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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. T T P o L! Huzzah! Jack I think the ladies might have anew nickname for ye????
  2. Damn! popped metarsals and pussy what a day! Jack yep we be gettin old mate sorry all i can say is dont walk on it if it hurts! Lady B congrats..... Wow! I mean, your a mom! Congrats!
  3. last year coming home from a faire I was driving into the teeth of a storm so big the white clouds were swirling and we watched miles ahead of us an all out electrical parade of bolts and light flashes as wide as cars and as we continued heading into it we realized we were no match for its power as cars were pulled over to the side, I just kept on barreling through it and one bolt as big as a bus cracked down on the freeway between us and the sloping green belt to the side and lit the entire area and I swear it was like (and so loud) being in the middle of an atomic explosion. The radio went off and the lights flickerd and away and gone we got through. Really scary though glad we were spared the grief of any emergency services.
  4. shucks there be nothing likes every one agreeing
  5. Aye good lass, the prayers for a good lady as you never stop! We'll keep a candle lit for ye as well!
  6. http://www.quizuniverse.com/quiz.php?id=47
  7. one more day to faire! I feel rested and ready to take on the blitzing public
  8. quick, resourcefull and very damn smart
  9. there right there keep your fists clenched ok smile for the camera!
  10. That is a certainly strange name I wonder if the parents simply mis spelled it? Has anyone here ever heard of Every?
  11. retreat to the jungle men, we'll be picked up by the next bird
  12. http://www.quizuniverse.com/quiz.php?id=52 No I'm not going to say what my score was way too much fun would be had on that topic! But thank you just the same! Huzzah!
  13. objects appear to be closer than they are
  14. making it tough then lassie I see and so am quite aquiesced to this I ig-nor
  15. retreat yourself to another bottle of rum there Jack and I'll get out the bird
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