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Posts posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. A last resort here for anyone around the Chicago area willing to jump on the bandwagon with a fellow PotC fan named Toby who does a fantastic Jack Sparrow ( who, btw, will be doing a gig with NECA to help promote & released the new PotC Merchandise).

    He's been asked to return this weekend - Sept 18th - to the Museum of Science & Industry for a special event to help promote it. Not only will Toby be there as Sparrow, but other characters from various movies including the Chicago division of the 501st Stormtroopers, & many other characters.

    Want to join Toby? Just show up at the Museum of Science & Industry this Saturday - Sept 18th. The event starts at 10:30 am til 2:30pm.

    Join the fun. Maybe afterward we may swing by the Bounty. :P


  2. The vast majority of RPGs out there are rather slow if not dead.

    At current looking for Barbossa in a few.. Will Turner in a couple.. Elizabeth in one, & a whole slew of characters for all of them. :)

    Soon, Charity... Soon. I've been a bit slammed with other things lately.


  3. Oh! BTW... there are a few other RPG on Yahoo that are in DIRE need of players.

    Lemme see if I can grab their URLs here.... :: runs off to get them:::

    Barbossa RPG

    My own... looking for someone, prefer gent, to take over the role of Barbossa... starting just before the curse.

    Pirates of the Caribbean: The Series

    Another of my RPGs. Takes place after the Film. Alas, REALLY slow.. in need of players.

    Pirates and Love

    :ph34r: The REALLY HOT & Steamy RPG that Christine gave a link to. Always welcoming new players & characters. Plenty of ideas to go around. A little slow with a couple characters. Though, open for some of the co-characters to be taken: Norrington, Groves, Gillette, Gibbs, AnaMaria, Jack's crew, Barbossa's crew, Jo's crew, etc.

    pirates ofthe caribbean

    This was an award winning RPG in which is slowly dying.. NOOOO! I don't want it to die as I have ideas for this one as well, have recently been made owner from the original owner who has kinda.. dumped it. :lol: Soo.. pretty much in need of almost everyone & new characters. The only characters that are taken: Jack & Gibbs.

    Black Pearl 1

    Needing someone to temp Barbossa every so often. This I am hoping will be an interesting RPG as well. Otherwise, we have Jack, Will & Elizabeth. Willing to let someone take over some of Blackheart's crew.

    Black Pearl Legends

    Ooooh, this one will definitely prove to be a wild one as well! Hard to say what the plot is to this one.. but I'm sure Jack & Barbossa will find themselves in some DEEP trouble!

    PotC Twisted Tales

    This one is interesting. Jack has cursed himself with the Aztec Gold, captured a Princes of England who is a friend of Elizabeth.

    Will, Norrington, & Barbossa is needed here. As well as the minor characters.

    Barbossa more so... as I play Elizabeth (my first Elizabeth role) & Again, Barbossa is needed to help defeat Jack!

    Pirates Cove

    Uber slow at the moment. But, would like to see this one get going.

    Barbossa has kidnapped Governor Swann. Elizabeth (Again I am playing her) must enlist Norrington's, Will's & Jack's help in order to rescue her father. Lots of potential here!

    ::pants:: Ok.. that's a vast majority of them. A couple others though I think they are pretty much dead. A pity since I had fun with them & they had REALLY good stories going.


  4. :lol: Guinevere, looks like Christine got to it before I. Hope you enjoy it. I honestly picked up Barbossa back in November here I do believe. & be portraying him sense. It's been wild. Damn the man can throw me for a loop! Seriously!

    You'd REALLY have to go back to when I started playing him to get the jist of most of it. But the stories are a bit slow, pardon on that. I wish they would go faster. I have TONS of ideas for the future, guaranteed it will get SOOOO wild, SOOOO intense... SOOO sexy! Plenty of romance, adventure, betrayal, suspense, action, horror, drama, etc...!1! Guaranteed!

    ::: Hands everyone a fan who has read the PaL post::: Yeah, cold showers, ice buckets, fans with really cold air, AC on high, etc.

    I agree, Siren. Rush & Depp I admire greatly & professionally as Actors. Nothing more. No crush on them... :lol: especially Depp, I think he had enough of the crushness back in the 80's, poor man.

    It's Sparrow & Barbossa that draws the attention. Though, is some cases, more Depp's fans than Rush's, they mix the character with the Actor.

    :lol: Sever that pretty head... Oh, dear. Not sure if I will want it to go that far. Despite that's what happened to Blackbeard, poor man. Let's just hope that doesn't happen to Barbossa!!!

    Yup.. one of the other pirates has the same earring. Keep an eye out for his crew. I'm not sure if others have the same earring as well.

    As to focused on Barbossa's face.... well... I'd have to admit, my eyes DO wander! :D

    Thin is not too bad. I wouldn't really call Rush thin... then again, I haven't seen him face to face. Ummm.. "Quills" ... ::Speechless still:: he doesn't look all that thin. Nor is he perfect body-wise compared to Orlando... but.. that's ok. Truly. ::Still stunned with "Quills"; jerks a tad:: That movie.. & those scenes will forever be imprinted in my mind. For one such as I - & Christine knows what I am talking about.. hopefully - Ummm... has ... ok, I have no word to describe it for these once innocent eyes.

    Not that it was TOTALLY bad. :D

    Working with Jack? Naw.. Barbossa would get rid of Jack at his(Barbossa's) earliest convinience. :)

    Fan fics, rpgs, pictures, fan art, the voice, even the movie is not enough. My desire for Barbossa has literially become insatiable. ::evil grinz::

    :lol: Love fest!

    Well, I wouldn't say in the MIDDLE of it.. :D But... I'm sure it will most assuredly get wilder & steamy. Hopefully before the month is out! <_<

    One of a... well, a few now... RPGs, m'dears, that have Barbossa in them.

    It's rather funny... Elizabeth & Barbossa are an item in it. Plus Elizabeth's daddy has fallen in love with a lady just SLIGHTLY older than Elizabeth.. & Jack has recently fallen in love with one of Barbossa's old Lovers.. & Will... has fallen in love with a French beauty & Josephine's (Barbossa's former Lover) Lady-in-waiting, "sidekick" or whatever you want to call her.



  5. :)

    Ditto, Nyre. With the patterns & the sewing biz. I've got a couple orders already... I have a friend who has asked me to be a part of their new business (Historical Attire). So.. .it's suddenly full steam ahead! Hoping I can keep up!

    I just adore the idea of the costuming now. & with the Sparrow-like pattern from Simplicity... & Butterick's Lady's gown/caraco outfit.... just fantastic!

    So... giving my hand a go at this. We shall see how this works out.


  6. :) Oh, indeed, Charity!

    I love the fun of PotC. I admit, Treasure Planet was pretty fun as well... mostly the female feline cat.. love her sentances. Ted & Terry can come up with some rather fun stuff. :)

    If anyone has NOT seen Treasure Planet.. do... Captain Amelia is just a riot!

    "Doctor, let me give you a piece of advice, & I mean this in a rather caring way... Shut that Howling screamer!" B) One of many lines I so like.

    Barbossa die again? :: Shrugs:: Who knows. Maybe Jack will die heroically in the end or at the end of a hangman's necklace... again, who knows what the Writers have in store.. other than Bes.. B)

    Nope, no screencaptures of it. I guess... the diner scene is a good view of it. Off & on through the film you see some good shots of it.

    The earring.. :: Shrugs:: bloody hell if I know. Some have said a tiger's tooth he got from a trip in Asia, maybe a boar's tusk, or a bear's tooth.. or a claw a lion in Africa.. :: Shrugs;: Bloody hell if I know what it is.

    I made a similiar type earring filling a little of the neck bone of a turtle.

    One of the other pirates has the same earring as well.. bloody hell if I know his name... you can see it in that scene where he's rammed through the gut with the staff that Elizabeth had... with Jakoby & the other pirate as well in a line, trying a tug-of-war to get it out until Elizabeth & Will push them out of the moonlight after Will stuffs a grenade into Jakoby's belly! B) It's the tall pirate on the left.. you will see the earring on his right ear when he screams bloody murder after being rammed through with the rod.

    B)B) Oh, I plead the 5th (Or so the court lead to believe)...

    As to the appeal of Jack & Barbossa... Ummm, Depp is just a fantastic Actor, ditto with Rush. Their characters however... are beyond measure! What makes them SO appealing is the vareity of rebel, humanity, humor, intelligence, cunning, & all around appearance that gives them such an appeal.

    Barbossa being a fine example... as some people don't seem him as an attractive man physically. In due time, people like him... variety of reasons.. but the major reason being is his all around pirate appeal. He's all that is pirate lore! Blackbeard, Kidd, Rackham, Morgan, Roberts, etc.. all in one!

    Sparrow.. he's mostly Rackham to the point of fantastic fun... he relates easier to the innocent crowd, in a manner of speaking. He's good, he's fun, he's he kinda of guy your parents may be afraid of until he comes in & tells them about the "Chieftain" story.. then they will love him.

    Again, Barbossa.. he's the reality of life. He's truth, he's humanity, he's... us! His struggles are near to us. To the point people love it when Sparrow stops Barbossa in the end cause it gives hope that there is defeat as well... But, granted that others ruined Barbossa in his quest to be normal, it's all about relation to fictional characters.

    Plus we just love the hell out out of them.. they are WAY TOO WICKED! B)


  7. :D Well, in an RPG I am in... Barbossa & Elizabeth are an item. Tis rather interesting.

    Guinevere, Yeah, Jack could be bound to the same Gods as well... well, sort of. To Viracocha, that is. Since Barbossa was in the curse for 10 years, his debt had been paid. But, he still belongs to the Gods. They are rather complicated yet simple.

    As to Barbossa REALLY being dead... umm, HELLO! He was cursed, skeletal, undead, etc.... if that wasn't unbelievable - which was made into believable - then I think they can find other ways of him to return! Pirate ghost stories run amok.. hauntings, curses, etc. It's just part of Pirate Lore.

    :lol: Jack also took some of Barbossa's wealthy... if that wouldn't piss him off.

    I can see Barbossa cursed again. Well... Maybe his resurrection has something to do with that necklace that he wears.. the one with the serpents. It looks like the celtic symbol of the 4 serpents with means "Immortality". So... who knows. He's no mere man, either. Or maybe Barbossa is just a bit oddly lucky. Hehehehe... Maybe voodoo would work since at the end of "League of Extrodinary Gentlemen" Alan Quartermain was resurrected by a witchdoctor. But that was only when he was laid to rest in the earth of Africa.... "Africa will not let him sleep".

    Again, we shall see what happens... how Barbossa makes a return appearance. Perhaps we will see new faces, which would be awesome... as the majority of the RPGs out there & fan fiction has come up with some intreguing characters.

    It's not meeting each other's match... it's just adding flavor & spice to an already colorful cast of characters. :lol: Colorful enough for a character or more can give another character major heartburn.

    Bess... I hope the hurricanes are not adding to too many delays in island hunting. Unless they were lucky enough to get that done already.


  8. M'dear... I STILL haven't been able to get ahold of any cards! It's getting rather silly to the point I have been waiting for a pack since July.. & the damn store won't get them in yet. They can't seem to get ahold of more boxes! They keep selling out, so they tell me. I'm not the only one here trying to get ahold of them. ::le sigh::

    Enjoying them?

    I won't order online. I just don't like to... long story... :lol:


  9. :lol::lol:

    :::wipes off Morgan's mouth:: Easy there, mate.

    ::hands him a bottle of rum to "rehydrate" himself::

    Aye, Bess... I figured things were finally starting to go full steam ahead. Hope everyone is keeping up with the pace.

    I'm sure it's one hell of a production indeed.

    As to Barbossa's return... :: shrugs:: Mates... creativity. I've seen it in fan fiction & role playing games online. Plenty of good ways he could return. I guess we shall see what the writers come up with in the sequels.

    Besides... the Aztec Gods ... well, Viracocha on the side of that chest (stil kills me with that)... Barbossa honestly is bound to the Gods for all eternity. At least he didn't end up as an actual Aztec or Incan sacrifice. Granted, honorable... but still a mighty painful way to go!

    Ooooooh... so many ways Barbossa can get back into the mix.... let alone continue to get into trouble... poor ol' sea dog.

    Plus, lots of wealth involved in the New World... well... possible that war can be involved since by the appearance of the film it seems to be setting close to the Seven Years War... Oooooo, what a thrill!

    Again.. so many possibilities. So many choices... so much FUN! Heaven help them all... ;)


  10. Hmmm.... ahhh, the ever fun subject of attire.

    Well... I'm an American Revolutionary War re-enactor. I have the Ladies attire as well as working on men's attire for my uniform as a dragoon of Lee's Legion & to double as a dragoon in Tarleton's British Legion.

    Finding period correct items is truly a pain in the arse! Mostly for women to find some material decent & correct for the gowns. Men... I think is a tad bit easier.. though sometimes hotter if you wear a damned regimental.

    But I do keep to as close to authentic as possible. It's a condition I guess being a rookie re-enactor, this being my 3rd year.

    I wear the gowns, one made with a machine, one hand sewn even hand embroidered.

    I've a hunting frock I bought from a sutler & making breeches, hand sewn.

    Then my pirate outfit at current with the pantaloons, ruffled shirt, waistcoat, frock coat... all with 100% cotton & breathable.. :ph34r:

    I've a few other pirate attire in mind, including the Calico Cat look from the card game Pirates of the Spanish Main & a Spanish Conquistador look.

    Unnatural material tends to be hot compared to natural... plus, I have been told by many, natural is more flame resistant than unnatural.. :: Shrugs:: Bloody hell if I know.. I'm NOT going to test that though!

    I'd say go with what is comfy. Aye... gents adore the petticoats... but the breeches/slops/trousers/pantaloons with a shirt - ruffled or not, any design - with a waistcoat of any sort, stockings or not.. shoes or boots.. etc... Depends on your climate I guess as well. :)


  11. Bloody hell! Tito had a Bday?!? ::Grumbles:: an' I missed it!... ::whimpers:: Oh, well... :: Tosses Tito a bottle o' rum:: Here ya are, Mate. :ph34r:

    Suppose... I should add an extra to yer new shirt, eh. :) I'm sure I can conjure & scower fer somethin'.

    Hope ya had a fine day. If not.. well, then.. someone should kidnap ya & take ya out to have a fine day an' all. :) :ph34r::ph34r:





  12. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

    Again, can't say I know that chocolate is better than sex... but the chocolate is FAR better than anything made by Herseys... let alone the Godiva chocolates.. Or any other chocolate I've had before. It's made WITHOUT any parafin (?) wax... & it's made locally in Eu Claire, Iowa! :)

    As to attractin' gents like an East India Company prize ship ripe for the taken... So I have been told.. but alas - be it good or bad, I am still debating it... thus far good.. since it's obviously givin' me some fun opportunities - I've no gent who's decided to be courtin' this pirate Lady. It has it's ups & downs I guess.

    I've been told.. I'm rather imposing & intimidating. Right good for a pirate such as I. :)

    But.. Billy... I'll tell ya this... You HAVE to try one of those chocolate truffles... or as many as possible! They are just delightful! So good :) But Pete makes it all the worth while to visit the store. She is a riot. :ph34r:

    Though... for those of you unable to make it here to Iowa to visit Pete at the Olde Fashion Candy Company... you can order them via phone or online. :)

    Anyway.... ::Looks at Barbossa II; grabs one of the green apples double drenched in caramel; offers it to him:: A trade? Pictures for the apple? Trust me, mate.. this apple YOU WILL WANT! I had one on Thursday... talk about DELIGHTFUL!!!! OMG!!... ::Clears throat:: anyway...

    ::: evil chuckles:: Evil, am I not?

    ::Sings & dances around to "Here for the Party" by Gretchen Wilson!:::


  13. :) Aye.. the book series is now an animated series.

    Redwall TV series

    Is the link to the animated series. The series is just fantastic.

    But the interviews & documentary shorts at the end of each episode is awesome... especially the pirate shorts during the Martin the Warrior episodes.

    It was wild to see the pirate short documentaries. :o


  14. :P

    MerryD.. they are indeed SOO good... but better than sex.. :::shrugs:::

    One of these days, I'll get ya to the shoppe so you can try one of those fine chocolate truffles. There are MANY of them that are just fantastic!

    :::holding a box of the truffles; looks at Animal:: These... Barbossa gets first dibs on them... the 3 of them, if they so desire... they being such fne gentlemen of the sea. Even now, there is a green apple that is double drenched in caramel! Had one the other day... I have to say, it was pure heaven! :)


  15. Not sure if anyone posted this before. But, I haven't seen anything.

    My niece & nephew LOVE a series called "Redwall" that is set during a Ren era with animals from the Writer's native lands of England.

    In some episodes of Redwall, mostly about Martin the Warrior... they use pirates or raiders of various sort.

    At the end of each of these episodes was an explaination of pirates, pyracy & what was used by some crew whom I am sure someone who did that would be on this Pub. Each pirate documentary short was different after each episode.

    Well worth checking it out. Especially for you young pirates. :)


  16. My parents get AAA's "Home & Away" magazine for the Minnesota/Iowa region.

    In the Sept/Oct issue they talk about pirate fests in Florida. What makes this SOOO cool is that it's a cover story! The cover is REALLY fine for a pirate such as I... a chest overflowing with GOLD!

    Covering 3 pages, the article has a few good pictures of pirates on the Jose Gasparilla. As well as a singing group of pirates at Pirates in Paradise... plus a picture from the Disneyworld Pirates of the Caribbean ride... & a cute kid looking like a pirate with a penciled in 5 o'clock shadow.... aww, really cute.

    There is mention in there of Pirates in Paradise fest even when it is & who to contact calling this a fantastic event & must go to as well as the Gasparilla fest. Mentioning of Mel Fisher Maritime Museum... the Ghost Tours of St. Augustine as well as the re-enactment of Robert Seales historic invasion upon St. Augustine.

    If anyone is able to get their hands upon this issue of "Home & Away"... I STRONGLY suggest it for pirates! What a GREAT way for the pandlubbers of the northern midwest to be shown pyracy & have their own version of plunder & treasure. :lol:


  17. :lol::lol::lol:

    ANIMAL! :::Shakes finger - good one not the bad one - at him::: :lol: wily ol' sea dog.

    Hehehehe.... Scupper... I've plenty of chocolates 'round here to top Godiva. They are WAY better than Godiva. :)

    ::ponders::: Gold would be good punishment. :::Attempting an innocent look with a wicked smirk:::

    ::Tosses both Animal & Scupper each a bottle of rum:: :lol: There ya be. I hold the best of my stock for Barbossa... hehehehe... all 3 of them here. As well as my wine... which I'm sure a certain Barbossa might like wine from the Amanas. I've 2 bottles from there.... if not 3... I think 3. 1 being the Lover's Wine.

    Anyways... straying from the topic by Barbossa II here.. which, he's torturing me... actually so are the others.. with their being at DragonCon.. :: whimpers; le sigh:: As well as wanting pictures.. LOTS of them of him as well as everyone.

    Can't wait to see pictures of the Jolly Roger. :lol:


  18. Pewter? :::pause:::.... Pewter?!?!

    Now, mate...we be pirates. Granted gold is rather... pricy... but what do we pirates care. Silver would be a fine choice.

    Ooooh, sufferin' silos... Pewter be fine 'nough. Though wouldn't mind silver if no gold.

    ANYWAYS.... :) Sounds rather.... interesting. Will be rather hard to give to just one. I've curious as to who will receive this award... :: Goes to the site:::


  19. :D


    Crimsoncrow. :huh:

    Here be rum... ::Tosses ya a bottle o' the finest rum from me own private stock..::::: :huh: ..... women... :: opens the door so that a flood of Tortuga Ladies rush & pounce ya..::: ... but th' gold, mate... I be keepin' tha' fer m'self! I'm plannin' t' "Commandeer" th' Bounty within the next couple months... :huh:


  20. Not at all, Scupper. Wish you & others could join the lot of us here. I'm aware that not everyone can make it... but, always good to make an attempt than NOT making that attempt at all.

    So... whoever can is welcome to join us. Just figured this would be a fine place to post to give fellow pirates the heads up on what is going on & what we be plannin'. :)


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