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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. $3.05 a gallon at the cheap station for the import yunkay gas
  2. It's nice to be missed especialy if its with a gun!
  3. Happy Good Friday everyone!
  4. i hate it when the weekends end it seems it always on a monday!
  5. ready or not ollie ollie income free free free
  6. The Village stays open late on the Saturdays of May 20, 27 and June 3 until 9:00 pm for the magicial experience of a renaissance village after dark. Pyracy.coms own Pirates of Treasure Cove will be a guest guild there and will be working the crowds for loose change and pillaging purses on the weekends of April 29th and 30th, May 27th and 28th and the last weekend June 10th and 11th. ahh drynking with the baron! Huzzah! Fact is his 50th birthday party will be the weekend of June 3rd and 4th. Koroneburg has the very best fine dining experience dinner house of all faires offering sit down complete dinners at very affordable prices.
  7. lassie that be ships captaine and officers of Stranglehold and were they not beasts for stting up a persoanl cafe setting for their own morning notes festivities? I like those guys good men of sail they be! huzzah!
  8. away in a huff she went feathers all a rough
  9. so i went to the corner store and got the soap to kill them crabs!
  10. pirate? no no no no no Pirates don't ever share their fantasy!
  11. yep its the pirates of Treasure coves bullitan board, talking space and where the company business needs to get done without distractions. Its pretty much our guild yards free zone a place to meet and recognize all that is needed and needs to be done.
  12. the bilge rats promise
  13. Winners expect to win in advance life is a self-fulfilling prophecy
  14. Green Day "All by Myself" ok this is a dead thread
  15. add the link all Biggins are welcomed the balance can read magazines!
  16. ok guest nice ta know the clone I hired out of you is coming along nicely now would you like red hair, dark hair or light hair? I'm all for every idea except two: meetings being mandatory in a physical sense (the website members can only be a part of has my interest) and the pre assigned times for our reading, sing alongs, sharings, gatherings before we see the faires own program of scheduled events! We can certainly plan on getting into the event schedule at a few faires and will certainly with the right amount of assistance we can certainly live up to the obligation we make right here and now.
  17. Libra Daily extended (by Astrology.com) If you spend the morning putting out forest fires, rest assured that you will spend the afternoon basking in a warm, healthy glow. You've worked hard, and now you're starting to see the promise of a new beginning. That's how Mother Nature works sometimes, you know: There's a big forest fire to clear the way for a new generation of saplings.
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