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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. the rain! its pouring outside
  2. aye lass as well ye should be walked off the stage wee'll get ye out here to stay a week! I'm sure we'll figure somthin out and get ye too the two pirate faires coming up back to back the end of june first of july or ifin ye can come now (well within six weeks) the last week of southern faire and the first week at corona and the night faire saturday! huzzah
  3. Kind hearted to a point (the point o me cutlass) I be
  4. clothing was found stretched from the entry into the house and up the staires appearantly the woman was disrobing on the way to find the master at home in unsuspect
  5. its very good to vent Christine I in fact have so many holes in me armour I am well ventilated. I came by to say wow what a great day today is!
  6. all righty then! Here ye all go! "magic is the bloodstream of the universe"
  7. i actually like to wake ahead of an earthquake and sit up knowing whats about to happen
  8. Leaping the toad stools adn water filled potholes along the path to the shires only bakery we were met by the Wolfe!
  9. kind sir there be no beam in your eye says I the lieutenant, but it is you and yes you can call me Vicar
  10. retreat yourself with that ointmant its made from the feathers of a dodo bird
  11. thanks mate i hope you'll be down to party with yer brothers and sisters in some of the upcoming weeks we'll be workin five weekends in Corona and ojai spring and pirate faire in fall as well. stop by for a smile and stay awhile
  12. aye nice pics indeed mate! santa sam or was that Barbados Claus? Anyways I see he was captured as well. well done
  13. O. K. ! in four weeks we are an opening weekend (guest guild) at Cononas Koronenburg European Festival April 29th -30th it is time to begin and by friday finish the gate list for that weekend adventure! Arthur Richards Biggins Cyneful Biggins Petee Biggins Jess biggins Dakini Biggins Jeremiah Biggins and who else?????
  14. Well I have ta say ye certainly have my attention lass! welcome to the world reknowned Pyracy.com pub. Ray there is the barkeep (Merrydeath calls him chorizo for some unknown reason but he's right quick with fillin yer order and since ye be buyin I be drynkin. grammercy now take a sip o this grog and do tell us more of yer fine state of affairs aon't you?
  15. Kikashi one o me samurai warring friends from the encampment in Felicita park green hillside shire. Welcome to the pub mate! please keep your weapon sheathed! inside the pub weapons are left outside! nuff said welcome aboard again and where is your scurvy brother Mihawk?
  16. hey you hell raiser! Did I meet you this past weekend there in "the san diego area?" Welcome aboard then I sees ye found us! So now be doin the right nice thing and buy these scurvy bretherin a tankard of rum or ale and be right smart about it! Anyways ye found us and thats now that! Then welcomes aboard!
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