Patrick Hand
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It just occurred to me that a buncha Steampunk links might be appreciated.... The Steampunk Home: pictures of a lot of cool stuff http://thesteampunkhome.blogspot.com/ The Clockworkers Guild Journal: Kind of like a public blog, but with some interesting stuff http://community.livejournal.com/anachrotech/ Abney Park's homepage http://www.abneypark.com/ Vernian Process: If you goto Disograpyh, you can download some of their older music (free) http://www.post-punk.com/vernianprocess.html The Steampunk Workshop:This is the guy who's keyboard is re-posted everywhere... you have to poke around a bit, but there is a lot of interesting stuff here (how to etch an altinoids tin..... http://steampunkworkshop.com/ Steampunk Magazine : More on the Punk side of things, but it's free to download http://www.steampunkmagazine.com/ And Girl Genius Online Comics http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20021104 And Dr. Steel: Not exactly Steampunk, but a lot of fun....check out the video "Building an Utopian Playland http://worlddominationtoys.com/drsteel/about/donate.htm
It's a totally fantasy kinda thing.... Pyrates flying around in Airships instead of sailing ships.... For Steampunk, it has a kinda Victorian flavor to it ... 1800's... but because it's all pretend, we don't have to worry about it being authentic or not.... just fun. I should have been working, but I got playing around instead.... I added a cutlass and goggles.... The Armored Airship, Columbia's Revenge.....(I tried it with sails, and it just didn't look right.....)
I started to work on the insignia for The Columbia's Revenge This is the picture I will work from... I might add a cutlass and pistol....and maybe some goggles.... But I'm having a problem with the Latin translation.... "Death to those who would Oppress up" in Babble fish it came out Nex illis quisnam onero nos But when I back checked it, I got.... "Violent death by those quidnam to load me".....
Just remember....Mission has a syringe and some mercury he's been dying ter use............
Wow.... now that we have a forum just for Airship Pyrates, I better get back to work on the leather vest so I have something cool to post....... I also have to get to the hardware store and pick-up some tubing so I can start on the sub-gattling gun.... I have most of it figured out, not to get alla the parts and make th' thing....
Dang....Dang...Dang....I had almost all the snow cleared, and about half of my driveway dug out..... Wake-up this morning.....and it's snowing......about 3" on the ground, and it's still snowing..... So now I get to clear everything again..... and de-ice alla the steps (Carol has a restaurant in Arnold, and I keep alla the steps cleared and de-iced so no one slips......) I HATE SNOW......
Hey.... if M.A.d'Dogge can't remember the gate combination.... how is he ever going to remember the pass word..... Nope... that's the wrong one... guess you gots ter stay outside O' th' Fort till Sterling gets here........
Hey... cool................. three googlie eyes..... ya musta watched alla them........
From what I can guess.... the hides were just scraped to take the fat and any clinging meat offa them, then left to dry..... very "Raw hides"... Now I might be mixing this up with something from Two years before the mast but I think green hides were just cleaned (scraped) hair on, dried, and bundled off for shipping back to tannerys in Europe...Now I gotta find that part from tBoA (short for) the Buccaneers of America A bundle/stack of dried cow hides would look cool in camp... but who can get them there?..... It might work better if we focus on running a Buccan (sp )(heck I ain't looking up the proper spelling right now)... showing how meat was smoked.....that just takes some green sticks for the drying frame, some meat (from the market...or donated ) and a smoky/smudge fire...... Yeah... killing a cow... butchering it and smoking the meat would be a lot of fun... but Harry's monitor can't take too much more rum spitted on it.....
I didn't go in and outta the Fort much this year... but one night. when I got there....the gate was unlocked....not open... just unlocked. But I think the problem is that you have to twist and twirl the numbers so the lock stays... locked.... You can't just push it shut... you have to rearrange the combination.....or it doesn't lock.... I don't think it was evil intent.... just someone didn't pay enough attention to check if it was re-locked.... But now that we know it is a problem... we can make sure it doesn't happen again next year.....
nah.... These prove there are people out there with way too much time on their hands...... Best Rube Goldberg Ever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RouXygRcRC4 Creme That Egg!
They can come shovel my driveway anytime they want to really enjoy the nasty icky wet sh***stuff...... Dang.... it's not snowing anymore.... but alla the snow is falling off the trees.......and you don't wanna get hit by that....
Oh yeah.... in The Buccaneers of America I was reading about the cattle hunters, basically they were after the hides and the pig hunters were after the meat (I just can't see waisting all the meat from the cattle though...) Also, there are a few references to tents..... I don't think we would want a whole lot of heavy "camp Furniture", but the Buccaneers using tents is documented.
I've had flip at a Rendezvous... A bucket of beer, with a good hand full of brown sugar and a large chunk of butter.... we used a red hot chunk of re-bar because no one had a flip iron.... it fizzes all over the place... and burns off the alcohol, so you then add rum..... It make the Best hot Buttered Rum... it no longer taste like beer, but has nice thick full body .... Flip is good, but it is more of a cool weather drink.... rum punches might be fun... I've read that almost every time a crew got together, they made a punch.... The only recipe that I know is... One part sour.............(lime juice) Two parts sweet..........(raw sugar taste the best) Three parts strong.......(RUM) Four Parts week...........(water)
in Ye Olde Tavern Dutch started posting a buncha stupid videos... So now we can post 'em here... You know.... the stuff that get funnier and funnier the drunker you are and the more you watch them..... Numa numa with the funny eyebrow movements... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60og9gwKh1o...feature=related And Banana Phone You are a Pirate..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AzpByR3MvI Oh yeah.... and the complete series of Bus Pirates http://www.buspirates.com/
Yeah... but the Llama song gets funnier and funnier the more you drink and listen to it..........
Speaking of rum..... are we going to swill Brandy and Wine like true Buccaneers instead of rum? Exquemelin The Buccaneers of America
But if no one knows about the skit...... how can they watch it? That's why I think the idea of a town crier with "treasure maps" and a "Camp Walk"after the battle might work... so the Camp Walk isn't exactly at X:30.... but after the battle, and we all know when that is...... so we can remain flexible and on Key West time without to much hassle..... It's a good thing we have almost a whle year to figure alla this out.... lotsa good and different ideas... we'll figure something out by 2009
Wellllll we was watchin' the buxom wench contest..... and we knows war ter find them at PiP anyways......
1650-1725 give us a good range of time.... so we can show the Golden Age of Pyracy and the Buccaneers. 1669 is almost the "Peak" of the Buccaneer Period.... In 1669 the Buccaneers are assembling because Morgan is planning something.... and it's going to be good...( the Sack of Panama ) After the Sack of Panama, things kinda slow down...there were still Buccaneers (Dampier writes about them) but the Nationalism of the Period is changing to outright Pyracy...and into the Golden Age of Pyracy. By the Golden Age of Pyracy, Port Royal has already sunk, (and the political climate has changed) so the Pyrates no longer went there... but in 1669, it was still the "Wickedest City on Earth".... Golden Age Pyrates weren't sacking Spanish Towns, but the Buccaneers were.... With a time range from 1650-1725, we can show the differences between the two periods. Now about slaughtering and butchering a cow in camp........ (Just joking.......Harry... how much coffee did you spit on your monitor screen with that one? )
Kind of a mix of the two ideas.... we make a "treasure map" of the Fort out to the camps.... that could be passed out announcing the "Camp Walk"... after the Battle... (This also allows for Key West Time... because the "Camp Walk isn't at X:30... but a little after the battle... so we all know when it is...) The impromptu demos we do are nice, but having an organized "Camp Walk" would let us know when to really "show-off" The only problem I can see with this is if each Camp puts on a two hour demo..... we'll lose visitors with a short attention span, and they wont see the rest of us showing off.... I think right now, most of the visitors walking through camp don't want to disturb us and ask questions.... so we need something to let them know that talking with us if not only OK, but encouraged......
Central California is slightly misleading, California is a huge state... there is Southern California, Northern California... Central California is usually considered the valley... But I'm up in the mountains at 4000 feet in the center part of California where it is bent.... (I'm about 3 hours East of the San Fransisco Bay Area) This is just the first snow... a little more than a foot of the icky sh...stuff... and more is suppose to be on the way......
Or worse.... Animal and I started talkin' bout th' Buccaneer Camp for next year at the Busty...errrgh buxom Wench contest......
I already talked to Harry about moving the date back so we could show an earlier period...
I'm not for a bunch of tours, ... one at 11;30 one at 1:00 one at 2:30... that kinda thing.... Maybe one good organized "Camp Walk" a little after the battle... and the rest of the time people could walk through the camps and see small impromptu demos of whats happening in the camps..... for some reason people were interested in watching us clean our weapons after the battle.... With one good organized "Camp Walk" we would know when to do our stuff, but we wouldn't have to spend all day setting-up and waiting for the next one... I think that would take some of the fun outta PiP, and make it almost like work.... Right (OK a little ) after the battle would be a good time.... it gives us some time to catch our breaths without having to rush... and the visitors interest will be at a high pitch... Try to get visitors at the Fort by about 1:00... so they have time to shop (the Merchants need this)... then have some kinda warning "They Pyrates are coming" to get everyone up on the Fort walls so they can watch the Battle..... a little after the battle, would be the "Camp Tours" and when they are over the visitors would be guided back to the Fort for more shopping.... Of course the visitors would be allowed to wander out to the camps as they do now... but having everything kinda (loosely) scheduled would present a nicer experience for the visitors, and let us "show-off" (not that any of us ever do that...)