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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. I didn't go back and read all the answers but it has to be the smell of your loved one when she wakes up in the morning.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhh
  2. On rape: I think the mideast has something that we "civilized countries" can adopt and possibly use it's intentions effectivly enough. If caught stealing they sever (cut off) an mans thumb. If caught a second time, they take the other thumb. if caught a third time they cut off a hand. I propose that ifin ye be the kind of scum to rape a woman and you are tied by D N A or caught in the act! Then society should flat have the power to cut off the slimes johnson, at the root! Save jail time and feeding the bastards. Just cut it off and I think the whole problem will surely go away......
  3. "Christmas comes but once a year, but I'm here every day"
  4. time for todays fruit...... Banana
  5. Gavin DeGraw's "Nice to Meet You Anyway"
  6. Narghhhh Bunny lass ye be a merry type no matter yer pomp. Circumstance be what keeps us form hearin from ye then be well. Tell "the Kilt" hello form us as well!
  7. seasoup, tis a'favorite o'mine
  8. Now where is that blasted barkeep?
  9. Mates of this place where dreams are coming to life. May the breeze as fresh as the last rainey days ocean swell be your guidance system into safe harbor. I thank ye fer stopping by to parlay mayhaps yes Mad Jack yet another pint o Guinness shall be tilted back in thee's own honor. CG how's the weather there? Rumba love soon enough is always too far gone. Palm Springs I say then! Three days gone...
  10. this conversation stinks
  11. I be a dragon baby.... Happy New Year to all our eastern friends~
  12. blood in't water........ sniffing
  13. Hey! 6' Bunny I hopes yer days are better than work and yer knights are not tamed by city life! Huzzah! See you on Easter! Happy Birthday!
  14. Jill, Oderlesseye and Silkie, Bless ye fer sayin ello. I hopes ta see many me friends as all there be is just another barrel of Guinness so drink up me hearties yo ho!
  15. Bess, it's been too long since we shared a bottle. I am glad ye stopped by, grammercy. Fact, ye be looking better than ever, haven't aged a minute is my beliefe.
  16. ifin ye cannot take ahold and shake her then she aint worth grabbin!
  17. Sir William I have now a tongue parched by time kind friend, might I see the best of yer Guinness? (reaches out and grabs his old friends arm and then releases it after a hearty shake) how goes the ship William?
  18. Nope it was "attack of the killer tomatoes"
  19. Haven't been able to get on by what with the company pulling open web prviledges and me having to move into and apartment and all. Well I finally did get on line but damn this kind of fun is not what one can call cheap can ye? Any way fer those a ye scurvy dogs and wenches -o-plenty I be feelin better today than I have in many a moon speakin a moon 'sthat old durty mick still sailin these waters? Mates I have missed you all sadly and it's time for the party to once again begin. (so I throws me purse on the bar and says) First twelve pint a Guinness well they be on me and ifin each one a you can drink more well I'll get that too! Life's good and I am back.
  20. Christine lass why don't ye bring that fine lookin and easy ta stare at bodice of yours to the ren faire there in your own town this weekend? be nice to share with ye agin, maybe we can even call ole Phil.
  21. there's ten to twelve of us just they be busy preppin their get readies! It be aright fine faire indeed.... is there any need fer me to then bring me grog as well lassie?
  22. Aye then what this place be? Guinness ifin ye will and might the water in the bath be hot?
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