The Pirates of Treasure Cove list of pirate books about women and the women of the sea:
Seafaring Women by Linda Grant De Pauw Adult
Rough Medicine : Surgeons at Sea in the Age of Sail
Non-Fiction: Women Pirates by Joan Druett Adult
Bold in Her Breeches: Women Pirates Across the Ages
by Jo Stanley Adult
Booty: Girl Pirates on the High Seas by Sara Lorimer Adult
Iron Men, Wooden Women : by Margaret S. Creighton (Editor), Adult
She Captains: Heroines and Hellions of the Sea
by Joan Druett Adult
Rough Medicine : Surgeons at Sea in the Age of Sail
by Joan Druett Adult
Hen Frigates : Passion and Peril, Nineteenth Century Women at Sea
by Joan Druett Adult
Petticoat Whalers : Whaling Wives at Sea, 1820-1920
by Joan Druett Adult
'She Was a Sister Sailor' by Joan Druett Adult
Women Pirates : And the Politics of the Jolly Roger
by Ulrike Klausmann Adult
Women Sailors and Sailors' Women by David Cordingly Adult