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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. i remember that boyfriend used to beat the shyte out of Tammy
  2. have a cigar mate.... grammercy People tell me it's a sin To know and feel too much within. I still believe she was my twin, but I lost the ring. She was born in spring but i was born too late
  3. Huh? ok ok so you goes outside and almost get fried by an electric bolt and you are a lady the name land is one famillier to most of us and jimi hendrix's album was with the same name "electric lady land" I know it was a long road to hoe but it was there and I had to mention it.... a sweet heart where age doesn't matter
  4. what does "fetish oriented" mean? Ok! Who's in there and do I know you?
  5. Re _creation is the pronunciation I'm partial too not Rec _reation
  6. man that line man that ran the wrong direction was leon Let
  7. retreat the car bottom with the sealer again, and this time do it right
  8. make it two mate one fer me as well
  9. doesn't come back and give clues often enough
  10. shoes (from missing people) were floating all along the dam, damn!
  11. Skyrocketed gas prices are keeping many home on weekends
  12. retreat NEVER! tell the general we'd just as soon stay and fight with the full bird!
  13. police academy 23
  14. Electric Lady Land (Rumba how do you like the name of your back yard now?)
  15. ok ok start taking yer pot shots! I'm ready! "Purple-Helmeted Warrior of Love"
  16. bunions, corns whate'r they be all the time hurtin them feet of the few thats ye knows wished they didn't coulda woulda shoula gotta
  17. rumba you were lucky Im glad God missed ye! which reminds me of Lee Trevino the golfing legend known as Supermex he was interviewed walking back to the club house in a tournyment where it was called on account of lightening and he was walking right down the middle of the fairway holding a club high over his head like a lightening rod and was asked why he was doing that and he said "even God can't hit a 3 iron"
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