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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. I'm doubling that Bess of what Christine said. However... I hate t' state this... but LOTS of leaks and Spoiler info has been ... well, leaked ... onto the Keep To The Code forum. Chatter about what's in #3 is already all over. Sadly enough. And... I admit... I read a few pages of a supposed rough draft script... I saw some that would be PotC-ish.. and some I pray will NOT be a part of the film. And was informed of the basic plot which sounds incredibly insane. So... not sure, Bess, if ANY of this that I read and saw was true or not. Let alone if any of this was suppose to be leaked out. Apparently it's been said that the Writers (Ted and Terry) frequent KTTC Forum. Now.. notice I am NOT saying a word on here about what is being said elsewhere, mates. How do I know what I am overhearing an' readin' be true? Hmmm? :::Shakes head::: Tia just doesn't seem like the "changing, harsh and untameable as the sea" type. Not like Elizabeth. ~Lady B
  2. Filming resuming the the Bahamas? It was elsewhere to my understanding, not in the tropics. Since they asked for a casting call. ::Shrugs:: And that it was my understanding that they were finished with their filming in the Bahamas and likewise areas. Interesting speculations on #3. But... I don't see it too much like Empire Strikes Back. Reason being... I've decided to pull away from those kind of analogies. Why? Ruins the fun and magic. At least for me. I'm just there... to enjoy the story and the adventure. And I am. Again, listening to various dialects and accents a lot around here... I guess one gets use to hearing and understanding what others say. Ditto with reading handwriting. As to the lost love... Very, cute... :::points to name::: Should I feel honored? But... at the moment... I'm not attempting to try and figure things out for the 3rd film or even dwell upon it. I reserve comment on why... but all in all in the end... I REALLY hope it doesn't end with what I recall learning about #3. Not that I am saying there shouldn't be a #4... I'd LOVE to see a #4.. but not one that is entirely linked to #2 and #3. Again... Elizabeth appears more the "Changing, harsh and untamable as the sea" type. But.. oh, well. Can't wait though to see Jones and Elizabeth come face to face... just as I am with Barbossa working alongside Elizabeth and Will. ~Lady B
  3. With 2 men hanging onto the ropes of the vessel they gazed up as one turned to look at a figure that stood up. "Your reply," as the figure stood tall in the rocking longboat. That face shadowed as was the body. "Are you going to invite us aboard or leave us floating here?" the deep femme voice barked.
  4. As Moultrie was returning from delivering a letter to Admiral Morgan, he also procured a letter from someone of the Rakehell to give to their Captain. Moultrie then returned to the Resurrection via the longboat. Once aboard he handed the letter to Graves. "Waz geeven dis on de docks," the Frenchman informed the First Mate. Graves pondered a moment as he gazed at the letter, flipping it through his fingers. Deciding to take it to Ana. Glancing up upon hearing a knock upon the double doors. "Enter," that deep femme voice boomed. Graves strode in towards her, waving the letter a little. "A letter for ya, Captain." Glancing up at Graves with a rather unsturdy eye and extreme caution. Then turning to the letter, taking it after a few seconds. Opening the letter to read it- My dear Ana, what ever can you be doing in Port Royal? Due to our mutual stock in trade, I am only too glad to see your lovely ship, and feel we should meet. It has been what, a year since last we drank together? I confess, I am in sore need of a bit of "income" for revictualling, so wondered if perchance we two ladies of the trade might discuss business over a few tankards. What say you? Ransom On board the Rakehell With the letter in hand, waving it a little upsidedown as she gazed forward.. then leaned back and tossed the letter upon the table. "Unpleasant news?" Graves asked. Staring ahead pondering... "Not entirely sure... yet. But if 2 people can recognize me here.. then surely we are in danger." With the tip of her index finger... she lightly scratched at the corner of her mouth. "Put the long boat back into the water. I need to to see someone." And within the halfhour.. the longboat rowed away from the Resurrection... to come up alongside the Rakehell- "HO! Rakehell! Permission t' come 'board!" one of those in the boat called out but not too loudly.
  5. Very awesome. Love that image... alas, the Dutchman is dwarfed by the giant behemoth in the background. But... aye... I'm with ya there, Joshua.... I'd LOVE to set foot upon the Dutchman. Now... for some of us who are landlocked and poorly educated of Geography.. where th' devil is Castaway Cay? That would be a hell of a vessel to fully outfit, man it like a couple other vessels and sail about to some of the Festivals. I know we'd LOVE to see the Flying Dutchman at Port Washington. Or even the Black Pearl for that matter of fact. So.. where's the Black Pearl going to be? And yes, that statement is correct.. the Flying Dutchman kicks ass!!! ~Lady B
  6. Brig. Inter-racial has nothing to do with Jones' relational Love interest. As to the mumbling... I was able to catch it. The theater I attend has a very good sounds system. 2nd only to the IMAX here in town. Lots of dialects and accents in th' film. Not use to it, you miss the dialogue. ~Lady B
  7. If you are wanting something in hand... Master Replicas has a nonfiring replica of Jack Sparrow's pistol. I'm sure it's crafted after the real thing. Ditto with Jack's sword. ~Lady B
  8. And a fantastic shot nonetheless. Martha... how befitting. :) And you are far more dashing than Mr Turner. ~Lady B
  9. At least Captain Sterling is a Gentleman through and through. Sterling... I hold with the utmost honor and respect, my good man. ~Lady B
  10. Whose?? BESS!!!! Shame on ya for such a thought!! :::Attempts to look innocent::: Davy Jones' organ would be cool to play on.. but any organ would be nice. Ahhhh... the good ol' days. And, I'm with yer Uncle there, Christine. Though... if I remember correctly in "The Patriot" the girl that Gabriel was courting put ink in the tea and his teeth were black. Course he did the same to her years before... turning her teeth and mouth black for a month. And yes, does appear that every man in the Caribbean wants Elizabeth. Intelligent, Beautiful, Adventurous, Gutsy... and as I pointed out above more of what Tia described.. "Unchanging, harsh and as untamable as the sea". Oh, well. One way or another... I am eager to see the 3rd film. See what happens. Can't wait to see how Will and Elizabeth work with Barbossa. And when Davy Jones and Elizabeth meet... etc Philosophical, Matt? Now how do you figure that? ~Lady B
  11. Indeed sounds like a fine idea. Always in need of Piratical vessels around here. Though... if I had to convince some folks on donating money for a worthy piratical cause to fund a ship... it would look similiar to this... Now THAT to me is a Pirate ship. :) ~Lady B
  12. My compliments to ya, sir. Fine images of ya they indeed be. A riot with you kissin' th' wooden Lady. ~Lady B
  13. ::: Is NOT amused and highly annoyed::: Very well, Admiral dumbarse. Copycat of the good Colonel Walker... as is Montoya. I'm through with these childish games. If you TRULY thing that I could be so easily over whelmed and counteracted... because YOU say so, posting for ME... you sadly have no sense of honor. Tah... Admiral. I pray you find a slow and painful death!. ~Lady B
  14. You an' what army, Admiral? I'd say ... and I am rather bold in stating this... that there be a fair amount of pirates willing to provide a navy against you tin can and toothpick tiny grouping of boats. If I may, even the Royal Navy may be willing to side with me to put down your little rebellion of rehashing wanna be glory hunters. And if you dare say that my weapons are not real.. ::: presses the sharper edge of the saber closer to the throat and starts to draw blood::: I can test that theory VERY quickly to prove you wrong. :::in his face::: Like wise with the guns. Oh.. and dare I mention.. the old addage... "Fool's venture where Angels fear to tread." It appears, SIR, that you are indeed a fool... for the Angels won't tread here for they know better. And... truly... if face to face.. your throat would be slit faster than you can protest. But... alas, you are too coward enough to even show your face. Yer either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid to be enjoying this venture and battle with a woman who dances often with the Devil. ~Lady B
  15. I'm praying that it's not Tia Dalma. However, all signs are pointing towards her. Tia Dalma just doesn't appear to be the "changing, harsh and untamable as the sea" type. Elizabeth, however, is exactly that. But apparently it's not Elizabeth. Which only confused me more. Again, Tia doesn't appear to be that "untamable as the sea" type that she spoke of to Will, Jack and the others. Unless she's VERY good at cleverly deguising herself. Wicked woman she would be then if so. My reason of confussion is... if you look at the main chest that held everything including the Dead Man's Chest.. there was lace, roses, ribbon, letters, etc... something that just didn't seem very Tia Dalma-ish. Another reasoning being... is at the beginning of Curse of the Black Pearl... with mini-Elizabeth (as Keira so affectionately put it, loved that btw)... standing at the bow of the Dauntless, gazing ahead, singing a pirate song. She had no real fear when discussing piracy, having a fascination with pirates, and her father's reply to Norrington explaining the "short drop and a sudden stop"... she replied "Actually I find it all fascinating," and her father's extreme concerned reply, "Yes, that's what concerns me." And it was dropped then and there. But yet... Elizabeth seems to have an utter fascination with the sea... as though drawn to it. Again, Elizabeth is more the untameable as the sea type. Unlike Tia Dalma. I would have sworn that Tia gained the other pendent in some manner of speaking. Won't say all how reasons... one of them perhaps by Barbossa or some other reasoning many, many years ago. And another reason that bewilders me... if infact it is Tia that was Davy Jones' lost love... then why in the devil did Davy Jones raise the Pearl up from the Depths and give it to Jack Sparrow and make the agreement? Hmm? I would have figured that Jones wouldn't want anything to do with Jack... seeing as Jack and Tia go way back and all, etc... See what I be sayin', mates? But... again, I'm not a part of the crew, not writing it and all.. so... I guess we shall see next year what happens. Perhaps.. Tia Dalma will surprise us all. Is anyone more and more confused by the evidence given to us now? But, yes.. I did notice that Christine. And even noticed that her wedding dress sank into the sea. Again, Elizabeth has an issue with her fine gowns being lost to the sea, doesn't she? Wondering if we shall see the wedding dress again later on. If not.. at least it makes for a great piece into a fan fiction story. Well, Davy Jones playing the organ... ahhh... what a delight. Again, makes one ache to play the organ again. ~Lady B
  16. Noticed this via the Piracy Ring. Take a look all here in the Midwest. St Louis Pirate Festival Saturdays and Sundays, September 16 through 24, 2006 I know a couple here on the Pub are closer than I.. since St Louis is nigh 6 hours from me. ~Lady B
  17. I never went to it as I was unable to. But I know several from the NWTA did go. And the images were smashing! Where else do you see Nazis talking to Continentals and Roman Legionaires? Or Confederates and Unions chatting with Conquistadors? This year for me is still uncertain. Classes at college take precidence over pleasure. But if Fate be willing and fortune smiles upon me... I'll go. B'sides... after Port Washington... I know a few now in the NWTA who are converting to Piracy now. ~Lady B
  18. Sounds very tempting, m'dear. If fortune smiles upon me, I'll be there. But fortune has to smile upon me first. Not sure if any of the Tall Ships in the Great Lakes will still be around by then. All the more reason why I beg pray that we need a permenant Pirate Vessel in the Midwest. ~Lady B
  19. After a search of Port Royal, the men returned to the Resurrection. In the Captain's Quarters.... "No sign o' th' man ya spoke of, Cap'm," the led of the party informed. Seated there in the elegantly carved ebony and plush crimson velvet upholstered chair.. Ana gazed ahead with mild reservation and annoyed thought. Then sat up, reaching for her glass. "Then perhaps, I must take drastic measures to ensure our own survival, gents." Taking a sip of her drink then motioned to the cabinet. "Bring me the writing desk," as she sat down the glass. A man turned and gathered up the desk.. and brought it over, setting it before her. Lifting up the lid, withdrawing ink, paper, quill, powder, wax and a seal- "Summon Mr Moultrie, please?" she requested as she began to prep and write. A man slipped out to get Moultrie. When Moultrie entered the cabin with the man who sent for him, Ana was finished writing and had sealed the letter. Handing it to Moultrie, "Take this to Admiral Morgan. I'm sure he won't turn down a meeting with a charming woman who's life is being threatened." Smirking as Moultrie took the letter. Moultrie nodded. "Oui," and he turned around, exiting the cabin. "Back to your stations, gents. Ya did what you could." Standing up as she put the writing utensils away in the desk. Moving over to where the desk lay before, returning it there. She watched as the last one left. Pondering a moment as she strode over to the table, picked up the glass... swirled it around while gazing at it. Then turned her eyes out to watch the sea. Downing the last of her drink.. then setting the glass down.. she strode out of the Cabin... out on deck... glancing about in search of- "Ahh, Mr. Graves," she chimed in and began to walk towards him as he watched one of the boats shove off. "Yes, Captain?" "No doubt you are curious about why I sent Mr Moultrie to Admiral Morgan?" she stated. "Not in the slightest," he replied with a smirk. She grinned in return. "I do believe we have reason to suspect that if a certain Mr Read either won't join us.. then he must be dealt with. And by all means... I intend to ensure that WE do not dance at the end of the Hangman's Necklace." "Wise notion," he replied as he gazed at the long boat. "But why the Admiral. Surely that will .. draw more attention to us." "On the contray, I've an idea." she smirked as she faced him.
  20. ::: having sat back and watched all this::: French, Spanish, English, Prussian... Gents... I must say now.. you have finally amused me to no extent. :) Brazier? Admiral... what makes you think that we Ladies wear any braziers? Hmm? :::Swiftly withdraws saber and puts it to the Admiral's throat::: Sorry, luv. I don't take orders 'specially when it's bad for my health. Nor shall I be the wench to be at the beacon call of mortal men. Please... don't threaten this Lady... I can have you facing Davy Jones faster than you can have me dancing at the end of the Hangman's Necklace. Oh, and Admiral... keep your bleedin' Jagercorps at bay. I'd hate to damage those pretty horses. I did learn from some of the best in Europe and the Colonies in warfare. As to you Spanairds... :::motions to the sacrificing table:: the Natives await. Step to!! Otherwise... I'll have t' send you to the tiger's pit. I'm sure the Rajah would enjoy a specticle. ~Lady B
  21. Lord Cutler Beckett... commander in chief of the East India Trading Company... to me that's self explanitory. I need nothing more than that. Even then men who gained status via a super wealthy business gained ranked... even Lord. If one debates that... I know a couple historical figures and a family in particular who gained their way to rank and status that way... cutting close to Royals due to their fantasti job and career. I loathe Beckett already. the moment he set foot upon the screen.. I loathed him. And loathed him even more so at the end whilst taking pity upon Davy Jones who is now enslaved by Beckett. I accept who Beckett is and all, Christine. I've no trouble figuring that out, how and why. The 3rd film has me utterly curious now.. having found a couple places online that have interviewed the actors... Bill Nighy is so good at not saying a word other than it's insane, crazy but brilliant! Naomi Harris... well, she has me curious about Tia Dalma now. Especially at the end of #3. ~Lady B
  22. :::watches the 2 of them; amused::: Well... it's either have your hearts ripped out by Aztecs and then your souls can belong to Billy Bones... or... sent to the the Depths by Davy Jones. Your choice, gents. :::evil grinz:::
  23. Laugh at your demise? No. Take pleasure in it? Yes. No.. I won't shot ya since ya requested it, sir. I'm at the moment too generous to let ya be. Otherwise I'd have you an' your Spanish Inquisition layin' flat upon the floor all bound up and ready for the slaughter. I think some descendents of the Aztecs and Incas would prefer some Spaniards... for the sacrifice. As much as I would LOVE to see that. What you being Spanish an' all... to watch them remove your hearts without killing you first. It's an honor to be a sacrifice of theirs, ya know. Only the greatest of warriors and the sort are selected to be sacrificed to the Gods. :::evil grinz:::
  24. :: slightly raising a brow in a rather odd dull look, then rolls eyes as she makes a motion with the hand of yapping too much followed by a rolling over and over of the hand::: "Said enough? Finished? Must ya go on an' on?" Those harsh eyes glaring at the Spanairds. "Spanairds are good for only one thing...." pausing a moment with a devilish grin. "Killing." ::Withdraws large saber and the pistol; wicked devils grin:: "Even God himself couldn't save ya now, bastards!
  25. HA! Finally found this thread again. Amazed how little was posted here considering I'm sure a good amount of ya now have some backstories, history, bios, etc. My persona's bio is still a bit sketchy at best.. but... I think it's developing a little bit more. Can't say well enough where my persona originated.. however the road to piracy is much alike to what's happened thus far to me... in a manner of speaking. War influenced her background, took her from her home and family. Driving between all she knew to a world rather unknown. Having to fight more and more in which drove her to a more darker side and less hope. Loving men then losing them... loving over and over... finally feeling she could never have love but lust started to become a focal point and was eager to lore men through lust to do whatever she wished. Through trades and coorispondense gaining connections to both various men of the Brethren and those under European Crowns. Having a hunger and desire for more, for items out of reach... becoming like the Devil himself. Darker, wicked... willing to wage war and taken men to their doom. And women as well. At the moment... my persona is caught between a good person and incredibly wicked, Captain keeping her in check as the First Mate of the Fool's Gold... knowing Jack Sparrow (which is fun) Anyone else have their persona developed? ~Lady B
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