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Posts posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Oy, Toe Cutter.

    Aye, it is addictive. Tis not a bad thing. Just us pirates fancy the idea of more ships, lots of treasure & a slew of shipmates! :)

    eager for Crimson Coast to come out next month.

    It still seems to be going plenty well here, hard enough just to keep them around! I suppose I should be hunting down the myterious lot & round them up to join a pirate crew! ARRGGH! B)


  2. Sjöröveren, I MAY be able to find another fellow pirate who is on a Jack Sparrow forum that MAY be willing to join the lot of us. Good comrade of mine, known 'em for a goo d year at least.. well, online.

    Plus.. With a crew out around Omaha.. & the Nautical Bad Boys... & the bloody lot of pirates roamin' around the midwest.. we'll be able to frighten ANYONE to surrenderin' their gold!

    BTW.. STILL haven't heard a WORD on that Pirate fest. Have you, MerryD?

    Though, we could make an attempt in having one.. cause the great HMS Bounty will be sailing up the ol' Miss' sometime in 2005! What a grand sight that will be, eh, shipmates?! :huh:


  3. Oh, bloody hell that looks like fun! Missed out on KC with their pirate fest.

    Hmmm.. maybe this will make for a grand time to invade my dad's home, stay with him a bit & invade the AZRF! :)

    Hmm.. just a thought at the moment. But, highly unlikely. I've other places to go this summer. Patriotism calls.


  4. :P My heartfelt & sincere condolences on the loss of your feline friend. Having a rather ill cat at the moment, I know how much that can be a blow upon ya. & still not exactly over the loss of my dog Sandy... who has been my best friend & like a little sis to me for 13 years.As long as you have the memories. They always live with us.

    Isabella... frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if a few people I know were there. & a good amount of them being with the 501st Stormtrooper garrison around the Chicago area. Fine group they are. We had a blast sometime back. I, Vader & a black stormtrooper were subbed the stealth trio or as a picture was titled.. "Pirates of the Galaxy: the Curse of the Black-clad Attire"! :P

    So.. if ya see a few folks with the 501st Midwest there, like Vader & some others, mention ya be a good friend o' the Lady Barbossa, the piratess all dressed in black, member of the stealth trio, lost daughter of "daddy" Sparrow & lost sister of Jack Sparrow ( :P:P:P another LONG story)... :P


  5. Very fun to play, isn't it, Firethorn? Addictive, too. In a good way. :)

    I bought a couple more packs today... 7 this past week... & 3 the previous week... so, I've quite a few.

    Was lucky enough to get the ship I desire most..... I got the Revenant!

    I'd love to get ahold of Calico Cat, el Fantastma & his ghost crew. Not sure who else I want to go. Though, I have a few interesting characters already.

    I'm willing to trade though acouple extra ships that I have for ships I don't have. Ditto goes with an extra character that I have for a character I don't have.

    Extra ships I have: El Dorado, Batavian Bat, El Picador, Venture

    Extra character: Almirante Devante del Nero w/ Explorer


  6. :(:(

    Aye, we be QUITE aware, Pierre. :) & a fun place it be, too.

    Though.... tis a pity that the HMS Bounty is not there. :angry: Oh, well.

    Maybe there will be another wicked Tall Ships fest again in 2005.

    Still awaiting word as well on a Pirate Fest in the Quad Cities. Haven't heard a peep from that since Labor Day weekend.


  7. Jack & Barbossa are 2 different types of pirates... in my opinion. Barbossa... a bit more crafty than the normal Hollywood sterotype. Ditto with Jack. But.. then again, none of us on the Pub are any different than your typical Hollywood sterotype as well.

    Whatever happens in the sequels... I just can't wait until Barbossa's return. There are 2 ways he can return.. either resurrected(brought back to life)... or as a revenant(undead)!

    Either way in my opinion... Barbossa's lost his soul to the Aztec Gods. Once you below to them, eternally you belong to them. LOOOOOONG story in how I believe that. & the Goddess of the Moon... she's an evil goddess... evil enough that her own son beheaded her!

    I just have 1 problem though... 2 sequels for PotC? When god knows I can come up with TONS of more plots & such. & have been with some of the RPGs. It's been a blast. Though, recently become slow. :lol:

    Another question is... will that monkey REALLY be coming back? :lol:


  8. :huh:

    Yes, it is hard to go to some places with twirps in tow.

    Oh, dancing pirates... granted we saw them in movies like "Muppet Treasure Island", but still.... to see a group of us in a Line Dance doing the Electric Slide of some other jig elsewhere would be a riot! :)

    "Oh, Aye! I can't wait for "Pirates of the Crimson Coast"! Bought 5 more packs last night. Got the great ship the La Resolucion. Though... I prefer to have the Revenant. & get the character Calico Cat... though, the name is cheesy, she's a wicked character! I got the Countess.

    There are a few more packs here. Hopefully I can get a few more. I still want the Revenant & Calico Cat. El Fantasma would be cool with his ghost crew.. but... Calico Cat is far better. :lol:

    Oh, mentioned this under the Rabble Rousing... Last weekend of Feb .. in Oshkosh WI there is a historical Trade Fair on the periods from 1750 to the western frontier which I imagine is post Civil War. Maybe an Invasion of sorts with that. Though, not sure if we would all dress up, but more likely go as a group to check out the info, look for merchandise, etc.


  9. No hard feelin's, Mission.

    Though, Christine's a mild point there. Jack.. well... Jack is the good, Barbossa is the evil. Can't have the light without the dark.

    But, aye. I see Jack on a slew of adventures as well... if not like the Star Wars saga or James Bond... maybe like the Star Trek series or Hercules.. or better yet, like Doctor Who!

    Admittedly, I'm sure we all come to agree that PotC has now grown into a likeable & loveable cult!

    Now... if we can have more mechandise... conventions... & the PotC Interactive more often.... etc... ::le sigh:: :) Pirate life would be grand.

    Though... I still stick by Barbossa's side. ::: Evil grinz:::


  10. :ph34r: Ahhhh, not t' worry, Isabella. I'm sure we will all come to a good agreement. Otherwise, we'll just check them all out spanning 2005. :)

    The Pirate's Cove sounds intreguing.

    oh, Merry! What a fantastic idea, too! Joe's Crab Shack!

    I have a feeling we are up for one hell of a fun year! :ph34r:

    Pete... I accept yer challenge! Would be fun & to see the faces of th' others as we demand rematches! :ph34r:

    LOL... ANYPLACE is nutty with us around. :)

    Our usual haunt is fun with all the sing-songs & .. well, if crazy enough.. dancing, too. Aye. For some that remember me dancin' in the aisles to one of the Irish songs that was heard on "Titanic".... Jack & Rose were in a duel of the feet dance. T'was fun!


  11. What shall we do at the Invasions? Hmmm?

    I've FINALLY some cards from the Pirates of the Spanish Main collectable card game. Could play that. Rather addictive. My nephew & I played it already. Played it for 4 hours straight! :)

    Watch pirate films perhaps...

    Course, depends upon what Toby can find out with some certain events.

    Anyone have suggestions?

    A trip on the Windy Schooners? dinner at our fav plac &/or Dick's Last Resort?


  12. :: Rolls eyes rather annoyingly:: Aye.. I've heard this bloody story over & over & over & over & over again... Barbossa was shot.. he keeled over & died like Jack wanted. Point being?

    Ummm... imagination... think of pirate lore. Is a pirate REALLY dead? Hmm?

    Besides... I'm sure there are PLENTY of ways Barbossa can return... as well as why Jack returns as well & out smarts Norrington.

    ::pulls out pistol; whips out sword; in Barbossa style on the treasure mound::: I'll bloody well gut the next bilge rat that contends to the fact the bloody Writers have NO SAY in their own bloody film! I hear PLENTY of th' complaints from m' friend.

    & bloody damn right I will be VERY, VERY happy for Barbossa's return! Hell, they can bring the ghost of Blackbeard in for all I care! Even the ghost of Cortez or perhaps the crafty temptress Malinche for all I care! Add spice to the fun & Jack more dilemmas to deal with.

    The sequels can't be any cheesier than the other classical films with pirates in them.

    Can one complain if it makes you feel like the adventurous child again... with temptations of treasures untold... with adventure yet to be had... etc, etc...

    I saw bring on the fun! Let the Pirates roam th' waters once more!

    & I.. await Barbossa's devilish return. ::: Evil grinz:::


  13. Theres mention of it on the Revolutionary War re-enacting chat list via Yahoogroups.. & a couple other Rev War chat lists on this like revwar.com chat list. Sounds like an exciting event! Wish I could go. Not sure though. I know a few from the NWTA here are going. As well as some from the SCF, British Brigade & the BAR.

    The beginning of my area of interest with the Rev War. :ph34r:


  14. :unsure:;););) THEY LOVE US!

    Soon enough... soon enough! :) We'll return to the Pub & have a hell of a time!

    I bet that they - at the Pub - were thrilled to see you back.

    Rum? Nay.. Morgan, you bring the rum cake! damn that is good! Bloody hell, you have me HOOKED on it! ;)

    Isabella... send the snow back to Iowa! I want a white Christmas. I don't think the barely inch of snow we got the other night will last til Sat.

  15. :(

    Tomorrow's a bit of a short notice. Besides, the snow's not TOO bad.. snowing here & it's light... barely an inch at the moment. But, still praying for a white Christmas ((Yes, I said CHRISTMAS!... :: whips out sword:: anyone has a problem with that, I'll GUT YA!))

    Maybe a minor invasion in Jan.. or Feb.. then a major one in April. I'm sure a few of us are itchin' t' have a little fun. :(

    Though... I think next year.. we should do that... have a Pirate Christmas! What ya all think? :) Have a few drinks... B) raise a little hell... :( Open , :: clears throat:: presents... treasure chests & whatever we find that catches our eyes (if you have 2 of them. :( )


  16. Only just now are they starting to become available here in Cedar Rapids. I've bought 3. Hoping to buy more soon. I REALLY want the Revanant. :: Crossing fingers & swords::

    As well as getting ahold of Calico Cat - cheesy name, but fabulous character. :)


  17. Aye, consider it, course I'll be in prison after the bank robbery to pay for it :ph34r:

    :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: Not t' worry, Barbosa... we'll break ya out of prison. :)

    Oh, I'm with ya there, Christine! Get a group of us together to raise some hell. Ya think the Caribbean is ready for the lot of us? :ph34r:


  18. Another edition of Pirates of the Spanish Main will be released Feb 2005 - Pirates of the Crimson Coast Constructible Card Game.

    More added to this edition:

    The CSG smash hit Pirates returns this February with Pirates of the Crimson Coast! French ships join the hunt for gold and glory, new Schooner ships set sail for high adventure, and players must contend with new weather and sea effects such as fog banks and reefs! These new effects add excitement to every Pirates game!

    Pirates of the Crimson Coast will also introduce a new constructible element – forts! Built to stand atop existing islands, forts add fun new twists to Pirates. Pirates of the Crimson Coast also adds new rules to increase strategy and options for hard-core buccaneers. All of this in one $3.99 pack!

    Each pack still contains everything a player needs to build either two complete ships, or one ship and one fort, treasure, rules, an island card and a die! There are over 62 ships to collect!


    2 sailing ships or 1 sailing ship and 1 fort

    1 treasure

    1 crew card

    1 cardboard island card

    1 rules sheet

    1 die

    Don't know about you all... But I am rather eager for this edition!


  19. It's under the Reservations.

    Adult - double occupancy - $1999.00 per person

    Child - 12 years and under only in a triple - $1499.00

    Single Supplement - $500.00

    Cabin Upgrades :

    Burke Suite - $250.00 per person (only 2 Burkes)

    Admiral Deluxe - $225.00 per person (only 2 Admiral Deluxes)

    Admiral Suite - $200.00 per person (only 8 Admiral Suite)

    Commodore Deluxe - $150.00 per person (only 8 Commodore Deluxes)

    Sounds like fun nonetheless.

    I'l have to consider it.


  20. :ph34r:

    Well, I suppose we should all make plans then, eh? Have a grand Invasion then as well? I'm sure that Toby aka Captain Jack Sparrow will be gracing Bristol with his presence .... as well as "Daddy" Sparrow. Smithy, as MerryD & I know him as.... well, I know his as Smithy & "Daddy"... :ph34r: LONG story there!

    Maybe by then, I'll have another outfit ready. Or 2 outfits. :ph34r:

    Maybe ol' Barbossa will be joining the lot of us. What a grand time we will have for sure! :ph34r::ph34r:


  21. Damn right ye'll come out t' have some fun with yer fellow pirates, Rose! :ph34r:

    :ph34r: A wicked image that created in my mind, Isabella!

    I've 2 pirate flags. I have yet to make my own. Soon enough. Perhaps I will have it done for the Invasion. :ph34r:

    So... dare we plan this for Feb? or March?

    I'm sure we may get a good lot together.... :) perhaps a dozen or so.


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