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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. fantasy rules the seas for I be a Pirate
  2. I takes my kids to the beach. I hears em say "isnt that a shark in the water? Dad Go check" I get no respect.... Rodney Dangerfield
  3. Rumba you are a show stopper! Nice pics too! Did I mention she likes the grog?
  4. rotten apples are good fer nuttin
  5. Bob Dylan's Simple Twist of Fate ok a new one that's not as old I went in your room I was - - - You and me had Such wonderful times
  6. the loose cannon
  7. "To love what you do and feel that it matters- how could anything be more fun?" Katerine Graham
  8. gaining weight reading his posts! oh wait that another thread! Drynking Iced tea I made
  9. gathering the needed info to reconnoiter
  10. "As I grow older I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do." Andrew Carnegie
  11. So I says to me mate better you than me!
  12. I was staring into space when A meteor went by and I said "What the ????"""
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