Patrick Hand
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Hey someone has to be a jerk... so why the heck can't it be me.... Lady seahawk.......... One ... do you call yourself a historic re-enactor..... an authentic.... or are you a "play" Pyrate....so we can figure this out..... and two... are you talking about a cat of nine tails or a colt... or a 9 foot long bull whip.... Maybe we are missing something here... so some definitions may help....
Well yah.... the babes from Huflepufff would have loved it........ Not that Chuck Norris could have cared less...........
Dang that was stupid.... even fer a drunk Pyrate............ shooting eggs inter a baskit.................. much more fun iffin we could just shoot th' dang chickens......
There is also the one about when Blackbeard shaved his beard..... but I couldn't get a copy of it to you untill Monday at the soonest.........
When the privys smell better than the food court......... I wouldn't say that the wet chemese contest was a sign of a bad Faire..... but then again... I'm a Male sexist pigdog about such things.....
Barbados Sam.... I have almost the same problem.... If I don't get it packed right.... just dosen't burn right (I'm a Cagarette smoker.... who sometimes smokes a pipe) Ain't hadda good cegar in a long time.... one of the best parts about smoking one tho...... you can set aside the time to totaly enjoy smoking it....... kick back and relax..... a fine cegar...some brandy or rum... smoking jacket optional.........
I've thought about carrying it in a haversack... it would also give me a place to carry the totaly authentic digital camera ..... But carrying a tankard on my belt is a simpler "fix" than wearing a questionable haversack..... OK haversacks are period..... but did Sailors and Pyrates wear them.... ? See the problem.... I know a tankard on the belt is wrong.... but I'm not sure if a haversack is more right...... If I was portraying Infantry... Hey... NO PROBLEM..... but I wonder about Sailors and Pyrates.... I think a haversack may be just as wrong.......
This is something that I was talking about the other night..... OK most of this is out of period.... During the Americam Civil War, there were documentable cases of women that fought , and died, and no one knew they were women untill after they were dead.. Ok and then there was "Stage Coach Charley... So there have been women that did pass as men. There was also a time (I'd have to go look it up) when many Union/Yankee officers had aids that were a little too nice looking (thier wives and lovers) in camp. An order went out from the Army telling to send them home (ok not an exact quote) BUT No one was "fooled" about these female "soldiers" everyone knew they were women.... When I did American Civil War reenacting, we had the "ten foot rule" unfortunatly IF there was a woman that could "pass"..... heck she fooled me..... BUT I don't think so..... both sides had a lot of ...ergh... curvy soldiers..... Life in a military camp leaves some room to get away with concealing thier sex.... but life aboard a ship, in such tight quarters..... makes me wonder if Bonny and Mary realy did "pass" or if Pyrates and Sailors didn't care..... Hey... it's open to debate..... I did some make-up for a woman as a joke for the Clampers..... and she fooled everyone there......
I better check first.... but th' photo of Caroleen dancing on th' table at Ojai....... AAAAARGH........
Hummm.... but that slightly like our discussion about tankards.... OK wearing a tankard on your belt is NOT period..... but if I'm at a Faire, and want to stop at "Ye olde Ale Stand" to wet my whistle...... do I walk around drinking out of the platic cup they give me? or should I pour it into the pewter tankard that ...... Yah and I know better.... I've been carrying on my belt. I know it's a cop out.... but I feel that it's a "lesser" cop out ...... (dang.... now there are levels to copping out..... )
OK..... Aaaargh... so whar be th' link....? Wit out a link..... I be blunderin' round photobuckets......... An is it just me... or does anyone else get a wierd image bout the name.... photobuckets.....?
callenish gunner, I've got a question.... the 1751 English Hanger looks like one sold somewhere else... (hopefully you can offer it at a better price) Is the pommel threaded to the tang? I was thinking of ordering one, but I'd want to take it apart and use just the blade to make a cutlass....
Lets make Authentic Hand Sewn 18th C Shirts
Patrick Hand replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
couldn't wait for the class to start, so I started hand sewing a Buccaneer shirt.... I will post pictures and drawings of the difference when the class starts..... Anyway.... I was wondering about the fit of the shirt at the armseye.... and how the sleeves drop over the shoulder (on my last shirt, I think I made the shoulder part just a little too long, so the shoulder seam fall too far down....not "that" much.... but the sleeves slightly "bind" when I'm not wearing a jacket....) So I looked a a picture that Foxe posted.... http://www.heritage.nf.ca/lawfoundation/im...rth_sea_550.jpg Check out the guy rowing....... I think I'm correct that they shouldn't go to far over the shoulder...... Kass or GoF.... we might want to address the fit of the shirt before we start.... -
I read an article in a Buckskinning magazine about a guy who made a small hand forged knife, and a beaded necklass sheath to hold it in.... he figured that the materials were period, but could not prove that it had ever been done..... untill he found a painting showing one that was very close to what he had made. I don't want to say that everything that we do by guesswork is period.... but at the same time, sometimes if we can think of something... so could the people in the past. Unfortunatly... I can also see where this could get outta hand..... I was using the wool blanket coat as an example, but there is so much missing information from the time period, that sometimes we just have to guess..... But when is the guess/justification acceptable, and when is it a cop-out......?
The Highly prized “House Cup” is a Dixie cup that Chuck Norris once drank from. Chuck Norris finds Quidditch too tame, even when it’s only him against 25 trolls and 13 dragons. When playing Quidditch, the rules say that Chuck Norris MUST use a club to hit the Bludger… If he roundhouse kicks the Bludger, its velocity becomes unsafe. After Chuck Norris spared with the Whomping Willow, it was only a shrub. The Forbidden Forest is where Chuck Norris went to play as a child. After just one look at Chuck Norris, the Veelas fall into a state of orgasmic ecstasy. Ollivander wanted to make a wand using one of Chuck Norris’s hairs, but it proved to be way to powerful, and Ollivander has not been seen since. The Hunchback statue was once a statue of a tall troll….. Until Chuck Norris gave it a friendly pat on the back. Chuck Norris doesn’t have to Apparate, he just jumps up, and the World turns under his feet to where he wanted to go. The Sorcerer’s Stone is actually one of Chuck Norris’s magical boogers. Chuck Norris isn’t a Muggle or a Wizard, He’s Chuck Norris! Matt… look at the bright side, there are six Harry Potter books and only one Chuck Norris…. I’m running out of Harry Potter references….
I resolved that last year...... thar just ain't nough meat on em to justify skinnin' an cooking em........
I've got an interesting question about "when is it period" or a "cop out/justification" My wool "play Pyrate" coat is starting to wear out at the cuffs and elbows. The cut is almost correct, but the way I faced it, and interlinning it with polar fleece is not (I wanted it to be warm) . I have a grey wool blanket that I am thinking of using to make a new coat. I know what I did wrong on the first coat, so I will correct those errors, and make a very warm coat.... (this is where this question gets interesting) I figure that Sailors did a lot of thier own sewing, repairing and making thier own garmets. I also figure that wool blankets would be avalible to make a new coat out of. (Some guessing here....) So would a coat made from a blanket be period, OR am I just justifing using a blanket just because I have it ? I don't think it would be a cop out.... but I think that I have "convinced" myself that it would/could be period.... I wonder how often I or "we" do that....You know... the old "If they had it... they would have used it..." This example is about a coat.... but it could just as well been on any other gear used for Pyrate reenactments.....
See... that is a very common misconception..... most armchair historians don't realize that the Authentic Tiawanees Arabic bracelets are actully spelled with two "Gs" so it would be "Banggles"... "Ten Banggles for one Dollar...so you get more bangg for your buck" And a side note on authentic female garp... you Did mention the tankard on the belt... but you failed to mention the easly doccumentable fox tails and the purple leather floggers.....
Now the transcript of the Bonny and Read trial, even MORE often overlooked by historians,... "they were dressed in men's trousers and jackets with kerchiefs tied about their heads, and they had huge bangles" Resent research sujest that "Bangles" were infact earrings, and NOT thier womanly bazooms...... as many armchair and perverted Historians have said in the past.
Valdermont refers to Chuck Norris as "He-who-can-not-be-maimed" Dumbledor refers to Chuck Norris as "Sir" Hermone wont let Chuck Norris join S.P.E.W. because he bites the heads off of house elves. After Hermone refused to let Chuck Norris join S.P.E.W,.... well Madam Pomfrey says that the Extra strength Skele-Gro seems to be working. Chuck Norris uses the dragons from the Tri Wizzard Tournement to light his cigars. Chuck Norris was kind enough to lend Hogwarts his second favorite shot glass to use as the Gobblet of Fire. Chuck Norris roundhousd kicked a powerfull wizzard so all that was left was the Sorting Hat. Chuck Norris thinks that the Avada Kedavra curse tickles. A large silvery roundhouse kick to the head is Chuck Norri's patronus. Chuck Norris uses a pensive to store all of his memorys of all the people that he's killed with a roundhouse kick, even the Great Chuck Norris can't remember them all. Chuck Norris won't have anything to do with Hagrids giant three headed dog Fluffy.... Chuck Norris dosen't have time for runts. Chuck Norris dosen't need a wand, he just points his finger , and those who's heads don't explode do anything he says. Chuck Norris does NOT use rattlesnakes for condoms... they are too small. Chuck Norris uses the giant snake from the Chamber of Secrets.... and it's still a tight fit... The Dementors are the only living survivors of Chuck Norris "Pulling" a roundhouse kick. Chuck Norris uses a time turner so he can go back to just befor he kills someone with a roundhouse kick and kill them a second time for fun. Chuck Norris killed Nearly Hearless Nkick's brother...... Totaly Faceless Fred. Chuck Norris dosen't go out with Ravenclaw girls... they break too easly.
Awh... I thought you'd like that...... I just didn't want you to spit-up any coffee,tea or rum on your monitor..... so I toned it down just a little.....
I view this from a slightly different angle..... How to protect adults and adult content from inquisitive underage eyes.... I use to post Adult drawing in an adult newsgroup. I don't want to get in trouble,as an adult, I can post and view such material. How do I protect myselt from some underage kid that knows more about the internet than his or her parents. What I would like to see developed, is an electronic "Mark" that I could put in my drawings (well people that post photos could use it also) maybe a plug in for Photoshop, or an extra button in Netscape and Internet Explorer... that any Child protection program would recgonize the attachement as Adult content. and then block (self censorship... not governmental) If some kid got around it, it's not my fault.... I made an attempt to mark and warn about its content.
I try to think that.... but it dosen't quite work..... Somehow I've accumulated a lot of interesting "Stuff".... can't just sell it, and sometimes kinda difficult figuring out where to store it....... I've got a suit of armour (it's dressed like an Orc right now) that stands next to my bookcase (one and a half pick-up truck loads of book around the house that I can't just get rid of... never can tell when I want to look something up....) Someone told me the other day.... "He who dies with the most toys, gets to watch everyone else play with them when there dead...."
The list is kind of interesting ... I was looking at the numbers that were hanged.... smaller than I would have thought (Ok so some of them got pardons...etc....) I just thought there would be more........
As posted in another topic, there were a lot more women at Sea than you would think. Bonny and Mary are the first that come to mind, then there is Marie (I think that was her name) who joined Captain Jack Sparrow’s crew in Tortuga in “Pirates of the Caribbean” And I remember reading in “Two Fisted Bedtime Stories for Men” about a Pyrate ship that was crewed entirely by women. Everyone knows that Women have always worn earrings. And because there were so many women Pyrates, who would have worn earrings, we know that Pyrates DID wear earrings. And if some Pyrates wore earrings, then all Pyrates would have worn earrings. Awh… my brilliance amazes me at times, I think I will have another rum, knowing that this argument has finally been settled.