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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. you're a sick puppy Phil!
  2. Trickery ye be sayin? Naarrghhhh! It weren't nothin but a Pirate
  3. yes I'm back but I will have to go so in answer to your question? No!
  4. did people actually listen to new music in the 80's it's probably depressed mode
  5. "no problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking" Voltaire
  6. the advantage by angels and airwaves
  7. Here Ye Here Ye be it known then that the pirate days are about and On the weekends of June 24th 25th and july 1st and 2nd The Koronebergh living village will be taken over by pirates and open from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm on Saturdays and 11:00 am to 6:00 pm on sundays more information is at: http://www.renaissanceinfo.com/pirate/index.html
  8. October 13th 14th and 15th its kids day friday the 13th till 2:30 and then the faire reopens in the evening staying open till 10:00 pm Saturday and Sunday faire opens at 10:00 am Saturday closes at 10:00pm and Sunday closes at 6:00 pm here's the web site http://www.lvrenfair.com/index.asp
  9. I'm changed I am, I swear it be true! I have my flintlock un loaded and have dulled purposefully me very own cutlass! So I hears ye don't like me being a part o this here endeavor then pm me tell me which event you all want to work and I'll drop off the guild yard stuff on Friday at the event you all want to come to and you can set it all up and take it all down and I'll pick it up on monday and you wont even have to see me.
  10. last year the number 1240 sticks in my brain as the number of in costume pirates all at the pirate festival in Ojai on Lake Cassitas. Thats one day Saturday! Just one event now I don't know about all of you but it is suppose to get really close to doubling this year! Anyway you said I can throw out a number so how is this one? 64,315 worldwide pirates!
  11. Sorry mates been away a while busier than a one armed wall paper hanger. I'd like to chime in a bit about what this whole thread started out to do and I first want to thank alla yous who remain serious through the frivolity of gamers. The reason faires are spectacular is kids, The reason kids are spectacular (or not) is parenting. The reason the lot of us here in Pyracy started Pirates of Treasure Cove was to not be the drunken closed gate encampment of weekend warriors thinking faire is a place where we go to do what we do and its all about us and all about partying! (period) PoTC has endured some tough times already in our first year. We put this all together to promote reading. We have made some little decent looking lists of books geared for certain age groups. We printed them on one side of the tan colored paper and on the reverse tried to center a map of the caribbean. We then have hand burnt all the edges and with color coded string tied them for the specific age groups. We in (so far this season) in 19 Days at faires (we have something like 12 days more to go as well) we have passed out over 700 lists! We have had 19 new people from patrons and faires participants join our ranks. We have been asked to stay at the Koronebergh faire where we originaly were a guest guild with only three weekends and have done now 5 weekends with them, and have one more. The children love the stories and they ask lots of questions about weapons, famous pirates, pillage and plunder and we all answer with what seemingly resembles short history lessons. Now we even make hats with them, a little craft shop has come about as a result of Just John and Oh Baby Please's forsight. It has been all good. Kids, Patrons, parents, participants, members of the guild and too especially the members of the Biggins who have been way up there with support above and beyond the call of duty. I am boasting only in that as being walk in, off the street, put together without much direction guild it's "argh" pirates (most all of whom started this whole concept right here in the pub) and the kids especially is what keeps us all together. If it weren't for the kids there wouldn't be any faires. Although sometimes some are more than a handful of piss and vinegar you begin to think that if it weren't for their drunken parents they wouldn't have had any kids! huzzah
  12. i think it was a link off of no quarter given ergh somewhere !not important so much now as it is that we are here is it?
  13. So! If you hadn't all heard the Pirates of Treasure Cove are being sought after and though the wee ones aren't being ignored because we cannot go to additional faires and festivals this year we have been asked to add three more faires and four more weekends! Huzzah! Though we aren't adding any new faires as yet The coolest thing is that the mayor and the sheriff has asked PoTC to remain for seasons end giving the kids such a nice smile. So to that I shall toast! hip hip huzzah! So, if you nare at all planning on coming out to the Koronebergh European Festival we will be there set up til faires closing on June 10th weekend. Plus the next two weekends the faire is open till 9:00 pm on each Saturday! stop by and say hey!
  14. So! If you hadn't all heard the Pirates of Treasure Cove are being sought after and thow the wee ones aren't being ignored because we cannot go to additional faires and festivals this year we have been asked to add three more faires and four more weekends! Huzzah! in addition to that if you nare at all planning on coming out to the Kornebergh European Festival we will be there set up til faires closing on June 10th weekend. Plus the next two weekends the faire is open till 9:00 pm on each Saturday! stop by and say hey!
  15. Another way they find you is by attaching to a place where alot of people travel through I get pop ups every G D time I go to anything anywhere in the whole region of shopzilla or the likes!
  16. http://www.quizuniverse.com/quiz.php?id=54
  17. God I hate these things! You just can't get away from dumb who posted this nonsense? (oooops) Sheepishly crawls out on his hands and knees........ mumbling what sounds like "arrested while having sex"
  18. Grammercy my lord! I'd say the single most thing that gave a whole generation the need to be honorable. Then there was Crosby, Stills and Nash and viet nam that pretty much sacked the purpose leading up to Mash 4077 for the combat mentality on trial!!
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