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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. my banana is now gone lunch in an hour
  2. What do we win Rumba? And I guessed the statue of liberty since the earth is rotating the direction so she actually too rides backwards! Im good though? Got anymore of this type testage?
  3. Saturday it was 110 in Mission Viejo and 114 yesterday at Lake Elsinore
  4. Seein me doctor tomorrow and i'm hoping only to hear one thing Im done with the chemo! Damn I have been jonesing for a Guinness! I'll be back was the old me, the new me is you'll have ta kill me ta get rid a me!
  5. Keep 'Em Separated offspring
  6. Baja Fresh Tacos rice and a fruit punch thing a ma jig!
  7. deciding when to go get me final tests done!
  9. Angels and Airwaves "the Advantage"
  10. doesn't matter who the player of the tournament is it matters who can head butt their opponent on world T V and think they can get away with it! every AYSO soccer league in the country should sue that wreaking idiot for that play! My two cents. done
  11. it was the largest pirate gathering anywhere in the world in modern times! it were hugemongous! And it'll be even better it will, this year! huzzah!
  12. Where: Lake Cassitas, Ojai California When: September 23rd and 24th 2006 Now! Who's coming?
  13. we wish to thank ws dean for stopping by as he owns the irish faire in Irvine
  14. hink more about this and again my excellent friend I have you to thank for both of em! http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/numa.php
  15. the genius of Morrison At first flash of Eden we raced down to the sea, Standing there on the freedoms shore. Waiting for the sun, waiting for the sun, waiting for the sun. Cant you feel it, now that spring has come; That its the time to live in scattered sun. Waiting for the sun, waiting for the sun, Waiting for the sun, waiting for the sun. Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, Waiting for you to come along; Waiting for you to to hear my song; Waiting for you to come along; Waiting for you to tell me, what went wrong. This is the strangest life Ive ever known.
  16. Immagine being the Doctor, nurses and surgery techs not being able to do anything because they were all laughing so hard?
  17. The woman you love says good morning honey I think you need to be late to work today!
  18. I make this Ice tea in a half gallon water bottle. "sun tea" its five liton tea bags and one (two attached) celestial tea apple cinnamon tea i let it sit all day in the sun on friday and take it to faire for saturday and sunday consumption Oh two sugar cubes is all for sweetener. very good, very very good
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