Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
Dang you GoF ..... for posting the black powder group's page..... I was going to quickly check in here, then do some sewing on my jacket..... But the activation for the blackpowder page was in my e-mail... and I just hadda go and check it out...... I only lookied at a few topics.... and now it's 7:00...... Did find a company that makes blunderbuss barrels for $100. tho..... The only problem I see so far, is in the living History section.... they stop at 1600 and then start again at the French Indain War...... I'll lurk for awhile, then figure where to post Pyrate stuff....... Now I have the Pub, AND the Blackpowder Group to read..... I'm never going to get any work done.......
Re-starting this topic..... Sence the last post in May, I've made an almost complete Buccaneer outfit, with camping gear to go with it...... there is a link to the photos in Capt. Twill in The Buccaneer Project..... money for the parts to make a gun is kinda holding up continuing on that project........ New projects that I am working on..... I'm slowly working on re-stocking my flintlock pistol in walnut.... but it is one of those projects where I sometimes do a little of it... then set it aside for awhile.... I'm not in a great hurry to get it done...... Still handsewing a period linen buccaneer shirt..... I got most of the collar sewn at PiP...... that's what I'm working on in the photos that William Red posted .... not getting as much of it done as I should..... I have over half of some Pyrate Role-playing game rules done.... I still have to finish the rules for the Captain (game master) and the web page where I will post them for free....... I will post more information on this project in Pyrate Pop when it's done. And I'm making a 1706 slops contract jacket outta grey wool blanket with red trim... posting pictures of that project in Plunder......
I was looking at the Loyalist Arms dog lock...... but the money I was setting aside for it kinda sorta got spent..... Now I'm thinking of just making one from scratch...... Lock stock and barrel..... But I checked out the link http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/fusionbb...php?tid/182146/ Have to register.... but it looks like prety good site....... Well there goes another hour each night............
Well I figure that even if it was cotton as we now know it, well....... thats why I said it is semi-period..... What I'm using was inexpensive.... without the brass buttons, I have less than $10.00 in materials. I can't remember where I read it, but it said that cotton came mostly from India, and England didn't want any compitition with thiere linen trade...... so I'm guessing that cotton was around. looking through the slops contracts, there was a lot of clothing made from cotton... but shirts are still linen...... I'd like to know more about period use of cotton also.......
In Capatin Twill, Gentleman of Fortune started a topic on the The "Admiralty Slop Contracts" discussing what was avalible aboard Naval ships.... SO I decided to make one.... I'm not sure how period is will be, a lot is guesswork, but I figured someone might be interested. I am making it using a grey wool Navy blanket that I got at a yard sale for #3.00 (but they are avalible for about $20 online) In the photos, the grey looks blue, but the close up of the pocket (Jacket 5) is closer to its actual color. I was concerned that the blanket would be too heavy , but after cutting it, and making the pocket flaps, It turns out to be just a little heavier than the Kersey that was used to make re enactors American Civil War uniforms. So I'm happy with the wool blankets weight and thickness... I also have 3 yards of red cotton for the linning. And some scrap linen for the pockets. (I'll worry about the 15 brass buttons when I get that far in the project.....) I made a jacket using the Justicorp pattern that is on GoF's page http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/ but the wool that I used was to thin, and it is wearing out at the elbows, it also isn't very period, I interlined it with polar Fleace so it would be warm, but the brown polar flece is now showing through the elbows..... On the blue jacted, I also faced the lining, something that later I found I should not have done. There is also more "flair" to the vent openings, not as much as a justicorp, but too much for this jacket, so I am cutting those down on the grey jacket. This jacket will be a mixture of the justicorp, and a period picture of a sailor watching a hanging, and a few pictures that Foxe has posted. To make my pattern, I laid the blue jacket (I like how it fits) on top of the blanket that was folded in half, and marked with soap the two sides. I will make the sleeves later. I then cut the red cotton (also folded in half) and the blanket at the same time. I am machine sewing the seams that you can't see, but hand finishing all the seams that you can see, so I have to finish the pockets first. http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...t=Jacket-01.jpg Photo (Jacket 1) shows the left side of the front of the jacket (you can see the inch marking on the cutting table for an idea of the size) Photo (Jacket 2 ) shows the left back. you can see the soap marks where I will cut the vents when I get to assembling the body.... Photo (Jacket 3) I make pockets sorta like an oversized button hole... Measure and pin a scrap of linen in place on the front of the jacket, then machine sew the opening. I then cut inside the sewn lines, and turn the entire pocket to the inside. Then I hand sew (top stitch) the two small side and bottem edge of the pocket. Photo (Jacket 4) I then fold and machine sew the pocket. This photo shows the inside of the jacket and the pocket. This will all be inside the linning when I'm finished. Photo (Jacket 5) I hand topstitch the pocket flap, then I machine sew the pocket flap just above the pocket opening. I fold the flap down, and hand stitch the flap down. This way the pocket flap stays closed without needing buttons. I figure that buttons on the pocket would catch on stuff too easly, so I'm not putting any on the pockets. I now have to finish sewing the other pocket, and then I can start to assemblem the body of the jacket..... so more photos to come.......
Noah in 2005 In the year 2005, the Lord came unto Noah, who was now living in the United States, and said, "Once again, the earth has become wicked and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me. Build another Ark and save 2 of every living thing along with a few good humans." He gave Noah the blueprints, saying, "You have 6 months to build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights." Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard - but no Ark. "Noah!" He roared, "I'm about to start the rain! Where is the Ark?" "Forgive me, Lord," begged Noah, "but things have changed. I needed a building permit. I've been arguing with the inspector about the need for a sprinkler system. My neighbors claim that I've violated the neighborhood zoning laws by building the Ark in my yard and exceeding the height limitations. We had to go to the Development Appeal Board for a decision. Then the Department of Transportation demanded a bond be posted for the future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions, to clear the passage for the Ark's move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear nothing of it. Getting the wood was another problem. There's a ban on cutting local trees in order to save the spotted owl. I tried to convince the environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the owls - but no go! When I started gathering the animals, an animal rights group sued me. They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will. They argued the accommodation was too restrictive, and it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space. Then the EPA ruled that I couldn't build the Ark until they'd conducted an environmental impact study on your proposed flood. I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human Rights Commission on how many minorities I'm supposed to hire for my building crew. Immigration and Naturalization is checking the green-card status of most of the people who want to work. The trades unions say I can't use my sons. They insist I have to hire only Union workers with Ark-building experience. To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets, claiming I'm trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species. So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10 years for me to finish this Ark." Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine, and a rainbow stretched across the sky. Noah looked up in wonder and asked, "You mean you're not going to destroy the world?" "No," said the Lord. "The government beat me to it."
I think I will move the pictures and how I'm making the jacket into plunder..... start a new topic.... so we can continue discussing the slops contract info here.... without my aditional .....clutter...
I started making a sort of 1706 slops contract Jacket..... Shrunck Grey Kersey Jackett, lined with Red Cotton, with fifteen Brass Buttons, and two Pockets of Linnen, the Button Holes stich’d with Gold Colour Thread, at Ten Shillings and Sixpence each (Shrunck appears to mean water-resistant. Kersey is a very coarse cheap wool) I'm basing the pattern off of the back view of the sailor watching a hanging.... and the picture that Foxe posted one page back.... (I think it was labled A...) Basicaly it is a modified version of my last Jacket, and I am making a few changes to it so it will be more period correct...(I found out what I did wrong on the last one...), but using my old jacket to draft a pattern.... (well.... marking it with soap on the cloth......) I'm making it out of a grey Navy blanket that I got at a yard sale for $3.00, and lining it with red cotton ($2.00 per yard...) and some linnen scrap for the pockets.... I have the body and the pockets cut out. I'm cheating and machine sewing it, but hand finishing all of the outside seams (the ones that you can see).... I have one of the pockets and pocket flap sewn, but decided to work on the other side's pocket tomarrow....... I'm pleased that the blanket, isn't as thick as I thought it would be.... when I topstitched the first pocket, it came out much better than I thought using a blanket would be...... It's only a little heaver than the Kersey that was used for Uniforms when I did American Civil War reenactments....... The Red lining on the Grey, looks realy good..... I will have to take some pictures of the jacket parts, and as I'm putting it together..... The reason I call it a sort of 1706 slop contract jacket, is that I'm guessing on a lot of the parts and assembly.... working from pictures..... But it should be warm......
Aaaaack....... run away...... Shes got a ball gag............ (Kinda a lame gag, wasn't it..... )
Nah... just drug test them.... if its against the law, it should be against the law for everyone....... (I'm sure a good exterminator could get rid of the mice that keep eating drug evidence in the police stations...) Luckly I never got into drugs.... I have tried them, but it's just not for me.... Marijuana just makes me sleepy and parinoid, and coke makes me twice as hyper as I already am.....
Awh..... but the realy cool part about having my mind in the gutter...... I get to look up all the women's skirts...... Obvioulsy they don't mind, do they.............
Aaaargh..... now you've gone and done it again....... there went my mind for the night........ "A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste....."
Wellllll ... there goes my mind tonight........ I've heard about chickens, and kitty cats, and even those tree chewing critters.... But why does "Entertain the Weasel" sound so...... eeeeergh.....well dirty ? (but fun) ...... or is it just me.....
Is that like the Norton virus.... it sends e-mails to everyone on your mailing list warning them about possible viruses.......
The Johnny Depp as Capt. Jack Sparrow... or Willy Wonka...
I'll have to look up one of the references that I have on Capotes.... but I remember that there were differences between what the Indains made, and what the Whites made.... the Indain version was more boxie, where as the White version was slightly tailored.... with a two part sleeve instead of a tube..... Like I said... I will have to look up the reference again......
Other than the contrasting linning and cuffs..... I would have guessed that they were capotes ... a long coat made from a blanket.... Where and when is that picture from ? Dang.... there were two more pages after I read the Foxe's post.... I gotta pay more attention to the little numbers at the bottem of the page..........
I've only read two of them..... never seen any more in the used book shops.... I've also read some of the Hornblower books, and an interesting one by Jean Hackman.....
A large bowl of rice, with Holindase sauce mix and Texas Pete Hot sauce..... Yeally ! OH yah... and a rum and coke.....
Pirates Adventure Dinner Theatre - Calif.
Patrick Hand replied to Kiery McCannan's topic in Pyrate Pop
Maybe it was because we had good seats...... or that I was in the proper spirit of the thing...... (and I wasn't even in garb...) but I had no problem getting re-fills..... -
Eeeergh... Gof.... You might wanna re-type that..... I don't think you would realy want to see any of the "Male Pyrates" in latex bodysuits..........
OH GREAT...... Now you tell me.... after I just shaved it all off. I shave about once a year just to see my face again.... Dang.... I don't remember having dimples...... Aaaaaargh.... dimples onna Pyrate just ain't right.... Good thing that it grows back........
I always wanted to try making one... but I have too many other project to get around to doing so yet........
YAY....... Th' guy wot gave us Pyrates RUM........
Lets make Authentic Hand Sewn 18th C Shirts
Patrick Hand replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
I guess I should have been more specific.... that's about where my shirt fits (about 4" down) I wasn't sujesting that the shoulder seam should sit on the shoulder like a modern shirt. but in the picture, I thought it looked like it was maybe about 2" down. I was messing aroung with the shirt that I wore to PiP (the one with the shoulder seam about 4" down, that kinda "binds")... by folding the body of the shirt so the shoulder seam didn't go 4" down, but about 2 " seemed to fit better, and figured that I will made my next shirt with the shoulder seam "shorter" . It will still drop over the shoulder, and by gathering fabric into the neck hole, the body wont be tight.... I'm making a Buccaneer shirt, using some of the period drawings , and the shirt from The Museam of costume, Bath (never mind the black work....) as reference. Unfortunately the picture of a Buccaneer in a shirt....you can't tell exactly where his shoulders are....... so there is a bit of guess work envolved.......