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Posts posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Nah, I bet it's a "unich".  :lol:

    Only the Wil doll will be! :lol::lol::lol: The Barbossa one will be quite....BIG!

    Oooooo.... ::: trying to keep mental picture off until later; attempting to keep mind clean;:: Barbossa.. you scoundrel.. :D Now you've gone & done it!

    :::Hissing through teeth:::OOoooo, the thought... oooh, dear God...

    Wicked, evil, devilish, horrible man... :D

    Tempting a poor lady like I with such.... fine thoughts... :: le sigh::

    Again... evil, wicked, devilish man... ::le sigh:: :D

    Gives a whole new meaning to "Twice the man" they ever will be.

    :::Fanning self::: Talk about curses....


  2. :D

    Ahhh.... and you all heard it here first.

    I love it when things get validated. :D


    Aye! We heard it first from you, Bess! The woman who makes Silver & Flint quake in their boots at the mere mention of your name. A powerful pirate ye be.

    ::gives ya a keg of rum::: an' whatever poison be your pleasure. :D

    Though, Eisner makes the likes of a bilge rat appear tame & likeable. ::shakes head:: Somethin' needs to be done, Bess. I miss watching a good ol' magical Disney film. :: le sigh:: :D Or even getting some of the old ones on DVD release. Would LOVE to see the old "Swamp Fox" series. Or any of the old classics... need more films like that. Now.. how to drum & beat that into Eisner's think numb skull.... <_<


  3. Rock on, Bess! :D

    If you can, tell them "Hi" with a :::wave:: :D Hopefully, they can get their work done.

    But... what about the other future projects? I've seen some of the recent Disney labeled films. They just don't seem to have that Disney magic in them. PotC did... I didn't watch "Haunted Mansion"... but still... the older films had that Walt Disney magic. If Eisner can't see that... then hopefully the Shareholders & everyone else does & will.


  4. Whatever happens in the next film will happen.

    As to back to back filming of the 2 sequels... I agree.

    Another great example was "Matrix: Reloaded" & "Matrix: Revolutions" (which I HATE the both with a passion! Hey, you guys didn't have to watch it nearly 3 times a day 5-7 days a week!).

    Lots of people are rather iffy with sequels anyway. Cause they SO compare them to the 1st film.

    I think... as long as they stay true to pirate lore, myth & legend... all will be well. So much can be played with there. It could play out rather well like an animation I watched as a youngster - which I have all 39 episodes - "The Mysterious Cities of Gold"... taking history, mixing some fiction in it... was so fantastic! If PotC can stay along the same lines & use that old Walt Disney magic! It WILL do wonderfully! Hello! Walt DID intro PotC... & I noticed that in the ride still offered more to have fun with.

    I still have great confidence in the Writer's as well.. despite a couple (cocky) amatuer fan fic writer friends I know. I've seen a couple scripts from other films... PotC:tCotBP was written rather good I think. Granted despite the MANY, MANY revisions.

    So.... looking forward to the sequels... & maybe so close together in release is not all that good... maybe a year apart would be ok... or whatever.... but 6 months, that's again what Matrix did... a lot of people thought Revolutions was Reloaded... this is what they told me. Plus.. they also didn't like what happened with Revolutions either. Oh, well.


  5. Aye... read that article, too. All I can say... WHAT THE BLEEDIN' HELL IS HE DOIN'?!?!?

    In my opinion.. the reason why the live action ones that they have been doing.. minus a few of them... are lacking that Disney magic! Look at the ones that Walt put on in the past! Granted, some of them were not blockbusters... you can always make a blockbuster or Academy grade film... what matters is how it grabs your attention... takes you away to that far off place full of adventure & excitement! Just like the old live action films! They had that Disney Magic!

    I'm sorry... but is a horse racing across a desert ("Hidalgo") magical? It can be IF it was made to be. But.. it's a bloody real life drama that is short of being something magical.

    & what makes it worse... they can the 2D animation! again.. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS HE THINKING! Walt... I'm sure... put a LOT of work into creating these depts & such. & Eisner wants to kill it! ^*(**(&*%^%&@#@$*(*#@(!!!! Darn right I am furious!

    VERY little Live Action... no decent & true to for 2d Animation...

    what does he expect Disney to do then? Hmmm?


  6. Aye... true enough there, Redd.

    But .... From what I have read from these places... :lol: tis no different than from what Iron Bess has told us.. other than a couple spots. The areas that are NOT in the Caribbean... that's a little wild I think. Tortuga is close enough... being as it's north of Hispaniola.... but.. somewhere on the other side of the world? Starting to sound like Master & Commander. Somewhat.

    But.. as I mentioned elsewhere. One never knows with Barbossa. As pirate myths, lores & legends that some kids learn about... pirate ghosts are possible.. & to a kid... a pirate NEVER dies!


  7. Wish I could. ::le sigh:: :lol:   alas.. STILL no way to watch it. Oh, well.

    here ya go http://www.cmt.com/artists/az/clark_terri/videos.jhtml


    Thanks for the offer & thought. But.. Still can't view it. I've a dinosaur of a comp, can't view movies or videos with this comp. ::: le sigh:: Nor do I have cable or any show that will show that Terri Clark music video. Which is a bummer.. cause I would even LOVE to see Gretchen Wilson's video & a WHOLE bunch others as well. ::Le sigh::


  8. Wish I could. ::le sigh:: :D alas.. STILL no way to watch it. Oh, well.

    But.. that's great that "Sparrow" was in the music video - even though it wasn't Depp. Still goes to show the grand scale of PotC, how huge it is & that it's now along the lines of a fandom albeit rather new & young compared to some others.


  9. TITO! MATE! CONGRATS! ::again, tosses ya pure 100% tobacco, nothin' else in them Cuban cigars & rum:: such a proud papa ye be, I'm sure! :lol:

    May you, your Lady, & your new little girl be healthy both body & spirit... wealthy with memories... an' wise with knowing what to do & when to do it to raise the little bundle o' joy to be a fine Lady!

    I'm with Scupper here...

    HUZZAH! :P

    HUZZAH! :P

    HUZZAH! :P


    Again... congrats, Tito!


    ps, Elaina, good t' see ya again. :)

  10. Oooh, Barbossa is one of THE greatest villians of all time. Which is jsut SOOOO very unfair that he didn't get the Best Villian MTV award. :huh: I mean.. COME ON! Barbossa - & I agree with this totally, as some told me this once - is THE best villian since Darth Vader. (I know I have said that before once or twice on this board.) Barbossa is so much a Darth Vader villian. He's the kind of villian you hiss & boo at, a villian would love to hate... but yet.. you love cause he's so fantastic.. so mysterious... has a past... & just totally cool! Besides... I'm sure everyone remembers that moment they saw Darth Vader stroll through that smoke.... & now, remembering seeing Barbossa there on the quarter deck of the Black Pearl.... such a Darth Vader moment, isn't it?

    I saw at Hot Topics a new shirt.. new there at least.. its only of Jack. They didn't have any others.. hello, even in podunk centeral they go like wild fire! :::hope that's a wake up call for Disney:::

    But ... Barbossa merchandise would be great... even Elizabeth. I admit, Elizabeth was cool! Damn lucky girl, too!

    Hopefully, this time... shoot more for the young audience. I've found here that there are still quite a bit of kids around my nephew's age who has not seen the movie yet. Not sure why. Hint, Disney... market... get them! cause the kids who have seen it... think it's THE coolist thing they have EVER seen! It's like Star Wars for them... cause I see them swordplay a lot, too.

    A movie that appeals to adults as well as kids.. it's a fandom a like Star Wars.

    Nearly a year after it's release... & what's happening?

    I've still been attempting to work with a theater here to do a PotC Interactive.. however.. not sure what is going on there. I've been told he's just been busy. ::rolls eyes::

    PotC is now a cult fandom! We need merchandise! & more!

    Luckily, I haven't had anyone bugger (sorry) me about holding or having a PotC convention lately. But... still, having had several people tell me that would be SOOO cool to have one.


    ps - & yes, Barbossa IS dead sexy!

  11. Have fun with your coat, mate! It's fantastic to have one.

    None of the current general patterns out there are correct. But with some altering, can be made correct. The sleeves are the major part, since the pattern is rather off compared to the actual, authentic patterns & authentic attire of the time.

    I hear ya there. Though, I feel sorry for ya, mate. That's not all the worlds best to have low grade stores. Getting a hold of decent material for your attire is indeed a challenge.

    All I can say is... ask & someone will answer... guaranteed.


  12. :D

    ::removed large black feathered hat; bows elegantly:: Thank ye, Grey! Though.. I'm still learning a lot of the tricks of the trade. There is SOOOO much information, just blows my mind!

    Oh, the book is fantastic! Shows good detail of how outfits were sewn & more. Yeah, it's abook I highly recommend to anyone. It's the only one I have besides "Tidings of the 18th Century" by Beth Gilgun & the Distaff Sketchbook.... the other books I have are of cavalry greats during the Rev War like Tarleton, Lee, Washington(George's cousin) & Marion.

    I attempted to look at the sight, but the majority of the pictures would not show for me. :D

    The stays... I have them loosely sewn on the top & bottom... where I can replace the reeding whenever I want.

    The stays do rather well in forming a proper figure even with the thinnest & flexible boning.

    & as to wanting to wear one... takes bravery. Well, not really. Making them is interesting. Wearing them is a skill. If you have them too tight & can't breathe, then you are SO wearing them wrong! I love them. They provide good back support as well as good posture. Breathe up, not out. gives good figure.

    LOL... as to bending over... ladies... if I drop something, the stays are a GREAT excuse to get gents to pick items up for you. :) Guaranteed to work.

    I'm finishing up a pair of breeches by using a mix of flat drafting & an old pair of denim jeans. It's a challenge especially when they have to be done by hand. :D

    Made a blue dress that way as well. I've taken a couple patterns & altered them to more like what I see in the books I have. It's fun doing stuff like this.

    LOL, Jedi robes are still a challenge nonetheless. ANY costume is a challenge! If you sew, I found out people will worship you for it. If you sew REALLY good... I don't know WHAT status they will give you other than ask you to make costumes for them. :D

    Would be cool to go to a costumers convention.

    & yes... chatting about costuming is fun! SO much one can learn from people. What books you ca pick up.. hints... & where to get materials & all. I find it rather unfriendly when some people are not willing to release their secrets or where they get materials. Cause, like me.. I'm stuck in podunk central where there is little selection on authentic materials required to make 18th c period attire. I need to find who to go through - which the stores won't help - to get good authentic materal.

    Good to talk to everyone about this.

    Again, the pattern for the stays... is rather a blessing I think. Since I have been wanting another pair of stays.. this time with a shoulder strap... this pattern looks a tad pinch different than the one I have.. which is ok by me.

  13. Yup!

    I'm sure some of you have seen it.. or heard by now... not sure if someone mentioned this before. If so, my apologies.

    But.. I heard about it a couple days ago... I thought it a hoax. But heard about it on the Country music radio station here in Cedar Rapids,IA (KHAK)... & I nearly couldn't believe it!

    "Girls Lie Too" by Terri Clark is what he is in.

    alas, I am unable to see it... which bums me out. :D But I hear it's one hell of a music video.

    I love country music... & I love that song by Terri Clark anyway... but to hear Johnny Depp is in the music video as Jack Sparrow.. that's just tops!

    Enjoy all! & enjoy double for me since I have no way of seeing it.


  14. DEFINITE Barbossa shirt. Make your own is ok, but an official one would be great!

    Plus that one I heard about of Jack & Barbossa about the caribbean being a "paradise for some.. for others it's a curse.." or something like that. Would LOVE to have my pirate hands upon that one! :)

    All kinds of PotC shirts.. PLEASE! Maybe some of the shirts out there now, but made more like 18th c bodices...with the ruffled sleeves, etc. :D



  15. Yeah.. reeding needs to be replaced constantly & doesn't allow for washing... but, that's why some stays had the leather trims at the top & bottom to allow for the boning to be removed, changed or even washing the stays.

    Rigelene? Not heard of that.

    Yes, please. Would like to know more about this. If it's better than metal & won't be as warming.

    That's the reason I won't use the metal boning cause I do re-enacting & I have to be authentic.. but metal boning absorbs the heat.. so, it's not good to wear heat absorbing items when the temp outside if 90+ degrees.

    A nice pair of stays there. Fancy material used.

    I looked at some of the items made at Colonial Williamsburg, even at the Smithsonian on display there.

    I've found I can take any pattern & be able to alter it to my own specifications. The stays pattern I have, I didn't have to. Works rather well.

    Stays are interesting. & it depends on your class. Upper class used them for fashion mostly, to have that slim, trim form, with the appearance that you had breasts even when you didn't. But for some of us women who have them, it's rather interesting.

    Women of working class, they were not so tight, & used often as a back brace. Oh, how I LOVE them that way... especially for us ladies of the camp as we stand over the pits & cook to even drag men off the battlefields or whatever.

    With stays... what I have learned... it all boils down to your class. Then go from there on how your stays will appear, not only how they shape you, but the material used.

    In "Costume Close up" by Linda Baumgarten, there is a few pictures of stays from the era. As well as other clothes.


  16. I have yet to buy mine. But I was highly impressed with it. I've a pattern for stays from Jas Townsend... but without a shoulder strap.

    These stays from Butterick have a strap.

    They help with a guide, but... if you have books or knowledge of stays of the era... you can fully bone them or bone them along the seams.

    Try not to use plastic. Reeding is great for summer, despite needing replacing constantly. But they work so well. Metal is ok especially for winter cause I have been told they absorb the body heat. So, if you have the stays & wear them outside at re-enactment events... you will get hot.

    What I like about this pattern, is that they have the option of front or/& back lacing! The pattern I have only allows for back lacing.

    Another pattern to make any Elizabeth Swann outfit... there is a pattern out there that is rather close to her nightgown & robe.

    It's by Simplicity, pattern # 5188. It's more a late Victorian, but with imagination & some altering slightly.... it can look like what Elizabeth wore.

    The great part is... you also DON'T have to make it like Elizabeth's... but can make your own type of nightgown & robe!


  17. Authentic attire with the natural fibers make a breathable outfit. So I have come to learn as a re-enactor. Which stuns people, who ask me if my black clad costume is hot.. it's not, cause it's made of 100% cotton & breathable material.

    As to the cost of piracy... :ph34r: Besides a ship.. which, Royaliste captain.. that is FAR more than most re-enactors I know... who go as far as several muskets .. or a couple cannons...

    Most re-enactors I know on average spend $1,000.. giver or take. That's not to start though.

    I've found piracy to be MUCH cheaper. :ph34r:


  18. I'm presuming these pantaloons are a type that are similiar to the undergarment ones?

    They are fairly simple to make.

    Sloops are comfy... baggy.

    Breeches are the hardest. Bllody hell! I made my own for my Dragoon uniform. They are a pill to make! Especially by hand.

    Or.. if a piratess or wench would like.. take your petticoat, pull it between your legs, tuck the hem under the belt - must find a way for it to stay there though.

    Pantaloons... balloony ones are comfy as well. They work well with ribbon at the calves instead of buttons. Leave the buttons for the breeches.


  19. Bess? You? Will Turner? Well... I would venture to say you are most definitely not a stick in the mud. But then again, Turner is not as tight laced as Norrington.

    Who do you think you should have been most like?


    Aye, took it for an insult I did! :D

    M'Self?? Hmmmmmmm... I think I be......

    the dog with the keys!! (Not the first time I've left the impression I was a Piratcal bitch! :D )


    AYE! That's a good one, Bess!!! :D:D

    I can see that... bein' an sea dog... a mighty fine one... that ye have the keys to everything... & if anyone wants something, they have to beg before you but you stand undetered, holding fast... :D

    Huzzah! To Bess.. the sturdy ol' sea dog that can NEVER be shaken!

  20. :D

    Now... first off, .. rightly that I adore Barbossa... Jack is a fair enough pirate in his own right. Tis what makes him very unique.

    2ndly... I think it only has 4 personalities: Sparrow, Barbossa, Turner & Miss Swann.

    I could be mistaken. But I haven't seen more than those 4.

    & RumbaRue... :) Yes, I can see you most like Jack! :D

    I made 7 attempts, cause there was more than a few ways for me to answer those questions. But.. amazing enough, 5 out of 7 came up to the grand Captain himself. :D


  21. Well... I got it. Found it at Best Buy... like ya said.. bought it.. & watched several of the episode... up to... ship o' the dead, I believe.

    I'd like to get "Blackbeard the Pirate".

    I admit... I like Disney's "Blackbeard's Ghost". Rather amusing. I read a book titled "Blackbeard's Ghost", it was somewhat similiar to the Disney film.. but dealt with 2 teenage boys. The book was funny. Wish I could find it again. I want it.

    I'd like to see all the old pirate films like "The Sea Hawk", Black Swan", etc... :; le sigh:: oh, well...

    But I will ALWAYS LOVE "The Goonies"!!! :D


  22. Appears I'm a Traditional as well. Scarey.

    "You're the TRADITIONAL PIRATE. ((Oooh, cool!)) Stealing gold ((Gold! GOLD!)), backstabbing other pirates, ((::evil grinz::)) being suspicious of everyone you meet, ((Me? suspicious? :blink: )) running from the law (( :Daye... that I did at DMRF.. I avoided the Court by all costs. Bowing mostly for the Man of God, than for their Majesties))... you're the real thing. ((::snoopy dances:: I'm SOOO happy!)) People don't like to mess with you because you always manage to get your way((So.. :D )). Just watch out, those parrots can be a little messy sometimes.... ((Parrots? T' hell with the Parrots! Watch out for the damn drunken monkey! Ahh, give me a tiger anyday!))


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