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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. http://www.quizuniverse.com/quiz.php?id=53...c8776e953b5a603
  2. Jack we are all there with ye mate ok hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Nam meyoho rhing ghay kyo Nam meyoho rhing ghay kyo Nam meyoho rhing ghay kyo Nam meyoho rhing ghay kyo Nam meyoho rhing ghay kyo Nam meyoho rhing ghay kyo Nam meyoho rhing ghay kyo Nam meyoho rhing ghay kyo
  3. funny funny funny now that is taking the night out of the day for sure
  4. Pirate booty and me and a bottle or rum makes three
  5. yes oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes ....... Oh no, oh no, oh no, no, no, no,
  6. turkey, muenster cheese and avocado on sheepherders bread sandwich.
  7. so I walks in and orders me lunch and a tea from Ray
  8. Lifting merry to the top of the bar and as the band struck up a good irish jig merry took off dancin down the bar to everyones gaze she wasn't kidding a pirate shirt sans all else! What a date! What a date indeed!
  9. in bakersfiel I met a family shopping in a store and this tall kid 20 years old Im guessing and 6'3" or so and he was with four younger and shorter siblings and his mom he was singin low along to the overhead music and harmonizing and then he picked up a basketball and was a damn fine dribbler and pass it to his two younger brothers and they back to him all this while mom was picking out something for their sister to wear and I thought how cool and grown up and no one was bitching or pitching a fit and I thought they were a cool family and so I told then so. They all threw something at me and I ducked and they all laughed and You will see him on american idol next season mark my words I stood and talked to the whole family who are quite tightly knit and very well educated and well mannered. I think there are some great kids around in fact last year (this year I wasn't invited) but kids day at southern had 12,000 kids there and not one (zero) altercation was reported.
  10. was it something I said?
  11. "You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." ~~James D. Miles
  12. Ratones burritos on the hoof! Yummy
  13. Rumba love could ye be with any other pains similar to aches and pains that move around your body from place to place all the time? I could feel a whole lot better but if Id a gone to the doctor for this R A three years ago I'd already be having a beer again!
  14. my second orange of the day!
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