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Posts posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Lady B I thought we decided we were just going to show up in garb..Oh well Can I be Johhny Depp..nay not him..Jack Sparrows Body Guard???? Pleaseeee??? :(

    :( True... true... we did discuss that. Hell... I wouldn't be there as a bodyguard.. would rather give the 2 Actor's characters hell! :: evil grinz::

    My new outfit will be based off the outfit of Calico Cat (Cheesy name, I know) from the card game Pirates of the Spanish Main. & yes, I have tons of spare material I can still make some funky pirate outfits. just need to buy the buttons & trim, etc.

    Hmmm... ok, a few women pirates... giving the gents hell... Oooo, what an idea... eh, Siren? the piratess' like sirens?

    Ooooh, so many possibilities to future stories! Oh, how much fun we have, as you have been seeing, Siren. :) & Ooooooh, the idea of torturing the gents... ::: Evil grinz::

    Well... here's to hoping the best for everyone. & hopefully... less troubles.

    Also, here's to hoping they pick the Royaliste... that is IF ya want it picked, Captain. :( I had that feeling for the past few months. Either the Royaliste or the Rose.. maybe the Bounty. Or bloody well some other ship.

    But I still think they should build a real version of the Black Pearl! Oh, would people pay up the wazzoo to have a ride on the infamous pirate ship!

    Geoffrey in more films? Bloody hell! Here's to hopin' he doesn't over do it.

  2. I'm sure this has been said several or many times before... but Eisner has no Disney magic! Or the ability to see it.

    He hasn't seen the film yet?! What the bloody hell? ::Shakes head::

    :) I've seen some recent merchandise lately, besides a couple more shirts, albeit only Jack & Will :( .... I saw the other day those, as well as Jack & Will stickers.... even my friend bought a throw/blanket. Again, Jack & Will. Obviously, what PotC is out there, we've noticed it sells like Ty Beanie Babies when they came out!

    I'm in a couple chat lists of costumers attempting to recreate the costumes. Mostly Jack... some Elizabeth & Barbossa.

    Even Simplicity ( as we've started to discuss elsewhere on the Pub) has a Sparrow-like pattern out. I've heard of quite a bit of people buying this pattern, granted they would loved to have had this last year. But still, there is still a popularity to PotC in some areas.

    Ooooh, where have their minds gone. LotR, Hellboy, Matrix, etc.... all of them have merchandise, LotR would be the only one that could compete well enough with PotC merchandise. I think the merchandise would work to get to youth & kids who have not seen the film, only cause some parents refuse to allow them to see it, thinking it's horrible... LOL, frankly I think that Harry Potter is scarey than PotC.

    Let's hope that Jerry B can make a big difference eventually. As well as the Writers, the Actors, etc.


  3. Ye'll beat me to it, Charity. Feel free to mention it on the Lost Soul of Barbossa chat list. :)

    Aye... one of the Deleted Scenes on the DVD where Elizabeth & Norrington are talking just after she accepts his proposal after she asked Norrington to rescue Will as a wedding gift. When she & Norrington were talking, she called Norrington... James.

    As to Barbossa, aye, heard that on the comentary by Johnny about Jack teasing Barbossa about his first name being Hector.

    Actually, Hector is a fantastic first name being as it's Greek meaning "Hold fast". I think it's just absolutely befitting & perfect. As well as it reminds one of the great commander Prince Hector of Troy. Umm, no real reference to the recent movie.

    Well... luckily, we won't ask the full names of all the rest of the characters, Bess! :(

    Thank you so very much for all the info.

    :(:( "Monk"... odd? :( He acts like one of the family! Seriously! I swear my family could be the next "island" for Survivor!


  4. Cool to hear, Bess. I just get tired of all the rumors on the net.. :: grumbles:: ready to skewer them.

    Anyway... I hope they get who they want back. Would be cool to see Lee & Mackenzie back. Those 2 were just a riot! & of course, Love Murtog & Mullroy! Groves.. Gillette....

    There are some of Barbossa's crew that were great. If Lee returns, have him do the diary again! That was great! & maybe Kiera... Orlando or Johnny... I think Johnny liked the cam last time! LOL...

    Anyway... thanx for the info, Bess. Such a trooper- err, pirate.

    Though, if by some act of God or Congress that there be possibilities... just being in the movie would be awesome. I know, silly me. Though, I was bound & determined to be in the local play of Treasure Island... but, I couldn't cause of a major accident at work I couldn't walk & was in some major pain through all of Dec So, I missed TI auditions. But I was able to see the show cause of a friend was in it. She knew how much I wanted to be in it. Gracious lady for the complimentary tickets.

    So.. where I am getting with this? Well, again, if by some act of God, if there be some possibility, I prayed I could be in the sequel since I couldn't with TI from the accident. ::le sigh:: again, one can only hope, wish & pray... & knock on the wood of the Black Pearl.

    Though... surprise me! I was really surprised with tCotBP... so, can't wait for the sequels.


  5. Oooh, I plan to return to JoAnn fabrics to get more of the pattern & other patterns! Mostly to make new pirate outfits for myself as well as a couple more types of outfits.

    But I want to get a couple more so I can make outfits for people as well. Granted I am an ameteur, but I've had people eye my black clad outfit so much I'll soon be willing to make attire for people. I was thinking about making the pirate outfits for men & women as well as wenches, even a meso-American/Native attire.

    I look forward to the Sparrow like pattern, making another outfit. I'll probably use the pattern to make the white pirate look.

    & I SOOOO love the pattern for the drop front breeches! ::Cheers; Snoopy dances:::


  6. Not sure, Wolfy. I haven't tried out all the patterns.... yet.

    Yeah, the contest looks like it will be fun.

    Doesn't look like they ask for much, really. It looks worth it.

    I've got to do something about my Pantaloons for my black clad pirate outfit since the pant- breeches ripped ... & it's not along a seem either. I will have to make another pair it seems. :P

    I hear ya there, Akasha. They don't plan on re-enactors which is a HUGE group. Lots of Ren Faire attire, but VERY little when it comes to Colonial, Civ War or other time periods unless you know specific money consuming sutlers.

    Granted they are coming out with more & more patterns, but the Colonial era still lacks greatly with fine attire patterns.

    Hehehehe.... well, Will... I'll keep it in mind. Any type of material you have in mind or a specific look you have in mind?


  7. Looks fun nonetheless.

    Lucky you got ahold of it, John! It's already sold out here in lil' ol' Cedar Rapids aka podunk central... Won't be able to get any more in until September!

    Though, may look like a couple friends & I are going to have a little gaming going on. :huh: I will SOOOO enjoy this. This pirate against a couple wannabes. ::: evil grinz::


  8. :huh:

    You have to admit, for a mainstream pattern, it's the best one yet. Though, still not a great as the ones from the sutlers. But rather close. Very close.

    I hear ya, girl!

    I'll be going for it. Only my pirate outfit at the moment, since I used a Simplicity pattern for it. The other outfits I used Butterick. Albeit, each one was altered.

    The contest looks like fun though. :huh:


    William, if by God's good graces, maybe I might make ya a wicked outfit to your pirate heart's content.


  9. JoAnn Fabrics will be selling the Simplicity patterns for $.99 Aug 14th only!

    Heck! I plan to go back & buy more of that pattern! As well as a few more other patterns. I'm stocking up on them so I can make my own attire for later. :)

    Butterick patterns are on sale for $.99 again Aug 19th - 21st.

    Girls! I am SOOOO going to be stocking up! Oooh, happy days! :: Snoopy dances::

    Oh! & Simplicity is having a costume contest! Check it out on their website or at your local JoAnn or other fabric store... hopefully, they will carry the contest. I'm definitely entering a couple of my costumes. :D

  10. ::le sigh::: :( Alas... I have no seen the music video. I've no cable nor can my comp handle viewing the video.

    I swear... I'm perhaps the only Country music & PotC Fan that hasn't seen the video.

    I loved that song from Terri Clark well before the Sparrow sighting. Terri Clark has some fantastic songs anyway. She's been on Late Night with Lia(Country music Radio personality) often. A couple times spoke of the video & the song. Hehehehe, she's a PotC fan. :D As well as Johnny. It's rather funny listening to how many women call in asking for that song, asking about the video.. asking about Johnny... :lol:

    Ahhh... Country music. Especially with so much dealing with drinking too...

    ::Sings:: Give me 2 pina coladas. One for each hand. We'll set sail with Captain Morgan... but we'll never leave dry land...."

    Anyway... I keep hoping that someday by some bloody miracle from God, I get to see that video.


  11. ::Yawns;:: I think they put sleeping powder or potions in the drinks from the new Bilge Rats.

    Anyway... will make this short & sweet... Happy Birthday, RumbaRue. TO a fantastic piratess. If gold & silver & jewels are not tossed at your feet ... may the cochroaches rot & burn in hell.


  12. Check it out all!

    # 4923... it's meant to look Sparrowish... but, after looking at the pattern & a couple reviews from a PotC Costuming chat list... it's a grand buy!

    Pretty close to 18th c pattern cuts, even looks like a fall front breeches! Yes.. BREECHES! Not some silly drawn string pants or something that is not really all that period. I'd imagine that you can make it also fly front.

    Pattern includes a frock coat, waist coat, shirt, breeches & cravat.

    Available for adults & kids.


  13. ::Sings to a Will Tell theme:::

    Happy, happy bir-irthday!

    Happy, happy bir-irthday!

    Happy, happy bir-irthday!



    Wishing you many, many more oh, great pirate of the seven seas! :) May your tankard all ways be filled with rum. B) & ship filled with many Errol Flynn look alikes. B)

    ::rolls over a barrel of rum:: a birthday present for ya. B)


  14. The lyrics are interesting.

    Though, that's the best I could gather from what I heard from the singing. Though, that one line baffles me.

    I know I kinda misunderstood a couple words... such as Helms.. should be Hells.

    Just haven't had luck with finding out the lyrics to this Song.


  15. Another bday?! Oooo... a party indeed!

    ::Hands Drunken a bottle of fine rum:: I'd give ya something else... but rum is usually the most enjoyable of all the pirate presents. :huh:

    Here's to plenty treasure in you old sea chests, to your tankard that it be full of rum, to you health & again, of course your wealth... as well as your bed filled with dreams of all sorts of pleasure.


  16. Aye! Recreating/replicating the original props will be a task & a challenge & a half!

    & HOPEFULLY.. this time.. they will spend a little more & build a REAL ship of the Black Pearl! Most unlikely, but one can hope, pray, wish, etc.... would be cool. :huh:


  17. Aye.. fair enough. I've not looked through the book myself. Though I know it's available via Jas. Townsend & Sons as well.

    They've also Waugh's books on both men & women.. plus many other books of fashion from the 18th c. Even a couple that extend into the 16th, 17th & 19th c.

    I found one pattern a year ago that worked well enough, though I had to make adjustments on the sleeves to make it more period.... Though, I can't seem to find that pattern now. I know it was a slightly older one & they seem to have discontinued a couple since then.

    But it is a fantastic idea is to take current patterns, adjust them to the actual proper look of the era.

    & LOVING the deals going on at JoAnn Fabrics & Crafts! I've bought 4 patterns from McCalls already. Didn't really need anything from Simplicity. Though, I know there will be a couple patterns from Butterick I will SOOO want! The hat pattern, stays, & maybe a couple outfit patterns. I will be SOOO stocked up on patterns to make some fantastic outfits. :)


  18. Oooo... lucky ol' sea dog you!

    The rigging of the Black Pearl! Wow.. now THAT is a treasure for sure!

    Fantastic... fantastic. :)

    Good to know things are going well with PotC sequels.... I hope.

    Still no sighting of the Barbossa/Dawg pistol?


  19. Ahhh.... part 2!

    Kinda a take off of Charity's topic.

    Not restricted to PotC, nay... more for those of you out there with a nautical or specifically a pyratical.

    So.. ladies & gents, pirates & piratesses, wenches & sailors.... I'll go ahead & put forth my list of trinkets, treasure & possessions.

    I've yet to get a few chests, but in the meantime, my swag is as follows:

    A white linen rose courtesy of m' shipmate Pierre, thank ye kindly; a black feather rose for this blackhearted woman; 3 red feathers; a silver tea hostess set; a golden goblet; a few oriental vases; a brass tiger; several rabbit furs; oriental saki set trimmed with gold; a faceted brandy glass & a cavat; parchment paper, quill pens a plenty, & ink; a silver rose decorated jewelry box with the finest of jewelry I have; a smaller silver oval jewelry box with some rings; a small brass heart-shaped jewelry box with some more jewelry; a small wooden treasure chest; a black wood & clay chest from Hot Topics with the skull on it; the Sea Ghost animated ship (which I am custom making into the Black Pearl); a couple gold orniments from Colonial Williamsburg; a couple versions of the Jolly Roger, & will make my own version as soon as I finish Barbossa II's Colours; a several candle holders, both table sets & wall hanging; porthole mirror; several bowls of wood, brass, & silver; a wood ornimental plate from Russia; a painted, highly decorated tin from Europe; a couple wood orniments from Africa; a medallion like painted clay necklace; a couple Native pots; 2 sandlewood fans from China

    .... now these items I have acquired m'self as well as gifts.

    As for the jewelry, here is my tally:

    black pearl necklace & braclet; gold filigree w/ clear & black rhinestones with a mother of pearl & gold clock face on a gold chain necklace watch; opalencse & mulit facet/colored necklace with matching earrings; multi-jeweled floral necklace with matching earrings; gold & red rhinestone necklace with matching chandalier earrings; smokey rhinestone & silver necklace with matching chandalier earrings; dark rhinestone & dark antiqued metal choker with matching earrings; antique gold necklace with 3 chains, short chain hangs a lace ornimentwith daimonds & a large opal & 4 black beads dangle from it; antique gold locket with painted floral design on the front ringed by fake pearls; antique adjustable ring painted of an 18th c gent & lady; a rose, golden & white gold cross on a crimson silk ribbon; antique silver & black rhinestone earrings; black pearl & black diamond imitation silver necklace with matching earrings; gold ring with 1 marque emerald & 4 small diamonds; gold ring with fire opal & black emanel; black rhinestone & dark metal earrings; small Heart of the Ocean replica; gold & emerald stud earrings; silver & pink rhinestone earrings; silver & 2 blue color rhinestone earrings; silver & light blue earrings & necklace; pearl earrings; gold necklace with light green rhinestone & peach enamel necklace with matching earrings; antique oval onyx adjustable ring; silvery death's head ring trimmed in clear rhinestones; small silver black heart ring; a large multifacet rhinestone & silver ring; a silver doubloon replica necklace; 4 Native/African style necklaces-2 wood, 1 bone or ivory like, 1 old beads & metal; earring just like Barbossa's

    & I am sure I forgot a few things... well, besides a old corner desk, small wall table & an antique chair with black leather.... my attire & effects like my sword & knife.

    Again, I'm sure I be leaving a few things out.

    So.. mates.. what is it that you have? Even show a pic would be fine. I'll see if I have some picture that shows a good portion of what I have.


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