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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. fantasy of large gold hauls are for scalliwags known as pirates
  2. I will indeed pray for her as this is a worthy cause.
  3. birds of paradise are in Easter retreat!
  4. eating crow (but then again I do have such good practice at it) wait maybe this should go on the what am I eating thread!
  5. Lets not use this thread anymore and let it go to the wayside ok mates!
  6. Thats a great pic Oderlesseye Yer sweet Marys is a good one as well! Grammercy
  7. "Things may come to those who wait! But! Only the things left behind by those who hustle!" Abraham Lincoln
  8. King's Pirate doesn't blow smoke he's a right honest and God fearing man. there be few of his caliber in my friends list thats fer certs if he said it its gold!
  9. Hey mates I am thinking i could take up fishing net making whilst taking my breaks in the faires this year and most assuredly have enough time to make some pretty nice fishing nets but I dont have a clue on where to start, how to do it or even what I'll need to use to do so! So being as how I'm sure somebody (ifin not all a youz) might help with a class (guidline) materials ,hook (needle) everything I would and maybe others as well could use your knowledge and information to better adourn the piratical needs of our homes and yards decor! Grammercy
  10. doesn't know what gift I have for her
  11. twas me that tried looking in the encyclopedia for the arrow known as "Broken"
  12. I'd have ta say whheeeeew! Bloody Mary We'll give ye a hand.
  13. God bless ye mate hope they both work out fer ye
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