous treasure of One-Eyed Willie in order to save their homes. Great 80's teen film & pirate-y film.


  4. Tis been a while since I've seen it. I have it on VHS. Just haven't had the chance to buy the DVD. But I LOVE Goonies. I have to say.. my first "pirate" film. I remember watching it at home with my sister & best friend late at night. Oh, what fun!

    As to the cussing... ;) typical 80's teen film! :)

    They showed it last year here in CR in Bever Park... an actual park.. showing it outside... was great!

    Too many fav lines out of it:

    "Is it the A sharp, or B flat?"

    "If you hit the wrong note, we'll al be flat."

    LOL... How many of us when we saw that film as kids did we wish to find a treasure map.. go on an awesome, radical treasure adventure like that... & find an amazing treasure?

    I keep on telling myself.. I'll watch it again here soon. Someday I will... soon.


  5. Actually.... I traded Sir Christopher Myngs for a couple others I wanted. Can't remember off the top of my head what I traded for in specific.

    But.. with the trades I am doing at current, I am getting rid of the characters & ships I don't want... & getting the ones I do. ;)

    Soooo... soon I'll be getting Calico Cat, El Fantastma, a few more pirate ships like the Raven's Neck, Silver Dagger, Silverback.... &.. hopefully.. some more pirate crew. ::le sigh:: I'm a happy, satisfied, content piratess.

    Course.. I am looking at making my own custom cards for the game... which, people are starting to do & some of the cards are rather fantastic!

    Feburary is around the corner! Nearly there with Crimson Coast! ;)


  6. :ph34r:






    Lucky sea dog!

    I'd love to get my hands upon El Fantasma & the ghost crew.

    I've Christopher Myngs & Myngs Marauders... but, no keen on keeping them... just want a few pirate characters & as many pirate ships that catch my interest. So, far.. so good.

    I've got Genny Gallows & recently got ahold of Genny's Red Rampage... soon will be getting Genny's ship the Revenge in a trade.

    Will also be getting Blackheart in the same trade.

    Still want Calico Cat. :: le sigh::


  7. Ahoy, Bess.

    Welp... then may as well deal with some newspapers around the US... cause, a friend of mine here told me it was even printed in the newspaper that Keith Richards was going to be in the sequels.

    Sad... I know.

    Dead Man's Chest... I guess is not as bad as The Curse of the Black Pearl. Lord knows - except for a few who do - what will be in the sequels.


  8. Going between "A History of Pirates: Blood & Thunder on the High Seas" by Nigel Cawthorne... as well as "Patrick O'Brian's Navy; The Ullustrated Companion to Jack Aubrey's World" by Richard O'Neill.

    Both were Christmas presents from a friend of mine... & I am enjoying them both greatly! Invaluable info.


  9. :lol::lol:

    Dunno! Had some VERY strong winds comin' in from the west & northwest this morning. Blew most of the snow we got last night to God knows where.. I presume towards you charmin' folks over by the Lakes.

    But... with that Sail Chicago event coming up.. who knows what may happen & who may show up!


  10. I'm inclined to agree with ya, Julius. I looked at the comparison of masts, cargo space, firepower/guns & speed... the HMS Titan seems more the superior than the El Arocazado.

    Though... still doesn't make sense to me on some parts of the game. How the hell is a ship able to block another ships cannonfire? With invisible shields!? Cause, supposedly, the only power that the Revenant has... is no ship can block their cannonfire. :lol: Just makes no sense to me. How in the bloody hell do you damage a ghost ship? Oh, the Black Pearl is different, folks... that's a real ship. The Revenant, however, I doubt she's truly a real ship! Tis a true ghost ship in my opinion.

    ::Shakes head:: Some of the plays in this game just confuses me. Makes no sense.

    In my opinion.. any seaworthy ship can be sailed into an enemy port & take gold! One piece o' gold? By thunder! I'll take the whole damn treasury!


  11. I'll second that, Morgan! Tis a fine establishment. ;)

    ;) Hopefully this time... I won't fall! Though, t'was a bit fun. :lol:

    Oh! BTW... read this in the CR Gazette this afternoon.

    Strictly Sail Chicago 2005

    At the Navy Pier Feb 3rd to the 6th; 11 am to 8pm

    Sailboats, equipment & Services. Seminars & attractions.

    Weekdays admission: $10

    Weekends admission: $12

    That's all it says in the paper. Though, I'd imagine the website would have some info. If not call down there to see what goes.

    Hmmm... I'd almost say that's a good time for an Invasion! :)


  12. Intreguing.

    I've a couple more ships such as the HMS Titan, the HMS Algernon... but the Revenant is the one I am most proud of. She's mine to always play. Alas, wish I had her captain & crew. Someday, I'd imagine.

    Aye. Read all that on the website. Fantastic stuff. Can't wait. The Schooners look incredible!

    I'm a bit confused on some of the plays, though. Asked these questions in the Yahoogroups chat list for Pirates of the Spanish Main.. but received no answer.

    Does it appear odd to anyone else that ships can take down a ghost ship when it's stated that the HMS Titan is the ONLY ship to have ever wounded the Revenant?

    Some of the plays & special abilities just don't seem to add up to the type of ship it is. As well as the rules can be a tad bit tricky when it comes to battles.

    The dice.. I'm using a normal die until I can find & buy a jeweled die from one of the games shops.

    Derelict ships... Aye.. :::nods::: did some improvisin' with that at times. I played with my newphew this past week, no school cause of weather. So, We played... I took out a couple of his weaker ships.. but took 3 of his ships back to home port with the crew as prisoners. I captured the HMS Titan - he was using at the time - with weaker ships, by surrounding it & giving an ultimatum. Funny that it worked.

    eventually, I offered a randsom for the prisoners. He declined,... so, I killed them all.

    Had a hell of a sea battle, too. Took the Shadow, Revenant, & the captured HMS Titan to my nephew's home port & took treasure since the Shadow can do that... the rest of the ships I used as backup support & decoys. Even used the HMS Titan as a decoy once. It worked... got the treasure & made it back while decimating a good number of his ships. :: Evil B) :::

    Hmmm, makes ya wonder what kind of pirates we would be, eh? I think this game gives us a great opportunity to see that. :)


  13. So many choices indeed.

    Have you spoken or gotten the kid involved in this as to what look he wants most?

    I've done something the same with a room I had. Where it was mostly wood panel walls.. so, I put up some wall candle holders, a couple round mirrors, a couple old desks & tables, an old chair... some fur on the tables, other items that look like my be from a pirate's treasure.. a few chests... it's just a slow process, but the walls is only a minor bit compared to what you want in the room to give it that feel.

    Unless you want little in the room & just the walls done.

    Explore a bit.. that be my advise.


  14. Dropping anchor not far from the establishment. Having receieved word of the old sea dog's new haunt.

    Having gone ashore now to see why & what created him to dance with glee.

    Striding in- "I admit, William.. tis a FINE ship ya have here!" grinning wickedly at him.


  15. Ahoy, fellow pirates, buccaneers, corsairs, piravateers, smugglers, etc...

    With so many Pirates of the Caribbean stories & role playing games out there... I decided to create a pirate rpg (role playing game online)

    . More like writing an improve story.

    Golden Age of Piracy

    Just something fun. I've no set timeline to it other than back when piracy was most fun around the 16th to the late 18th c.

    Historical pirates most welcome. Want them the most. But other characters are welcome too, such as your own created character - be they pirate or civilian - & even the fictional ones like Jack Sparrow, Long John Silver, Dread Pirate Roberts, Morgan Adams, One-eyed Willie.. even the ones from the Pirates of the Spanish Main card game are welcome.

    Again, Civlians are welcome like Norrington, Jim Hawkins, etc.

    Join in on the fun. There are rules... RULES, not guidelines.

    Hope to see a few of you characters there & have some fun.


  16. :ph34r::ph34r::lol::lol:

    Introduce this to the Civil Liberites Union & see what they do!

    I LOVE it! So, can we now write this in when filling out applications of all sorts? .. credit cards, jobs, cars, etc..

    Hey, those in PotC sequels should buy this shirt & wear it on the off days! :)


  17. Is the coat a la Long John Silver as you mentioned? Would be VERY cool!

    Love the idea though if we all got together at the Invasions... think of the characters!.. Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, Long John Silver, Captain Morgan... & whoever the bloody devil else will grace us with their presense.

    Can't wait to see your coat, Black Skot!


  18. Tis a shame an' pity that we pirates can't invasion a place with a befitting name. ::le sigh:: Oh, well.

    Well... I suppose we best start setting the date & place soon enough... before ya know it.. it will be April!

    So.. who will be so bold as to state when it will be & where?


  19. I've no problem at the moment of buying more & more packs. Granted, I love the idea, cause means more gold, ships & crews.

    Islands & spare ships can be traded... as well as crews or personalities.

    I've thought about how one can spice up the game a bit. I don't think I will be keeping the little tiny black die... I've thought about purchasing a jewel like die from one of the gaming stores around.

    Perhaps use some plastic replica coins for the fun of it. as well as gems... :: Shrugs:::

    The Yahoogroups chat list has been rather interesting to read with some helpful hints from Rules to the islands on enhancing them. & more.


  20. ;)

    Interesting review, luv.

    But... I'll keep m'; doubloons for other delights.

    Tis a pity that it be named Pirates Cove & ... well, if we dare to want to, I suppose we could raid the tavern well enough. Tavern... brothel... whatever you wish to call the Tortuga mini-haven.


  21. Nay. As much as I've been told that... I refrain from such bartering. Perfer to have it in hand first to see whether it be worthy to buy or not! I be a hell of a picky piratess.

    I've the 5=masted ship I want... the Revenant. Granted I would LOVE to get ahold of the crew & el Fantasma. But, tis not always necessary. Besides... easier to run to the store, buy a few packs than to sit & wait for something which one has not seen yet. untill ya spend the money for it then it's shipped to ya. I've been burned too many times on eBay buying things. Luckily for not so much money. But in return cost me my place on eBay. I trust it as far as I can throw the Black Pearl.

    But, the new round of Pirates will indeed be exciting.

    I've actually pondered the idea that a friend of mine mentioned... taking one of the ships - an extra one if you have them - & "repainting" it into your own ship & you create your own character. Which, one of these days I will be doing that, taking one of the 4 or 5-mast ships - if I get an extra one - repainting it & taking some of the crew cards to mix in & make my own punch out cards with my own pirate personna & crew. :: Evil grinz:: Who says a pirate has to play by the rules. We can bend them. Always have, always will! Besides states there that one can adjust rules to enhance th game. :)


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