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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. I never thought of you as wicked but just in case lets get anouther round served up here eh?
  2. William I don't know if you got my past praises but damn you should be there when the people stop to take pictures of yer art man it causes me heart to thunder in your nonor it does. Thank you again and again and again. Vegas is the 12th 13th and 14th of October maybe I'll bring the old flag and raise it up upon the Center for 16th Century Studies lake facing side of their tent you know just so the whole other side of the lake can be jealous as well as every other guild. Huzzah! What Rumba says is truth the woman can't lie her teeth would fall out. It's awesome and it seems as though every faire someone wants to be a part of the fun and joins. So yes I posted here there were once a many good pirates around wanting to do this here a few came on board and the red tape of the politicians dictating policy I think drove them off plus the need to take part 2wice a week on line keep you up to date with all the goings on one needs to want to be a part of all of it not just show up to faire to party. We have a great idea of things to look forward too as well, we are going to need a trailer soon enough. I want a crows nest and a main mast I have a 20 foot rope ladder given to us from a studio but it's so damn heavy I can't even lift it so I need to get a roll into and out of trailer. Back to work , I miss you all my friends I won't stay away so long. K
  3. Happy and healthy..... First time in a long time but hey its a good thing.
  4. Got me a ship though its a dream ship, it lives by its actions and deeds served. We have only what would be the shore excursion of implements any pirates goin ashore might need, a tent, a few kegs and barrels to replenish the food stuffs and water within. A few carpets a hammock a right nice and ione helluva flag, the armory has five flintlocks, two wheel locks, eight swords of varios length and pupose. A deck scatterer, boarding axem two swivel guns, skins, pelt and tails from the animals we been huntin whilst ashore and twenty four of the most dedicated to fun bretheren this or any captain could ask for. The Pirates of Treasure Cove Find us at a faire near you.
  5. I'd be a millionaire if I was this guys dentist. I hope you got a tooth brush fer yer birthday and maybe the monkey can teach ye how ta use it eh?
  6. it's not very pirtaty but I am the third nephew of a cousins father to Ethan Allen. and me own ancestry were celts and came across on the mayflower. a scrub of a ship but got us here!
  7. and if the wine you drink and the lip you press begins and ends in what all begins in yes think then today what yesterday you were and tomorrow you shall not be less
  8. I'm fine B S hows the winds fer yer own sails it's been too long hasn't it?
  9. Well mateys two years ago right here on line a few of youz grabbed ahold of an idea, A dream and we began this here group of sea dogs, dedicated as one to all and from all for one. The Pirates of Treasure Cove a non profit organization dedicated to literacy and promoting the importance of reading. We went through some hot damn bad times. We seen the ugly side of friendships die for certs. There have been a hundred or more arguments and it just now seems to be headed for a place where we all hoped we all originally headed. The egos have left, The dedicated remain. We are simply the best damn group of pirates on the left coast. Open arms and hearts welcomes ye all. We raise no fences around our guild. Just a sail for a tent and a few oars for tent poles and we have more fun giving something for nothing to all faire goers we just seem to glow with excitement (or maybe thats the grog) any way it has become fun for the first time since we got up and running. thanks to the likes a Rumba and a few others we are having fun. Talk to us at faire, we will be at the Ojai pirate festival and I do hope that ye all come by for a photo shoot and a toast. God bless ye all mates without all of you we wouldn't be. Grammercy
  10. you know friendship brings me back as I find myself getting older I realize that no matter who it is that seems to be coming and going in my life I seem to forget my roots and me roots are right here if ray will pour a round fer you and all o me mates I just want to say I dont understand whay it is we think that one persons attention can ever be more important than those who have stood by and held our hand when both up and downm and now I am not saying I am down I am say though that the friends here will to me in my mind out last all those that have ever come before and probably too out last all those who might come in the future. Ray make that the dogfish honey rum for this pour.
  11. it was a slow song one that has way too many tempo changes and walks merry back to the table and offer a hand to his old friend Silkie "I don't play seciond fiddle" she retorts and so I just sits down never to understand woman kind. Ray as johnny Lang once said mate "Rack 'Em Up"
  12. Jack I told my last doctor to go pound sand after she expected me to invest $500.00 a week into giving myself shots...... I asked what the side affects were I mean other than being broke and she said bleeding gums, high blood pressure and inability to perform with a MASTergh smile! I looked right at her and said no got up and walked out and she never called I guess she even knew she was full of shyte....
  13. Good ta see the welcome mat out mate, (offers a right hand in ready fer a hearty shakin) How ye been Sir William? nice flag ye made us mate! Nice indeed let me buy you a Guinness what say?
  14. couple of years back a friend of a friend gave me fer me birthday a bottle of "Dogfish" rum. From the Carolina's I think still lyin in state waitin fer the right time ta be opened and drunk.
  15. Aye ye know the season begun and threw me a tough enough curve but the simple fact of the matter is been busy trying hard to afford gas to go to faire you know? Love the threads! you and silkie lookin damn good ta me. Ray might you then pour another round fer the ladies in accompanyment. Care ta dance Merry? (lifts her as he stands, setting her on her feet and offers his hand) tips his hat to Silkie and winks "be right back good woman"
  16. Aye now here be a name I can latch onto, How ye doing silkie?
  17. 1) Blueberry Yogurt 2) Red Tail Hawk 3) Rumba Rue 4) Merry
  18. A bird of prey maybe a sea eagle I love birds of prey Is their artificial color in your hair?
  19. To Rumba: Tangled Up In Blue By Bob Dylan
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