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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. how about this one "come back here I'll bite you I will"
  2. Yep! I went bye for a spot there at the end of December and I met some nice people is all I can say. What few wierdo's sellin something or thier pictures I just delete em and move on says I. mostly I am finding some good music to download though! And of course the 2,000 some rennies about are entertaining to say the least. Spot on!
  3. will wench for ale
  4. Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently" Henry Ford
  5. Angels and Airwaves "the Adventure"
  6. no Port Royal Privateers? No stranglehold Will there be any of the good Northerners? Tales of the Seven Seas? I am thinkin this is going to need an extree little boost ta gets it goings so alls a youze out there be ready ta get on out there to party with yer posting mates from here on the pub alrighty's? Best said and better done then. grammercy
  7. so who is coming to the Corona Cutthroat Pirate Days??? we need all the tents in the yard we've been given to fill! Time to muster!
  8. ^ was guinevere in another place and time ^
  9. I was always taught not to say bull shit so instead I would say... Oh!
  10. yes the worst three words you can hear when making love is "honey I'm Home" oh no!
  11. Petee, Carter, Leatherneck, Tuna Can, Jaime, Carl, Vanity hey thanks for the invite to the bachelor party and the wedding eh?
  12. All these pirates in southern california and all of the guilds finding a difficult time of it there, there in the pit of hell hot summer in corona! Pirates of Treasure Cove will be there! How many excuses can alls a youz come up with not to go? Come in the afternoon and stay for the after dark party in the streets! Come for the pillagin. Come for the cold ales and come for the wenching. But don't be layin no pipe about having this and that instead a coming ya hear?
  13. Hello, We are spreading the word and a special announcement from RENAISSANCE IN THE PINES FESTIVAL Please Read or visit their website at: www.renaissanceinthepinesinc.com "Due to extreme fire danger and recent forest restrictions which have resulted in the closure of the festival site by Coconino County Parks and Recreation and the Forest Service, Renaissance in the Pines has been forced to cancel the June 24th & 25th festival for the 2006 season. Please accept our apology and thank you in advance for you're understanding and patience. Keep in touch and see you next year! All of us at Renaissance in the Pines" HUZZAH! Please let others know. Thank you Lauri Devonshire Productions
  14. good God man meet and geet is without the finest example of a keen wit and a quick reparte' i have been meet and greet for years and i love it i mean love it you are the welcomming committee you are the first person in garb the patrons see that isn't asking them for something. (they are asked for money to buy the tickets and asked for the tickets to gain entry) you get to sexually hurass all women (not young ladies) Morally demoralize and thoroughly humiliate all men and give that wee bit o fantasy to the bobbits. everything you say they will hang on and when you perfect your timing with certain quizicle quips you will become more and more brazen and just remember to not swear or insult (too terribly) and all is fun and well. then too remember you are the one who is going to set the tempo for their day, as it has just begun and you can make it or you can break it. Learn from all or these friends here in the pub go and start another thread about the funniest things you've ever heard at faire and get them all to give you ideas of course you could memorize the thread about faire sayings! slogans like: beer... helping ugly women get lucky for 792 years!
  15. you are all that and more welcome!
  16. no offense taken good lady aye am not with a difference in temperature atween ninety degrees and a hundred degrees when garbed out so ones as good or as bad as the other.
  17. I'm all for it is it solar powered so I can take it to faires and use it with the kids?
  18. thanks it had a nice ring to it too!
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