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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. Movie oh movie oh where have you gone?
  2. What she said adding only I didn't get to spend near enough time with you iron bess. saw youwaht three time and all three you had a hustle on in your bustle ! Ah to be missed an winthin sight is one thing (take better aim I says) Huzzah it were a great little faire and it were as eventful as any of the largest and that view i=of the wild mustard growingup the mountainside across the lake was captivating as well. (you all would have been impreesed by Rumba! We were beyond ready fer the likes a her performance! Huzzah!
  3. definition of PMS Pack My Suitcase
  4. Head ye say damn could I get the pub in trouble with that word being laid out there in all that blazing glory!
  5. so i threw the ice but i was shaken when it hit the glass figurine in the eye
  6. Yes sir! Though I am not the one saying no!
  7. i agree with mission however, I am a novice but must add that I think certain easy to infiltrate websites are a place where certain deviates online companies do hang out and attach to their incoming list of drop byes and though they came to you in a pop up that might have been stopped by your wall or bolckage protection they still get a fix on you and then can and do come back to find and shoot at you!
  8. ok ok the world is coming to a place where all there is is almost too much and yet we still have new songs new lyrics and new notes being tied together into the fabric of a wonderful way that expresses once again a poignant place in our lives where we wish to go and be a part of.... We just dont see it happening here or for that matter anywhere that is if the eye in the sky takes over huh? So atleast if we caqnt do some things maybe by taking away those very dear things to us they will make room for other things to occur ??? Hmmmmmm? Like issuing 1 number for every one your telephone number and your cell phone and your drivers liscense and the liscense on your car! one number all the same! so when the rat bastard lane moniter is doing forty five in a sixty five zone in the car in front of you, you can call him on the phone and tell him to GET THE "F" OVER!
  9. I love working the main gate at ren faires!
  10. Aye indeed you do Siren and the number of prsyer preceeding your approacha nd following your arrivals there for a while were quite inspiring Mad jack has a minor part in your major recovery in casde you should need ta ask? There were a couple of nightly vigils where turns were taken Meryy and Capt Ciaran as well we all here. We are blessed by our fellow pirates in crime and as in misdemeanor as when we are here we never know what it is we have,,,,, until have becomes had.
  11. moderation is a lost art!
  12. ready for the weekends begin we be in Ojai this weekend and will return monday maybe tuesday you all be safe and well and be nice ok? ok!
  13. "In order to succeed we must first believe that we can" Michael Korda
  14. we all miss you too Bunny Cutlass you be well and good now ya here!
  15. just finished my second orange for the day and yes I had my banana too!
  16. so you smack em once across the chops just short of breaking the jaw and send them into another room on the fly. you back hand lifting and following through just like a base line serve return to your off hand side and you only have to do it once! Voila
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