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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. Shake Rattle and Roll was the next song coming
  2. kinda made me homesick Patric
  3. I hope Jack Sparrow doesn't use this quote in PoTC II Where there's a will there's a way!
  4. I am blessed with you my mates and your friendships are very prescious to me indeed. Thank you. The pain keeps getting worse and the pain killers I dont take because they would slow me down and a day like today would have killed most men and no boys would have lived through it. I thank my lucky stars for the opportunity to continue to work because she says she has patients with much less in them and they are medically disabled! I think i'll go post a quote! Thanks everyone.
  5. too much make-up! Women who (know who they are) need less make-up and know it are the really beautiful women of the world but then there is that song called hey nanni nanni!
  6. smoke em if ye got em (and a prescription)
  7. 53, male and flying
  8. Dylan "The times they are a changin" I don't feel the pain, for my soul is sinking fast And I know this is the last, the chance for me For me, for my story Let me lie in peace I want to say I'm sorry now Then I'll be on my way
  9. Day or night, night or day the pain is always there
  10. rains on the way in and expected to leave for Chloe's hand fasting this weekend
  11. Chance favors the prepared mind. Louis Pasteur
  12. Yeh! What Ciaran said lass, better to be working and then the other jobs see yer reliable as a worker and more offers will come in indeed! Huzzah! My doctor I went and saw yesterday and the R A is not better but the blood is so huzzah! I start another stronger three month regiment of chemo every saturday so I knows ye all care and Me does hope it starts backing off soon it takes so much outa me on the weekends.
  13. Hey nonni nonni!!!!!
  14. I know this nice Brittish / Scottish / Irish dinner house (rummy or Scarlet will remember the name) just minutes from the Park in Las Vegas where the huge renfaire is October the 13th we could all say go to Las Vegas and all meet and party together there (its a three day weekend faire)and then try going to dinner and coming back for faires close one of the two Friday or Saturday nights???
  15. chocolate chip cookie with me coffee
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