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Posts posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Oooo.. fun & scarey at the same time.

    Well.. I made 7 attempts... 2 of the attempts I was Elizabeth Swan... the 5 other attempts... this is a big DUH! ... Captain Barbossa.

    ::evil grinz:: ahhhh... I love it.

    Bess? You? Will Turner? Well... I would venture to say you are most definitely not a stick in the mud. But then again, Turner is not as tight laced as Norrington.

    Who do you think you should have been most like?

    Hmmm.. good question, Maria. Difficult to answer a tirvia question such as that.


  2. Some of you may have seen this already.

    But for those of you who have not... it's more a quick & easy access now to get ahold of a pattern to make 18th c stays!

    Was at JoAnn Fabrics here in Cedar Rapids... looked at the pattern books.. Butterick has a new pattern out to make 18th & 19th c stays & corsets! I'm BEYOND happy, if you are someone like me who has one pattern it's strapless. These new patterns allow for straps or you can not have the straps if you wish!

    Various good patterns to different eras. But, I'm still not all that impressed with the 18th or even 17th c selection. There was one dress/gown I thought the pattern was rather dead on.. if not close. A couple patterns for gents would be rathe close from Butterick, as well as McCalls. Simplicity is still good for other eras.. in my opinion.

    For good 18th patterns, Jas. Townsend & sons has a fair sized selection as well.

    But... figured I would state something. The pattern for stays is jsut beyond fantastic!

    Butterick also has a couple patterns for hats. Those the 18th c hats are rather difficult.

    Now... to find a way to make shoes! :lol:


  3. I'd like to attend. Just depends upon time, availability & means to get there. 1 weekend is difficult enough, 7 would be a bloody miracle. <_<

    Aye! every weekend with a pirate theme sounds just.. LOL, like a pirate's paradise!

    Was hoping a few others I could swindle into joining me... but alas.. sounds like they will be attending another event of sorts. Unless they come to another weekend.

    ::ponders:: would be super to get a group/crew pic on the Columbia ship at Worlds of Fun! ::le sigh:: wishful dreaming & thinking.

  4. Thank ye! I'll be lookin' there soon enough. :P

    I would LOVE to get my paws upon "Blackbeard the Pirate" with Robert Newton. But looks like I will only be able to get it online. :P

    Ahhh, yes... film class in college. & Theater was always so enjoyable as well. :lol: I guess, I can't really complain too much... at least I know a little of what I am talking about when debating with another film buff. Which was my boss at the IMAX... Ooooo, that was some interesting debating there. <_<


  5. Oooooh, dear... Aye... does show how old we are.

    I remember it... just ever so slightly. Along with watching "Smurfs" in the morning with "Ewoks" & everything else during the 80's. I think there were a couple Smurf episodes that had a couple pirates in them.

    Worse! Here we go mates! Was at Burger King the other days.. took my nephew & niece... they got Scooby Doo 2 toys - instead of Shrek 2, not sure why - & there was a Scooby ghost hunt that had a card one had to find the monsters in the card that were from various episodes. One of the "monsters" was ol' Redbeard the Pirate! If anyone remembers THAT episode! I think there were more than 1 pirate episode in the Scooby series though.

    & yes, watching the old Johnny Quest.. I think they had a pirate episode.

    WORSE! I was forced to watch "Dragontales" with my niece that same day... & low & behold... was the characters going on a treasure hunt! :lol:

    ::le sigh:: :lol: Oooooh, the old cartoons!


  6. Ya lucky ol' sea dog! Not easy to come about items like that in big name place such as Best Buy, Sam Goody, or other establisments of the sort.

    I've been wanting to see it for years! FINALLY got to see the movie version over a month ago. Had Silver pitted against another pirate named Mendoza ... :lol: personal amusement.

    Now.. did I see that correctly... Jim Hawkins was becoming attatched to the young daughter of the Governor? :lol: I thought that to be amusing as well.

    One I would LOVE to see again.. has the late Bob Hope in it.. "The Princess & the Pirate". I enjoyed that one greatly.

    Supposedly some classics are supposed to be out... like "Pirates of Tortuga" or "A High Wind in Jamaica".. but every time I go in to search for them or order them... no one has means to get a hold of them. Rather disappointed there, mates. Granted, I REALLY don't want to order a lot online.

    Oh, well....

    But.... Robert Newton is always a treat to watch. No matter what film he is in.


  7. Mmmm... lovely piece there, Royaliste, mate. Treasure be treasure. & I have to agree with Jack Sparrow on "Not all treasure is silver & gold, mate."

    Cause you can't forget the jewels & gems.. ivory... fine fabrics & so much more!


  8. AYE! I'm with ye all there! Gold be gold! Lovely to look at... & to wear.. to hold... t' spend! ::evil grinz::

    Aztec gold is just one batch t'get your paws upon. Inca gold I adore as well! :: evil grinz... again:: Just... b'ware of the gold that is around Viracocha, mates. He's the heathen God who cursed po' ol' Barbossa.

    Then again, Barbossa.. I would gander to state... that in order to take the curse off the Gold itself would need to find a way to satisfy ol' Viracocha.


  9. Was told at the Des Moines Ren Faire that this years 2004 KCRF had a pirate theme. Sure enough, I checked out the site... & do they have one heck of a schedule this year! Each weekend has a pirate theme!

    Check it out all ye buccaneers, privateers, pirates, cosairs, & all around scallywags! B)

    Kansas City Ren Faire

    I've pondered going. But... we shall see.


  10. Thank ye for the info & recommendation. Much appreciated.

    Also, went to a gun show today in hopes to find a cheap replica pistol - with no luck - but found an antique pistol.

    The dealer thought it was a 1700's flintlock Turkish pistol. A lovely piece. Obviously old looking. $575 for it. Needs frizzen spring replaced. Not sure whatelse needs to be replaced. He says that with the replaced frizzen spring would make it a working pistol.

    I've no picture of it. It's a rather large pistol. & I can see now how some of you gents were talking earlier that Barbossa's pistol could have been Turkish.

    If anyone may be interested in the pistol or want to inquire about it... contact Robert Harris @ 1(563)873-3067 or email at highcountry99@mchsi.com

    Good luck. & to whoever buys it... it makes for one nice piece if you want to use it only for a non-firing prop weapon.


  11. B):huh:B)

    Evil, wicked, cruel, demented, vicious pirate you! ::to the captain of the Royaliste:::

    Well.... you could do that, m'friend. Or.... I could do one for you. I've made a Regimental (6 foot by 6 foot) for His Majesty's 35th Regt of Foot & finishing up on their King's Colours. I'm sure that pirate Colours is nothing compared to doing the King's Colors without a pattern.

    Just let me know.



    B) Super fantastic, luv. Thank ye kindly! Love it! Looks like a fantastic pistol.

    Big boom, huh? hehehehe... fantastic! I like to make quite a bit of noise there on the battlefield... whether I am with Lee's or Tarleton's Legion. ::: evil grinz:::

    I can see how adding some silver finery will make it appear like the pistol. You having someone do that for ya?

    Think they would be willing to "make" more? ::looking as innocent & sweet as possible:::

    Right nice. I'm impressed.... :)

    Again, thank ye kindly. A far better piece than what I saw from Dixie Gunworks or Track of the Wolf, Inc.... etc.


    PS - :: elegantly bows deeply:: again, likewise. B)

  13. WEll this Barbossa says ye can look wherever you like and ye'll see Jack is always smaller! B)

    I use an English Dragoon pistol .62 calibre. Its about 22 inches from tip to butt. Makes a BIG BOOM :huh:

    Haven't put all the frou frou on it, but if I did it would be a dead ringer for barbossa's movie pistol. Jack... ye saw it last week... good ehh...

    We painted the Ga Festival red ehh... Savvey?

    Barbossa II

    BARBOSSA!!! (the 2nd one, mind ya'll...) Luv! Good t' have ya aboard th' Pub!!

    ::searching through private stock:: Parrot Bay is Conner's... ::pondering:: Scupper gets the Guiness... Morgan, good ol' fashion IBC or Sioux City Sarsparilla... ::Still pondering:: MerryD... Jamiesons... Tito a shirt.. Opps... wrong item of necessity here. B)

    ::pulls out rum::: Well.. I've got Captain Morgan... or some wine from the Amanas! B) As well as the Tsunami "Jack Sparrow" truffles... ::scowers a little more:: TONS of green apples... dumped upon by m' mother... :huh: .. caramel to boot with it... or can borrow MerryD's Nutella. Fantastic stuff..

    ANYWAY... welcome aboard!

    OOooo... a Dragoon Pistol! Lucky! :: falls & worships at your feet:: Pardon the drilling here, mate... but I'm looking for a good working dragoon pistol already made & not a kit, cause bloody hell knows I will NOT attempt to put it together m'self. How's the quality? Does it fire well? the hammer, does it strike well? Etc... & if it's a bloody good pistol.. WHERE DID YOU GET IT!?

    ::innocent look with halo above head:: I'm a Dragoon in Lee's Legion (Rev War) ... getting my carbine from my commander.. but thinking about getting 2 dragoon pistols. Which type of Dragoon pistol is it?

    Told ya... pardon for the bombarding. :huh: I'm a curious bugger.

    Pictures, Barbossa .... would LOVE to see it, luv.

    & again... LLLOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE the avatar! :)

    As to the comments... B)B)B) We ladies will NOT argue there! We're behind you all the way! B)


  14. I must be blind as all i saw was a smart, ruthless man vs deps character which was to sweet, stoned an over done. I'm amazed that all you discribed you ladies see....!

    Men see male characters differently than women.

    However, I sometimes take a different approach with characters.... when it comes to appeal.

    From reading books by a former FBI chief to some acting... & even role playing... profiling is something that grabs my interest. Almost like figuring out someone.

    I can tell that Depp & Rush put quite a bit of background.. created it for their characters... in order for them to portray their characters with such amazing results. Giving a character the right depth makes a character interesting & intreguing.

    Sparrow is interesting in his own right. Having seen "Rolling Stones to the Max" on IMAX ( which is VERY cool, mind you!)... & Richards has a darn good voice! But, I found Jagger to be more... exaggerated than Richards. But, oh, well.

    It's totally how you look at the character. How much mystery & intregue the personality contains.

    Again, Barbossa is far more mysterious than the majority of characters I have liked. & so very real. He's a perfect mix of you classic villian with a real person who is not just a certain sterotype, but full of flaws, desires & acheivements.


  15. Barbaque feared the gallows, though. Sparrow pretty much faced them with grace. More than likely, Barbossa didn't fear the gallows. If Barbossa feared, then he hid it well. Barbossa was far more wicked than Silver & Hook. Granted all 3 men would be interesting in a match. But m' treasure be upon Barbossa. As well as m' life.

    Don't get me wrong... I like Hook. Jason's Hook is the best. & his attire I would plunder in an instant! Hello! Gold lacing & bejeweled... on fine fabric! He's a rich gent!


  16. Hmmm... Dreamie.. this be an area I am still learning & researching.

    A rookie m'self in Rev War re-enacting. Authenticity is a major part of poratrayal.

    A bit pricy but a good place to check out G. Gedney GodwinThey have some 17th c items

    I'm trying to remember the site to go to that deals with costuming. I have it on a different computer though.. the link. Eventually, I will find it again. ::goes to find it:: Ah-HA! Here it be.. the Costumer's Manifesto. GREAT info.. ideas & LOTS of pics!

    For Rev War like attire or mid to late Colonial/Georgian era.... G.Gedney Godwin is one place. Jas. Townsend & Sonsbe another. Ghost Forgehas some good deals. For shoes, most everyone goes through Fugawee.

    Colonial Williamsburgwebsite - has some insight on colonial/Georgian era attire, lifestyles, etc. Even #s to the shops there which I highly recommend.

    Many re-enactors swear by Smoke & Firethough.

    I'm trying to remember another good place to go through... Ahh.. here it is.. Smiling Fox Forge.

    Believe it or not, AMERICANREVOLUTION.ORGwebsite has some 17th c info as well.

    Re-enactor.net has some good links as well to sutlers... reenactor.net colonial links

    I think that should be enough. Unless you wish to check out the Smithsonian... I would recommend you go to DC to see the amazing items they have there related to the Colonial/Georgian era.

    ::le sigh; pants; takes a deep breath:: Ok.. well.. again, I hope that helps some.


  17. sorry dont get it..whats the big thing about barbossa? Understanding that deps character was for laughs, is it because he acts mentally sharp and ruthless?

    Just one of many aspects to his persona that make him an intreguing - as someone stated & many agree - THE best Villian since Darth Vader!

    Between Sparrow & Barbossa... to me, Barbossa is the better pirate. His taste in attire... fantastic. His personality.. intreguing. His intellect & verbatum... challening & exciting.

    Barbossa is no coin, unlike many people & characters to have 2 sides to them... Barbossa has many sides to him... multi-faceted. He's human, but not. He feels but doesn't. He has honor but will bend the rules. Greedy & lusty but cautious... alert. Reserved but wild. Wicked but desiring some peace.

    Sparrow is not a mysterious as Barbossa. Sparrow is more straight foreward that Barbossa, as Barbossa is a darker, more mysterious man. You see upon him the many influences & possibilities of where he has been & been through, but never hear of them, unlike what you heard about Jack, both in the movie & the deleted scenes. & some of us women are MOST curious about that burgandy "red wine" or as Keira stated her "Barbossa dress", how he acquired it.

    He's just a fantasticly intreguing character that draws you to him.


  18. :) Ooooh, indeed!

    Now, if there were a contest here on the board, I'd immediately nominate MerryD! If some of you have seen that hat of hers! It's fantastic! Fine & rightly so decorated with such fantastic plunder & treasure.. it most definitely beats Mr. Will Turner''s dandy grey hat.

    The bottle o' rum you can keep MerryD! Ya truly be the only pirate I know who can best me! B)


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