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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Loyalist Arms sells a French Marine one..... http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/ca...ridgeboxes.html You might do a web search for bellyboxs or cartridge boxes....
  2. Mr. Cash made alot of money offa a song bout that..... "How do you do.... my name is Sue......."
  3. There would have been a LOT more than just silence in the air.......
  4. It was one of those ideas that I though of a few years ago, but didn't have enough Pyrates at the time... my original idea was to do it at the Santa Cruz beach with lots of people around, then watch the vidio later. I wonder how many people would try to dig up the chest....by bringing shovels, it could be buried fairly deep... make em work for it..... maybe more than one stoge hidden on the beach beforehand to get more pictures....... It might make a fun Pub Project.... post yer Pyrate Prank Pictures.....
  5. This Pranks thread reminded my of one that I've always wanted to do..... and now I think I can make it happen.... (well later this year when it's warmer....) Equipment needed.... a row boat a treasure chest (nothing fancy...) a bunch of Shovels a bunch of Pyrates a public beach and a "stoge" with a hidden camera to record everything On a nice warm Summer day, when the beach has lots of people on it, alla the sudden a rowboat full of Pyrates comes around the point and lands on the beach.... dragging a treasure chest.... after pasing off a distance, they begin to dig a deep hole, and bury the treasure chest... then go back to the rowboat and leave....... I'd love to see peoples reactions... kinda a candid camera kinda thing....
  6. She lied about her age..... but didn't get away with it....? maybe that's why the Pyrates killed her.......
  7. We had a yard sale once, and put a maniquin in a bunnyrabbit costume out on the street to atract attention.... after the yard sale was over, I brought the big bunny into the house, and put it in the kitchen.... Dan our roommate cane home later, turned the corner and came face to face with a human sized Bunny.... Now we were onto something... We would but the Bunny in his room... when he got home you could hear him curse when he turned on the lights and saw the bunny.... You would think that after doing this for awhile, Dan would get use to the big Bunny..... But it startled him each time.... Finaly, we had the owner of the local bar call us when Dan left on his way home .... I put on the Bunny costume, and stood in Dan's room.... he came home... turned on the light... jumped back in suprise..... and then went to pick up and take the Bunny back out to the kitchen...... thats when I gave him a Big Bunny Hug...... You ever seen a grown man tap dance....
  8. One of my favorite parts on the map are "the Skull Islands" I live in Calaveras county..... and Calaveras is Spanish for Skulls...... I just can't figure out why the county government, or Calaveras High School don't use a proper flag.....
  9. Is there any more info on this.... someone posted that the dates have changes.... so exactly when is it... and fire pits, and more info... luckly there is still alot of time left for this one.... Vegas may not be the most nautical place, but it is cheap to get to.......
  10. Have to go through Tracy on my way to the Bay Area....It's about half way there......... so I stop for a smoke, or to get coffee or something to eat.....
  11. I was rearranging some of my Pyrate files, and found this map I made last year. I figure someone else might like the idea enough to make one of their own� I originally made this map in Photoshop, but the idea would also work by tracing . What I did, was scan a map, I then made a new layer and put a dot on all the places that I wanted on the map. I deleted the original map, and then started adding islands where the dots were. Added a few other layers for water, etc� and ended up with a scale map of Central California. But it looks much more Pyrate like than the one showing rivers and places that I never go�
  12. Hummmm.... I think I'll stay with Patrick Hand........
  13. Yah..... remember.... "Chicks dig scars...." :)
  14. I wish I hadda photo... when I was in the Army, we would do our camoflage kinda Alice Cooperish.......
  15. I finished the topstitchins and started on the sleeves.... Showed the under sleeve on top of the outter sleeve (red) shows the cuff befor it is topstiitched.... Now I get to do the 15 button holes.........
  16. I saw the "crude" buttons about 10 years ago at an S.C.A. event, the vender had a bunch of brass stuff from India.... I thought I'd be able to find sort of the same on the internet.... but didn't have any luck. I'm thinking of maybe making my owm.... a brass disk, with copper loop silver soldered on the back.... but it might be eaiser just to buy them for $0.95.....
  17. I stole this from the blackpowder group..... Top Ten reasons why Men prefer guns over Women #10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22. #9. You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you're on the road. #8. If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times. #7. Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup. #6. Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo. #5. A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space. #4. Guns function normally every day of the month. #3. A gun doesn't ask, "Do these new grips make me look fat?" #2. A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it. And the number one reason a gun is favored over a woman.... #1. YOU CAN BUY A SILENCER FOR A GUN
  18. I was looking for something compleatly different, and found this ...... http://www.maritime.org/conf/conf-kaye-tar.htm All about pine tar......
  19. aaaargh.... two hours and all I've found is junk..... I looked for "brass Buttons" and "metal Buttons".... had better results just looking for pictures then going to the page.... Ok I did find these... at http://www.woodedhamlet.com/buttons_clasps...rass_butns.html They are 3/4 inch and $0 .95 so they are closer to what I want than what Jas. Townson sells... I did find this page... on 18th Centruy button shanks.... http://www.tias.com/articles/buttons/archi...2/articles.html I'll try again latter..... but right now I'm too peaved to figure out another way to look up cheap brass buttons cast in India.......
  20. The ones that I'm looking for...(made in India) had a smaller shank to them, and unfortunatly were very crudly cast, so I'd have to do some filework befor using them.... but they were realy inexpensive..... So far, I've only found some that are too modern.... will spend some more time and look again this afternoon......
  21. A kiss that popped her outta her bodice and curled her toes...... bet he's popular with the wenches.........
  22. Wow... that brings back memorys..... when I was stationed in Korea (78-80) I use to go to one of the bars in Yonjigol that had a good sound system (well better than what the other bars had....) and get the dj to play Alace Cooper ....... really loud..... I think I still have a kimchi (Korean Bootleg) tape of his somewhere around.......
  23. One of the references that I found was Rev. War era... (this is from memory... so I may have to look it up again..) it said that most of the American Captains did not make thier crew do it because they worked so close to port that the crews didn't get so "frustrated" so they wouldn't get into knife fights.... I can't see where it would make that much difference with a knife.... even with the tip broken off, its going to go into a body if you stab them hard enough.... But I'm not sure breaking the tip was to stop fighting, or to make the knife safer on ship....
  24. A Pyrate Dictionary.... wouldn't that be like the Pyrate Keyboard... everything listed under ... aaaaarrrrrr. Hey... I'm only on my second cupppa coffee.......
  25. Well ye wouldn't be swearing when you were ON one now would ye.....
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