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Posts posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Tis a good tribute for PotC.

    Well, Scurvy Dog, shall I begin a new thread for those to post a pic or 2 of their tribute to pirates, be it small or large?

    I'm working on a side room that I am making it look like a ship's cabin... as much as possible... getting some of the crap out of there left by may parents is MORE than a chore! It's hard labour! :(

    But... I'll start another thread for all ye grand pirates to post your fantastic pix or describe your pirate/nautical tribute.

    Eventhough I am sure there was one put out a few month back.. much can happen in a few months though. Aye?

    Again, good tribute. Did ya put it up on the Lost Soul of Barbossa photos, Charity? Ya should. Especially it Barbossa is involved. :)


  2. Well, all... looking at figuring out a verse to in this song.


    Ghost Ship

    1 more year boys and a day,

    we'll set sail for far away;

    'til then we toil, & work & sweat,

    'til we pay off our cursed debt.

    We've been through the seven seas,

    we keep sailing with no breeze;

    ___?___ no anchor, touch no land,

    with death's head grins & skeleton hands.

    At the edge we heard a cry,

    sailed on passed & still we fly;

    We work the sails without wind,

    for seven helms, for we have sinned.

    We've forgotten all the laws,

    lost in time the curses' caused;

    A ship of inmates, a ship of death,

    the sails are filled by the Devil's breath.

    One more year, boys, and a day,

    we'll set sail for far away;

    Til then we toil & work & sweat,

    'til we pay off our cursed debt.

    The sun & wind & moon & stars,

    the white sea mist are never ours;

    Still we chase them, shiver & shake,

    pray you don't cross our burning wake.

    One more year, boys, and a day,

    we'll set sail for far away;

    Til then we toil & work & sweat,

    'til we pay off our cursed debt.


    Anyone able to help with this?

    It's just that one verse above that I can't seem to decipher.

    Thank ye kindly for your assistance, mates.


  3. The 3 of them were huge enough before PotC. Orlando being in Lord of the Rings, Black Hawk Down, etc.

    Johnny... hehehehe, well.. he's been rather huge since the 1980's.

    Kiera.. well, true.. she's a bit new to this.. but her major breakthrough was Sabe in Star Wars epis 1 as the Queen Decoy. Darn lucky girl!

    & Geoffrey... again, rather fantastic in his own right.

    & the suppporting cast... Jonathan Price! Hello! This dude is a Broadway Tony Award winner & also an amazing actor... even as the bad guy in Tomorrow Never Dies! ::le sigh::

    Davenport! Funny as all get out in "Couples"! :lol: Lesbian spank inferno! :lol::lol: One would have to watch that episode of "Couples" to get that one! :lol::lol:

    & everyone else....

    But ... keep in mind... if they continue with what made PotC:tCotBP a blockbuster hit.. then, PotC 2 & 3 will do great.

    All I know... I will be as patient as possible for it's release. & If & when Iron Bess can spill the info... then so be it.



    ::In southern accent:: ah doo d'clara.....

    ::normal accent::: Happy Birthday, girl! :::Rolls in a keg of rum:: May you have many more Bdays so we can celebrate in such grand style & ... God knows whatelse can happen.


  5. :lol::ph34r::ph34r:

    Oooooh, Nigel.... most kind of ya, mate.. ::slips around around your shoulder:: though.... my Bday was 2 months ago... if I do recall, this is for CAPTAIN Barbossa... his Bday was naught but a couple days ago. :)

    So... whatever ya said about me... can apply to the good Captain. Anyone with the name Barbossa is the boss!

    Actually.. there is a funny fan fic out there that uses 1 sylable words, & Barbossa is simply called Boss.


    For Barbossa... apple pie, apple tarts, apple cobbler with ice cream, apple cider, apples & caramel, apple fruit salad......

    MerryD... have any apple lust dust?


  6. Well... when MerryD an' I get out an' about upon the high seas of corn... I will do m' best to celebrate in all your places. Just tell me, what it is that I should do for our favorite pirate lady! :) I won't kiss her, that's one thing I won't do, gents! :lol:


  7. Ooooo Barbarous! Wild devil you!

    Anyway.. a bit toned down here... Aye, the Hot Tub be a fun yet clean place. :) A lot of Long John Silvers we all be there.

    As to the OTHER hot tub & meade... that.. be at a certain place.... ::Whispers in ear((PM)):::


  8. that's all we want to know, Bess.

    I know I would rather not know the story until I see it in the theater.

    I admit, I was rather stunned & surprized with "Curse...".. since I hadn't seen previews for it except for that earlier preview that had the Dracula soundtrack background music with the soaring over the waters coming up upon an island preview... I was intregued then. But never knew what it was about. Honestly thughtit was some modern day catch with Johnny Depp & some teens in some wickedly horror like Cape Fear thing!

    Believe my utter surprize whenI found out it was period.. lots of gents in breeches! ::le sigh:: heaven!

    So.. yeah... story... secret.

    & hopefully, all those damned rumors out there won't be true. I've heard so many that I am sick of them. :ph34r: I just don't pay attention to them any more... just.. awaiting the film's release & such now. Trying to be patient.



  9. :P HUZZAH!, MerryD!

    Fav Parible or tale? :P Ooooh, dear. Only 2 words, mates: Hot tub! Kinda funny to see how many people you can cram into a hot tub. :P

    Aye! Next time we sail out to another port for an invasion, we be celebratin'!


  10. Still havin' fun with the high, huh, Charity? Sweet....

    I have to admit... "Quills" shocked & stunned me. I was NOT prepared for that full nudity thing. Scarred me... not that that's a bad thing on Mr. Rush's part... just was NOT ready for that. I guess that's what makes a good if not great movie ... is one that stuns ya.

    Though... my fav part he has done thus far... is the very beginning of "Shakespeare in Love" with Tom Wilkenson.. with the screaming.. I was laughing SOOO hard! I like Mr. Wilkenson as well. Both in the same scene let alone movie was great! But to hear Tom torture Geoffrey was just priceless! :o

    "Banger Sisters" was just fantastic as well. LOVE the behind the scenes of Mr. Rush dancing! He SOOO dances WAY better than my dad! I can't say how my dad dances.. it's REALLY, REALLY bad though. Rush deserves an award or something for at least dancing good. :o

    Looking forward to more movies by Mr. Rush... that is IF they are shown here! Since PotC, the only one that has been shown here that he was in was "Intolerable Cruelty".. which was funny as well! :lol:


  11. Yeekkk.... :ph34r:

    Rumors run amok. I think Star Wars has proven that many times. At least now, Lucasfilm kinda gives out a little tidbits to satisfy the multitudes.

    However.. the PotC fandom is rather small compared to Star Wars. Rumors should just end up as that. Even when the script is finished & all, the general plot should remain secret. Cause.. lord knows... I know several people who would just go insane if it's not who THEY think it should go! ::rolls eyes in annoyance:: I have faith in the Writer's with what they do.

    Let's hope that all goes well there, Bess.


  12. Yankie actually. Name given to us by the Natives, if m' memory serves me correctly.

    Anywho.... I be with ya there, Tito! Same goes with ya! Have a fantastic 4th!

    Happy 228th, America!

    ::Sings the Chester; cannons fire from the Continental Artillery; flag of the 13 stars waves with the "Don't Tread On Me" colours:::


    To all those who I fight along side with to bring about this great nation... to those who fight to keep this nation safe & strong. To all ye patriots out there who hold yer heads high at the sight of our mighty flag!

    For all ye Patriots!... don't strike yer colours... SHOW THEM WITH PRIDE!!!!



  13. :huh: Bummers....

    Hmmm... ::Crosses fingers for something else or stroke of incredible luck to pass along:: VERY struggling actress wannabe here.

    I suppose I need to get my butt in gear to see what I can do to get in, huh? I know it's not easy here... maybe out that direction. Getting an Agent around here is rather difficult as well. As those I've spoken to are local & do commercials for car dealerships & such. Not that I don't want to do that, I just don't want to ONLY do that. :ph34r:

    But.. good to hear that, Bess. :huh:


  14. This new adventure is worth mentioning, mates! I greatly enjoyed it... & thought it was well redeeming from the previous flop story.

    Let's just say.. pick it up, grab it, plunder it, do anything you must to get your hands on this particular one.... being in 3 chapters... has a rather wicked surprise in it that all pirates will enjoy!

    I won't give out the story or anything. Cause you all HAVE to get this adventure! It's fantastic & worthy to call Pirates of the Caribbean!


  15. Hmmmm.. fantastic idea, Redd! I truly do look forward seeing pictures of you adorning your LJS attire! & of course.. need a pic of you as LJS with the Sparrow person... make it a fantastic pic of 2 great Disney pirate personalities. :huh:

    Looking forward to those pictures. :)


  16. Or Madagascar. Or even up in the Bahamas... maybe along the southern Colonies like Georgia, SC, NC or VA... even FL... along the Yucatan & the Gulf... that seems most likely. I can see Asia as a flashback or whatever... but nothing more.

    Hope they stick with the Caribbean.. or the surrounding area.


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