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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Well to counter some of your points. On the surface it seems that that what was only recorded but if you dig a little deeper you will find many examples of common clothing. Just a few examples: Gunnister Man Slightly out of period but close: Harlots Progress Criers and Hawkers of London Also bear in mind that second hand clothing was extremely popular.(even third and fourth hand) Were would this clothing come from? The wealthy and gentry's cast offs. People also tried to mimic the fashions of the time. More too come gotta run for lunch.
  2. I know I come into Twill with a different attitude than any other part of the Pub. I come in with an "agree to disagree". I feel this is the place to come and argue the finer historical points of the hobby.
  3. Yep I was thinking the same thing I feel a merge coming.
  4. But how else are we supposed the learn and grow? It kinda the point of Twill if you ask me. You just gotta have thick skin and try not to take things personally. Which is tough over the web and with the written word.
  5. LOL I never thought of that. I bet they did. Know I really like that scene when I think about it that way. Thanks Mission.
  6. That is a difficult thing with this time period. (GAoP) There isn't a lot of "hard" evidence. Also clothing is in a transitional period. I think Patrick's slops are great and yes a lot of what wear and use as props are an educated guess. There are actual examples of patterns used from the period. From those and period depictions we can get a feel for the "look" of the times. I certainly can see a difference between a coat of 1700 to 1720 and 1720 to 1740. But to say,"We can never get it 100% right, why try?" (maybe I'm reading into the subtext to much. I mean no offense.) Discussing weather the "butt seam" (Ha I said butt seam) is straight or curved is part of the fun for me. For asking you to explain what you are wearing and why is a way for me to understand how you came to that conclusion. I would want to know the path you've traveled and what you are using for a basis of your theory. You might have resources that I haven't seen or thought of or a different way/ or experience things with your kit that I haven't yet. I don't usually want to point out what is wring or right with the item in question. Most of the time I want to know what you do and stockpile it with the other stuff I know. That way I can share with others or improve my kit further. PS I think the butt seam should be curved, the straight one just rides up something terrible.
  7. I think the rub against the "Sparrows" is that many of us have seen too many bad ones. I grow tired of them but I can't really complain. It was Sparrow that got me into Pyrates in the first place. I do feel there is a place for them. Heck I still even do a Hollywood impression from time to time. It just get tiring of seeing so many at every festival. How about some originality? I know that's how I feel about it.
  8. I guess I'm assuming that when we say "Standards of Authenticity" we are speaking of historical basis for the standards. I would use a different term for those that are more of a Hollywood impression. Along with the assumption that we are speaking of GAoP. (Roughly 1680 - 1720) Some the basics I'm thinking of are things like Linen shirts, wool and linen as primary fabrics, no fall front breeches, no bucket boots. Stuff like that. It could even extend to camp tools and props used. If saying no is too much perhaps we could discuss a list of stuff that is acceptable and not mention the "no's". As always this list would be subject to change as we find new information.
  9. Well what a fabulous thread. I've had fun reading it. I just hope my reply doesn't bring the intelligence down. I feel the bane (actually more like the, fun) of this particular time period is that we are trying to find something to reference "an Authenticity Standard" too. I think some basics could be determined but others are still open to interpretation. We just don't have enough reference material to prove something one way or another. Perhaps as a group we could discuss what we feel is Acceptable, In Question, or Not Possible. Or maybe that is too much. I think it would inspire some great discussion and some re visiting some old ideas and theories. I think we as a group would handle something like that. Heck look at this thread, we are still friends.... right?? Hello??? Oh dang I think I just got pushed to the outgroup...
  10. If memory serves me right that is a Spanish document for Spanish sailors. It's some of the only evidence of boots that I can remember. I've kinda discounted it only because I'm not doing a Spanish impression but I would love to research more. I don't know the Spanish language so it's hard for me to research some of those items. Still the document in question is a very interesting one.
  11. Some parts can be had here, More Parts. And to date your machines try here. Singer Info
  12. Yep the belt can be replaced. Try here Parts
  13. So I just finished refurbishing this antique machine. It's a Singer, model 127. Made in 1924! It runs beautifully. I can't wait to sew some real projects on it. (My apologies to my Facebook friends, they've seen this already.) and a Video of it running. Antique Sewing Machine
  14. What I was looking for was an approximate finished dimensions. It looks a 13'long by 8' wide 7' high. Like I said just approximate. Even the pro's tell you to measure your finished tent for pole sizes.
  15. Yep anytime. Do you have the Dimensions for the door flaps? Also I would add approximate Width x Length x Height.
  16. It looks like "panel 3" of the pattern measurements are off. 166" x 44"?? I would think it should be wider than that.
  17. Are you putting this together with Flat Felled seams? If not you could run into leakage. I like the pattern. Should make a nice little wall tent.
  18. Sterling... you 'ol softie. I knew you loved your cousin. Happy Birthday Cousin Robbie
  19. As fun as Jack's character is. I wouldn't mind just a Barbosa movie. I like Barbosa.
  20. Another one with a photochop job.
  21. Finally got my pants done. I still need suspenders for them and a better shirt and I want a waistcoat but here is what I've got so far.
  22. How it going Rene? ( I don't know how to get the little thing above the e. )Whadda come up with?
  23. lol, nice. I bet we all do.

  24. Yes I like to dress like a pirate! I am right now!

  25. Ok it's going to be really hard to "fade" the fabric. The color that it will fade too depends on the base used in the dye, usually blue or brown. You can try bleach. I've had good luck with "Oxi-Clean" on different colors. I would test a couple of swatches first and be really scientific with said tests. Watch your chemical ratios and times in the bath and time with rinses. That way you can get repeatable results. If you use bleach you might be able to try to see what your washing machine does to it. Of course try these suggestions at your own risk. It's going to be a tough project. Not impossible but risky in my opinion. You might end up with something you didn't want. Test on swatches first. Have fun!
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