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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Aye... Chocolate... strawberries... marshmellow (that ways it takes a bit longer fo' th' lickin'!).... an' a cherry... that's way... we takes th'cherry! Course... now... can be vice versa. Havin' all that upon us... with a cherry. Any Gent can be able t' takes our cherry! Twisted of me... I know.
  2. Ahhh... I am already lovin' this topic. Welp, Ladies an' Gents.. here be my vessels of chaos: the Resurrection the Saint Elmo's Fire the Crimson Mourning and the Death's Head Other vessel? Perhaps... but not yet. though I do fancy some vessel from the Pirates constructable card game: the Revenant, Roanoke, Harbringer, HMS Goliath, Black Swan, the Monkey's Paw... plus many others. Oh, an' one vessel I dare say it's not pirate vessel.. though Spaniards thought it was. Ol' Mendoza replied that it wasn't a pirate ship. The Solaris be a grand vessel indeed! ~Lady B
  3. I'm planning to camp there at the Fort. Perhaps I'll be seeing you down there. Not sure how many will be there. But, I am sure that there will be a good amount of us there, willing and able to have LOTS of fun! :)
  4. Aaayyyeeee.... I know ya would, luv. In due time, luv... in due time.
  5. Ooooo... chocolate! Hmmm.. there ya go, gents! Come on.. we knows ya love us ladies chocolate coated! Imagine what ye can do to us!
  6. I'm returnin' to th' doc t'day in order to get a clean bill of health to r'turn to classes. ::knocks on the wood of the Black Pearl:: There's a horse show this weekend I want to help out with. I don't want to jeopardize my chances in going on a trip to Florida and Kentucky in May.
  7. Splendid, Gabriel! Ditto. Perhaps I'll visit on the weekend in conjunction with the Tall Ships fest at the Navy Pier. Wouldn't want to miss visitin' th' Royaliste in all th' world!
  8. Prayers you keep gettin' better, Christine. I'm havin' th' touch of th' flu at the moment, but nothin' as bad as what you've been havin'. Eeekk! Get better soon, pirate sister! On the other hand, classes an' work have been on the tipsy scales m'self since I've been rather ill. Not sure what will happen there. Don't really want t' return to work since it's what triggered some sudden health issues. Another issue I learned today was with the Northwest Territory Alliance. A vote on whether horses could be at events so us Dragoons can portray ourselves properly... that vote was turned down... so no horses. I'm furious! Apparently, some people don't trust us Dragoons an' believe we'll be breakin' bylaws! I feel like a child now.
  9. Oh how so adorable! Tis a pity I wasn't there t' see that! If not assist... or maybe ... be the competition!
  10. Tis amazin' how businesses can treat ya like crap, isn't it? Should be a law against that! Either that or us pirates can be allowed t' have our way with 'em. Kinda like those old Capitol One commercials. Lord knows I'd LOVE t' do that to several people, businesses, an' associations.
  11. Naw... I'm in th' same boat as you, Mad Matt. Daily! I feel like it daily. You have NO idea how much strength it zaps out of me just to stay law-abidin'.
  12. Rock on, Rummy! Aye, bright attitude there. Indeed lots to be hoping for. I'm a couple months away from the re-enacting season. I'm feelin' the cabin fever an' so very much eager to see everyone. The re-enactments are my therapy as well as my vacation. Vacation from everything. Not a care in th' world! And of course... spring just bein' around the corner... that helps quite a bit, doesn't it?
  13. Hopin' that sickness clears up soon, Christine. Tis a hell of a thing to be havin'. :: Gives her some more medicinal rum tonic:: An' to ye, Silkie as well. :: Hands her the medicinal rum tonic:: Hope ya start feelin' better soon, too. I... well, eventually I'll get t' feelin' better. Still debatin' on whether I'll be able to make it to classes t'day. I'm missin' th' horses desperately. But th' pain in my chest an' all.. it be hurtin' as though I just took a cannonball square in th' middle of it. :: Gives self a mug of medicinal rum tonic:: I'm startin' to ponder ways of how t' feel better... creatin' mental images in m' twisted head. ........................................ ::Purrs:: Aaayyyeeeee... that'll just about do it...
  14. Thank ye kindly, Bo. Aye... I thought about Smoke and Fire. I've posted on a couple Rev War chat lists also. See what I can find out. The price will be the hard part... as the cheaper, the better. Being a poor College student here, I haven't a bunch of money to blow. But thank ye kindly for th' tip. Hoping to have this tent for Port Washington. & possibly PiP.
  15. Welp... after Will hotly tellin' me about PiP '05 immediately upon his return... now I be eager t' go! Eager to meet lots of ye. Since I be chattin' with a good amount of ya... I wants t' meet ye face t' face. An'... I do plan t' camp there at th' Fort. Just like Will did. Campin' is always rather fun.
  16. Aye, Red Bess... he's lookin' forward t' Port Washington. The lads I'm sure will have plenty o' fun. He's eager t' meet th' powder monkeys. I tell ya.. th' lad has been beggin' me to take him along to events I go to. I've not been able to. So.. this one... I can. Now.. not sure if m' sister will tag along or not. We shall see. But Kidd definitely will be there with me. 3 lil' ones creatin' havoc! LOL... Port Washington best b'ware!
  17. A hearty welcome to ya, Cannon Jack. The name is a nice one. I likes it. So.. luv... from where ya hail from? Hmm? I'll be havin' a glass o' wine, please. a sweet red wine. I'm in a sweet mood this evenin'. ::Glances at BunnyCutlass; at Scarlet an' the other lass; at th' ladies in all::: plenty of girls be eager t' love ya. ::Taps Jack's nose::: depends upon if ya want a girl... or a right womanly Lady. All up to you, luv. But... seriously, though. I do welcome ya to the Pub. You won't meet a finer bunch o' funlovin' pirates. Plenty of exciting entertainment, carefree chaos an' merry mayhem. An'... plenty of us willin' t' drink. As long as yer stores hold out... we be willin' to stay here an' get as drunk as the unconscious oaf outside.
  18. Tis a pleasure to make yer acquintance, SeaWolf. Welcome to th' enjoyable chaos an' merry mayhem! Always plenty o' drinks, more than enough fun, and lively lads an' lasses to converse with. Stay a spell. An' welcome aboard mate! :) An' I'll have a spot o' rum if ya don't mind.
  19. A hearty welcome back, Finn. Leavin' port many do... it's th' returnin' t' port that few e'er make! Aye... tis a good time t' celebrate.
  20. For once... having known about PiP for a couple years, hearin' all the tales of the event... I'm hopin' an' makin' plans to go to PiP '06. I do plan to camp, as I was informed by Will Red Wake that it's allowed there. I do so love campin'. :) Thing is... I need to be throwin' together a budget in a manner o' speakin'. So.. if anyone would be so kind as to what to expect? Food, campin' fees (if any), gas (since I be drivin' down to the Key West). drinks, an' whatever else. What's allowed, what's not allowed. What can I do there, can I cook? Can I bring a few bottles o' rum with me to my campin' site? What be the temp there durin' the event. What about joinin' in on the festivities, how much $$$ need I for that? Prepare me, Lads! I mean to go with plenty an' not be short changed. Royaliste! Mate! Lookin' forward to be seein' ya soon enough, too! When will ya be in chicago? An' for how long? I don't want t' miss out settin' foot upon yer lovely vessel. Especially in my attire! :)
  21. Amen there, Red Bess! Too much goin' on between May an' October. Not sure how many times or how much treasure I'll have to make so many travels! Not sure when, lass. I guess... we best start pondering an' puttin' in our 2 doubloons worth, eh? :) An' true enough... a 3 masted vessel... it too good t' pass up!
  22. Arthur... you are most welcome. Aye. We all be human. Tis good to know that people are on th' same level as ye... sometimes better, sometimes worse... but all in all... the Pub has it's healing powers and properties.
  23. It sounds like a grand idea. I know I'd love to go. The distance is the killer for me at the moment, though.
  24. Curious Kass or even anyone else who wants to jump in on the idea... if any out there are curious about more sewing by hand and even emobroidery. I'm sure there are some folks out there who may be curious on how to do this. Refer books or other materials. I know when I started out with re-enacting... there was no one to show me or tell me. Nor did I have a sewing machine (as it was broken.. long story). So... the research paid off.. and a few books did, too! Kass.. I've question. Have you ever run into an issue when handsewing... where the seam is either too loose or too tight? No matter how good the stitch was?
  25. Aye! The Dickfoss' are very notable folks & members of the NWTA for quite some time. Hazel has been incredibly helpful and insightful when it comes to historical clothing. They strive for the best. The fabrics I have seen with my own 2 eyes... they are well worth whatever price they be and of great quality. I'm hopin' to see them at the Spirit of Rendezvous at Vincennes, IN during Memorial Weekend.. hoping they will have their shop set up.. more than likely they will. Vincennes has been known to be the re-enactors shopping spree at the beginning of the re-enactment season for us in the NWTA.
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