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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Listening to Morgan's speech.... barely giving a glance about with the slight murmers, but a slight glance to Mr Read who appeared rather uneasy with what Morgan stated. Fanning herself she only sat there... being as genteel as possible. One really would have thought her to be an actual Lady with the Breeding of Royal blood. Ahh.. appearances could be deceiving. Then whilst folks simmered a bit, her eyes glanced briefly about. Her eyes followed Morgan as she watched him sit.
  2. I allowed a few minutes for Lady Barbossa to conduct business with Drucker, then I interrupted, "Pardon my intrusion, but is is nearing 6 O'clock. We need to begin towards the church to pay our respects." Glancing at Read, nodding to him, "Thank you," replying to him. Nodding and closing up the business conversation with the shopkeep then moving towards Read to leave shop. As we walked towards the church, I decided to offer a little Port Royal infomration in a whispered conversation, "While there are three menacing looking forts guarding Port Royal, one would have to wonder how much is look...and how much really is the power to defend. I suppose the person who would know that answer would be Major Beckworth.... I've heard his tongue can get a bit loose when he's been spending time at the Three Crownes.... especially after he's already spent a little time downstairs with the drink, and is looking to find the right girl to spend time with upstairs.... yes... a little silk and lace can go a long way...." "I see," spoken slowly and drawn out. Softly and almost as though not interested. But already, in her mind, started to conjure up a way to interest herself in the fortifications of Port Royal and those behind those fortifications. I cut the conversation off as we were nearing the church, a crowd had already assembled and were filing in and filling up the pews. Her eyes watching and glancing through the crowd, taking in images of folks, pondering if anyone would stare and wonder who she was..or worse, if someone recognized her. But... not seeing a soul yet that had a clue... she continued on, fanning herself... walking with Mr Read into the Church for the Service.
  3. Striding gracefully over to Read- "Admiring the lace?" with a genteel voice and fanning herself as the air was a bit stuffy in the shop. Then took to admire it as well. "Mmm, it is fine." And pondered. "I'm presuming, sir," speaking to the shopkeeper but not facing him.. yet- "That you are always welcoming new fabrics?" Finally turning to face him as she strode towards him. "I've recently come to Port Royal and have several bolts of fine and exotic fabrics."
  4. A tricky question... as pointed out already by these other Gents. I don't know when it was first used, but the term Union Jack wasn't used during the American Rev War. Mostly to my knowledge was called the King's Colours. Or the British Colours. If I be mistaken, during that time I believe their were 3 types of King's Colours. And I am not talking about seperate Regimentals. But it is possible that the term Union Jack was 1800+ after another British Isle conflict. Again, pardon for my poor memory. ~Lady B
  5. Hearing the Herald then nodded and turned her head to Read. "It appears you are correct, Mr Read." Again, nodding.. then making way to the door. Many a thought swarmed through her mind. But she kept an alert eye upon Read. No way was this man to be trusted yet let alone out of her sights. Outside in the afternoon sun, she glanced in both directions. Then turned to Read, "You've been here longer than I. Do you mind showing a Lady about town and to the Church for the Service?" Falling easily back into her genteel Ladylike manner. ((Barbossa,Sparrow and Davy Jones? How original. ))
  6. Calico Jack! Good t' see ya here, mate! Thank ye most kindly, sir, for the ship in advance. I shall get the 3 I mentioned sent to you swiftly. Either monster are grand. I've been fortunate enough to get Davy Jones already and El Phantasma as well as Sammy the Skull. But I still have a LONG ways yet to go to end up with all the Pirates and the Cursed from this set. I am still looking for El Phantasma from South China Seas. All that I have available and want is on the Yahoogroups list there. And if anyone has inquires of a trade or purchase of a ship, crew, or other... you can PM or Email me for the list. Again, thank you, Calico Jack, for the Fool's Gold. A good man ye are. :) ~Lady B
  7. Smiling at Read. He seemed rather eager to serve aboard the Resurrection. But, one never knew how loyal one was. "Very well, Mr Read," her tone of voice bold still yet the volume of her voice was soft, just above a whisper. "I shan't be staying long in Port Royal as my intensions are to pay my respects to fallen comrades." With a weak smile her eyes locked with his. "I shall give you 2 choices til we leave port... you can seek me out after the memorial or you can assist me through that time." Almost motionless, she silently placed before him a gold coin. "There be more where that came from IF you are indeed loyal enough and will serve the crew wisely." Leaning closer- "I don't take kindly to betrayers." The tone of her voice was dead serious. She stood from her seat, fanning herself. Nodding to him, "The offer stands. But for now. I need to know where and when this service will be held." Striding over to stand directly beside him. "Any and all information on Port Royal and it's inhabitants are greatly... appreciated." Patting his shoulder firmly and briefly.
  8. Ooooo... Rumba! Ya WILD lass! Can't say gents attempt to get under m' skirts... I often don't wear them. I wear breeches instead. But... I wouldn't hesitate to wear one or more of my dresses with the crotchless bloomers. ~Lady B
  9. Aye... true there, Lilly. But in any case, if I can't go without anything.. I do wear underdrawers. Since I haven't started on the crotchless bloomers. It is rather erotic to think of those historical accuracies. My God! ~Lady B
  10. Hmmm... have yet to test that theory, Sarah. Boring ol' Iowa here. ::ponders:: I've a pondering thought here.... how's about bein' naughty at the Pirate Fests? Granted... some are more family based. But still... Why not enjoy it as though it were Tortuga or Nassau or Port Royal?! Bring it on, Gents! ~Lady B
  11. I'd have to agree with Will on this. I'd imagine for some folk the prospect of sitting and waiting for the long process of being heard and included was tiresome. Hence, they sought about other ways to make haste their Legal Piracy. As Will stated, Forgery, Bribery, connections with certain Genlemen and Ladies, etc. My dear Sterling... how would YOU go about it? ~Lady B
  12. Ace.. the name you chose is priceless! My compliments, mate! :) And my compliments to ya for a fine out fit and updates. ~Lady B
  13. "Well done, that could have gotten a tad messy, eh?" She looked at Read oddly as though she had no clue what he was talking about. And truly enough, just a mere chat with the Admiral ... it was nothing. She'd been in worse situations. "Not at all," she replied to Read with a weak but charming smile. We strolled the short way to the Three Crownes. Upon entering there were a number of tables available. Toward the front, nicer dining tables well lit by the light from the outside... I walked her past these and onto a corner table that was poorly lit and somewhat removed from the rest. "I think this will do just fine... ", I pulled out her chair and after she was seated I once again scanned the room to make sure there was no one within earshot, "I would like to speak with your 'travels' with your 'brother' and future travels you may have planned. To be frank, I have heard of you. In my travel to Jamaica on a Dutch merchant ship, we were taken by the crewe of The Ranger. As we continued the voyage that brought me here, I heard stories of the Ressurection, her crewe..and of course,her Lady Captain. I have heard she is a fine vessel, with a fine capatain and crewe, and I am hoping there is room to be added to those ranks." Still seated a like a Lady, her posture being that, but her hazel eyes turned a bit greener as she locked upon Read with a stern gaze that was enough to make Lucifer tremble. "oh, ya have, ha va?" her voice was a bit more harsh but soft in volume as it was true she didn't want anyone to listen in. Barely giving a glance about, "Yo'r rather bold t' be inquiring in a place such as this .. let alone t' bring a Lady.. into a place such as this," fanning herself to stiffle the heat as best she could it was worse to be indoors than outside. Pondering a moment. "There may be room, Mr Read. What are yo'r qualifications? Any.. special skills or trades?" slightly cocking her head to the side and narrowed her eyes a pinch, "And how can I be so sure of yo'r loyalty? I don't fancy th' idea of dancing at the end of the noose."
  14. Francois, haven't a clue who you were talking specifically to.. but, with Toby... I will have to ask him for sure but I do believe he makes his hats out of leather and distresses them accordingly. He's been able to have GREAT reference since there is a gent he knows who lives in the area who has one of the Sparrow outfits from the film. I know a good couple other gents who have awesome Sparrow outfits. Toby keeps on top of the games with his costuming. It honestly stuns me every time I see him, either in person or via pictures. But my God! Francois! That Hook coat! DAMN! :::Whimpers::: what a lucky man you are! ::le sigh:: again, if only I could have a pieces of Jason Isaacs. ~Lady B
  15. Ahhh... I see a few new added items, Ace. Updating to the DMC Jack, eh? Nice. Now.. where, if I may ask, did you ge the coat? Looks familiar. Familiar as into.. looks like one that Toby has or.. had at least. I know he updated his Jack Sparrow outfit and it looked fabulous when I saw him again at Port Washington. Or did you make the coat yourself? BTW, all... and if MerryD doesn't mind... here's a pic of Toby as Jack Sparrow and myself.. I LOVE this picture most of all... ~Lady B
  16. Ahhh.. Thank ye, Blackfoot. I'm afraid not, luv. Sad, isn't it? A fine outfit ya have there though, Blackfoot. Compliments ya emensely. :) I pray I get that chance soon enough to meet you all. ~Lady B
  17. Graves looked down upon Sterling with a cautious gaze. He thought quickly about where they had been before- "No news nor letters from England, sir," he replied with his deep, stern voice. "We... had just come from the Colonies up north." A couple members up in the riggings watched Sterling carefully as they went on with their duties of attending the sails and the ropes.
  18. Oh, Nay Blackfoot. Yer as dashing and as fine a man as ever. The 3 of ye look like a trio that can cause enough hellish havoc to make any legion of Marines quake in their shoes. :) Now... do forgive this Lady for being rather daft.. but Muskogee be.. where exactly? I'm no Ren faire attendee really. I can easily ramble off Rev War places than I can Ren Faires. ~Lady B
  19. ((OOC: I don't wish to be rude or obnoxious, perhaps I should have stated this earlier, too. But, in good standing with role playing on line, it was often advised to me not to play another person's character without permission. So... please... those interacting with my character which is in fact my persona, me personally... please, all ME to post myself and react to situations. No offense to all, but it makes it INCREDIBLY hard for me to post my own reactions to situations. I don't post for anyone else but I do leave windows of opportunity for all. I only post what is my own character since posting for a character that is not yours is a universal role playing no-no. Again, not to be a bitch about this... but again, it's makes it INCREDIBLY difficult for me to post when you posted for me already. I CAN make my own decisions, reactions, etc. Thank you. )))) BIC: Her eyes moved from Read to see a stately and stout man striding towards her- "Before I allow you to enter our fair city. I must ask who are and your nature of business here. I have already met your good captain. But I do want to know who you may be." Cocking a brow as she looked at the man, sizing him up in a rather civil manner, standing proud and Ladylike. "Anastazia, good sir. I am here to offer my condolences And what be your last name dear lady? "von Raff. And.. you are...?" Allowing that to hang for the man to explain who he was. "I am your most humble servant, Admiral Henry Morgan, Commander of the Jamaican Fleet and consult to his most Excellent Thomas Modyford, Governor of Jamaica. You might say that my interests here are far and wide - including the import and export trade here and leader of the expeditionary forces against the Spanish in these waters." "I see," and her face lit up like a bonfire in the middle of night. Aye, she'd heard of Henry Morgan. Who hadn't? "An honor and pleasure, Admiral," her voice reflected her honor and excitement to meet a man of his stature as she bobbed slowly and gracefully before him. "I ask again, dear lady, what is your name and what is your business here in Jamaica?" "Anastazia Elizabeth von Raff, Admiral." smiling sweetly at the man. "My business in Port Royal was to offer my condolences to the fallen of the Oxford." Barely offering Grave a glance, she kept her eyes upon Morgan. Studying the man as Civilty allows one to do. She knew that this time she was up against a brilliant man. Figuring she best keep on her toes and watch her back often enough to ensure that she won't find herself dancing at the end of the Hangman's Necklace. "We were just going for a short walk," Read interjects. "I see no reason why she must be interrogated so. I should think that her arrival would not interest the great Admiral Morgan among the many arrivals that make land in Port Royal each day." "And you are, sir?" Her gaze moved to Read... "Oh, pish posh, Mr Read." Looking back at the Admiral, "A man such as he deserves the attention of a Lady. I would be disheartened to not receive a welcome from a fine man as he. And I would be foolish and rude to refuse to be in his presense." Smiling ever so sweetly and with charm. Graves, however, barely was able to get to Miss Lilly - their passenger - when within a couple steps he took she was down the gangplank, on the docks and disappeared into the streets before he knew it. "Damnation," he said somewhat softly to himself and more in an amused, stunned manner as he gazed off into the streets from the deck of the Resurrection. Shook his head and went on about his business.
  20. A fine lot of pirates! My compliments to all 3 of ya! Blackfoot... where was that image taken at? ~Lady B
  21. Welp, Cptn Bob... I'll PM or email ya with something a little more than what I will type here. But you have great questions and the questions that every re-enacting rookie has. But... before I send ya something... DO read and take into heart and mind what everyone says. Then weight your options and advice that has been given to you. You can choose from that advice as to what suits you best. Also... time and patience. Those are SO key to re-enacting, acting or role playing. I've been re-enacting since 2001 (not long really) and I am STILL working on a persona, developing, etc. I've been role playing online for longer than that (since the late 90's) and it takes a while to develope a character. But I can send you templates to help you out in that area, too. Feel free and don't feel bad if you have to continuously go back to reconstruct or add, change or take away from your character. A character is just like you... ever changing. Hope this helps for the moment until I send ya something. :) ~Lady B
  22. As the crew of the Resurrection rushed about to take the sails in and tie them down, the ropes tied to the moorings, both anchors dropped to keep the Resurrection in place... just in case some damn fool would attempt to cut her lines. It's happened before. As Graves and 2 other men wandered about shouting orders and overseeing that duties were performed swiftly and correctly.... the Lady in black was striding along the main deck, glancing about. Coming up to Graves she patted the man on the shoulder, smiled and nodded to him. "I shall see you soon enough," a queue that he had the ship until she returned. The gangway was moved to connect the Resurrection to the docks. Being as much a Lady as possible, she made her way off the ship to the docks only to have her hand seized by a man- "Mark Read, at your service. Welcome to Port Royal." Her eyes watched him with caution but was as genteel as possible. With a slight bob and a nod of her head. "Thank you, Mr Read," was all she simply replied to him in her sweet, deep femme voice. Graves stood at the top of the gangplank watching the newcomer and was attempting to look concerned. He was wondering where their other passenger was as well so as to escort her ashore. "Well Mr. Graves, I am not sure what your immediate plans would be, but if it fits your schedule, I would be honored to have you and your sister join me at the inn for a meal. The fare will make your sea-hardened stomach very happy to be on land. I would also be interested in hearing of your travels to arrive in these waters... and your... prospects.... or rather sailing plans for the future..." mediately have her hand seized by some man. Her hazel greens were locked upon Read, curious with warning bells ringing in her head. "My.. brother.. does not need to speak for me, Mr Read. But, since he is overwhelmed with duties for the time being... I would enjoy a fine meal at said place." Offering the man a smile that would send chilled up Lucifer's spine. Questions arose swiftly about Read and she'd find out about him... especially to find out if he was a threat. By all means... it was starting to sound that way. Her eyes shifted soon enough to spot 2 fine Gentlemen. Not wishing to stare as it was horrible manners but she memorized their faces for she wanted to meet them. Fanning herself because of the heat but thank God for the sea breeze as that was often her saving grace. Amazingly enough, she remained pale looking.. mostly cause she covered nearly every part of her body so as not to be kissed by the sun. A suntan - as she knows all too well - was for the lower, working class. She took great care to keep her milky white skin. Those eyes again glanced about searching for a poster board of any sort... also she was awaiting the Harbormaster or some lacky. And all the while keeping her eyes open for the militia that would eventually be roaming about. Not that she feared them, she always enjoyed watching them, keeping them in her sights... fascinated by them... or so it appeared. With her.. one never knew. One would call her... mysterious... or even crazy.
  23. El Phantasma from which set? :) Spanish Main? Crimson Coast? South China Seas? Davy Jones' Curse? I've only an extra of El Phantasma from Crimson Coast.. 2 of them actually. I may be willing to part with my David "Bones" Wiley... for the right treasure, mate. I'll PM ya. ~Lady B
  24. Nash... mate.. I hope you come out of this a well pleased pirate. And by all mean, hang those buggers out t' dry! They need t' learn the consequences of doing something so stupid as to cause another distress. And good for you to take such extended and extreme measures. Ya know... originally, if we could get away with it... it would hunt the buggers down, kidnap them, whip them with the cat-o-nines, keel haul them, strip them naked, whip them some more and allow the crew to ravage them, and.. well, I'm sure everyone here has other ideas to toss in and can get the drift. ~Lady B
  25. A shout of an approaching party as Graves turned and strode to the railing, watching the approaching boat. "Drop anchor!" Graves barked as his order was repeated 2 times before a moment later hearing the rattling and the kerPlunk! of the anchor into the harbor waters. Graves glanced at Ana a moment and she blinked while nodding once. he turned and trotted down the steps of the quarterdeck to the main deck, off to greet the Harbor party.. as it were. Ana watched as the Helmsmen tied the rope about the wheel, locking it into place. Her eyes also watched as the crew milled about in the rigging to tie off the sails while those on deck were milling about with the anchor line and other duties. Her eyes also saw as Moultrie walked over to join Graves as a man climbed aboard and began to speak with Graves... followed by another man and a young lad. She eyes locked on the 3 new comers... watching the lips of Graves and those he spoke to. Graves mentioned they had little to declare. Just his sister, in which he motioned towards Ana who in return smiled as the 3 from the Harbor party looked at her, another passenger, some spices, exotic woods, and spare ship equipage, exotic fabrics. But no foods and their rum supply was gone apparently. They didn't have much for sale or trade but what they had could be sold for a price. Mostly Graves declared that they were there to pick up provisions, drop off a passenger, offer sympathies and condolences to the most recent accident, and a wee bit of relaxation for the crew who have been at sea for a few months. Graves hoped that didn't raise too many brows and left them vulnerable to being watched round the clock. But as the man was not utterly satisfied with mere words, Graves was willing to take them below. So he, Moultrie and the party of 3 descended below decks where Graves showed them the safety of their magazine and provisions there. Granted the amount of cannons was large - nearly 45 - but Graves assured it was necessary to ward off Pirates, Privateers or any other thief who attempted to near his ship saying that the Resurrection was far too grand a prize, his pride and joy, to allow it to fall into the hands of someone else. He was willing to sacrifice space for the luxury of safety... even for high profile passengers. Graves and Moultrie showed them the dark hold where little was there but a few of the exotic items he mentioned and extra ship equipment. A few barrels were stacked neatly... a couple crates in which were shut though had to show the man what was inside. Graves explained their were his sister's possessions and family heirlooms. After showing the 3 around, they came back upon deck where Ana was now on the main deck nearly near the steps of the foredeck as she turned to see them appear. A few nods, more exchanging of words as hands motioned towards beyond Fort James. Another nod from all.. then the harbor party decended to the boat and slowly made way back to the docks to the Customs Officer. Graves turned to Moultrie as they spoke a little more, Moultrie then walked off and gave orders. Graves strode towards Ana as soon as he caught sight of her again. "We've been instructed to dock near the King's Warehouse." Graves informed her with a slight smile. Raising a brow. "Obviously they trust us well enough." They both laughed briefly. She nodded. "Very well then, proceed. You know what needs to be done." Graves nodded. "Aye," and so he moved to the Quarterdeck as she stepped up onto the foredeck to the front of the bow gazing out. Turning to see the anchor hauled up and a couple sails being released to catch the wind, the 2 men at the helm to steer the ship... and the Resurrection was off again, taking it slow around the harbor to it's assigned dock. Her hazel green eyes watching the thriving city of Port Royal. Oddly enough...it reminded her of Charles Town in South Carolina. But just as briefly as a memory flashed through mind, it was gone.
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