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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. I PM’ed Hurricane, and he said that he’s portraying Morgan from about 1678-1682. So that would be at the time Dampier was writing…. So still trying to decide on a good date............. There is a lot of “wiggle room” with gear, clothing and weapons, but it would give us a time period to aim for. I kind of doubt that there would be a time or place where we could all get together, but it would give us a focus to work from. I haven’t tried it yet, but in the muzzle-loading forum, someone said that by using a punch, you could move the stamped lettering in metal…. I’ll try it on the Taiwan blade….if it works, I have a better machete that I’d like to rehaft and make a better scabbard for…..
  2. Yah... mine was made by some guy who stamped his name in the blade..... Tiawan I have to find a better one..... I might just go with a hanger, a machetti works, but it looks like I was to poor or lazy to get a real sword..... but it IS functional......
  3. DANG..... well there goes my Klingon reference.........
  4. I just figure that Petee wears his bucket boots because he has really ugly legs...... not nice shapely legs like the rest of us.... Hey.... this is the time period when it was men who showed off thier legs.....
  5. fargon, you can download Adobie reader free off of the internet... sorry, I couldn't find a link for their page, but a simple search should find it....
  6. I'm not compleatly happy with the machetti, but I figured that it woud be more usefull as a tool than a cutlass....... I don't know if this is a good idea or not..... Because the few of us that are working on Buccaneer garb and gear are just starting the project, what if we chose a specific time for our kit? that way, if we ever can get together we don't have a huge range of time. And we could share information here about anything that we find. I'm thinking about 1670... right after the Sack of Panama.... England is Mad at Morgan, and the Buccaneers disperse to become logwood cutters or back to hunting...... well... and a few raid of their own.......Or just after the time when Morgan returns. (I'll have to PM Hurricane about this...)Also, we can use the information written by Dampier . Hurricane is setting up an "Event" in Port Royal in 2007. Tieing all of our stuff to a specific time might work really cool.... If Hurrican agrees, we would have a Morgan, and ther rest of us could be scummy logwood cutters and Buccaneers....... I think having a specific time and place, would have some advantages. For example... if I went to a rendezvous, instead of just telling the "mountain men"... "well I'm a Buccaneer...." we would have History to back up our stuff......... OK... so what does everyone else think about this?.......
  7. To post pictures they have to be on a page first..... Photobuckets is free.. http://i8.photobucket.com/ but you have to register.... Then to post a picture, you load the picture in photobucket, put the curisor on the picture and right click "Copy Image Location".... then in the Pub, click the "IMG" button and right click and "Paste" the image.... I then "Preview Post" just to be sure that I did it right... if it works, then I "Add Reply" My page is kinda jumbled up, but it has pictures of my Buccaneer stuff.... (the first line is the link, the second one (the picture) is done with the "ING" tage, so it shows the picture...... http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/Patr...ckHand/gear.jpg
  8. I figure that because a gun is such an inportant part of a Buccaneer's kit, I'll kill two stones with one bird, and talk about the blunderbuss, and gun stuff. On the Blunderbuss, is the barrel attached to the stock with lugs, or does it have a screw holding the barrel on? If it has a lug, you could replace the lug and re-make the stock and replace all the furniture and a lock. Re-build it to make it more correct, but keep all the old parts (or just sell them), but by replacing the lug, you could switch everything back. Have you ever seen "The Trade Gun Sketchbook"? Trade guns are out of period, but the parts (and full sized patterns) in the book are very close So with just a little modification they are a good place to start. Also in "Foxfire 5" there is a good chapter where Hershel House makes a Southern Mountain Rifle, OK it's also outta period, but how he makes most of the parts for the rifle are very informative.. Have you seen the Muzzle loading forum? http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com There are some discussions on blunderbusses, making guns, and how to "age" the overly bright finish on the India made muskets. There are a few Pyrates that post there, just not a topic area for our time period yet.. I haven't dealt with this company, but they sell smoothbore barrels and gun parts, their lock are very reasonably priced also. http://tennesseevalleymanufacturing.com/index.php Somewhere on Loyalist Arms page, the sell their Dog locks for about $160, but its hidden on one of the pages so you will have to search for it. http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com I'm planning on setting up a forge this Spring, so I can make the parts ... http://www.backwoodshome.com/articles/green51.html OK... I know for about $50 more I can make a Musket, but I want a blunderbuss also, so I might make that first..
  9. I'd have to look up a picture of it from an old Muzzleloader magazine.... Without seeing a picture of it, what is wrong that couldn't be fixed with some work...... When I got my Dixie Gunworks Southern Mountain rifle, I didn't like the finish (looked like everyone elses.... ) so I took it off, and re-stained the stock.... If I were to get back into Rendezvous, I'd do some more work on the stock... slightly change the ramrod entry into the stock, and add a simple patchbox (I'm not crazy about the tallow hole in the butt....) Anyway... is it anything that can be fixed with some woodwork and file work... or maybe replacing a few parts to make it better?
  10. I had to forward that to a guy that makes robots that ride trikes.... (I'm going to be making the costumes for his robots....) Funny vidio.......
  11. Still listining to Pyrate Radio..... DRUNKEN SAILOR (The Bilge Pumps version be just a little twisted it be....)............ aargh.....
  12. greenighs, is that because any infection was contained in the tank? Or do I never go swimming in the Ocean ever again......
  13. Couldn't have been Petee, But Foxe did mention that he was thinking of doing middle eastern at one time, and a dhow would fit right into his kit........
  14. I like the idea of a Buccaneer "treck".... wouldn't have to be on the ocean (that would be nice, but may not allow guns...) Northern California or Oregon would work for me..... If we aim (sorry bad pun..) for sometime in the Summer of 07, that would give us enough time to get all of our kit, and weapons together.... and we could post what we are doing so others could see ....
  15. Hey... I made a signature Graphis just fer this game...... Dang cute ain't I........
  16. Been listining to this the last few days, "Real Pirate Radio"......figured others might get a kick out of it also...... http://www.live365.com/stations/captainbillybones They repeat a lot of the songs..... but Hey... it's free.......
  17. I was thinking of making a flag kinda like that..... but it would have "Death from within" as a motto.........
  18. Hey... everyone knows that All Americans fought against England.... and we won by hiding behind trees and shooting at them with our rifles as they ( what idiots) marched across the field in nice straight lines......... Foxe.... sorry about making a mess of your moniter......
  19. When I lived in Tenn. they would call me a yankee, I quickly corrected them.... I was born just as far South, just much farther to the West....... I had a friend that said he didn't know "Damn Yankee" was two words untill he was 13.......
  20. But boots are period if you're Klingon..... BIG BOOTS with spikes.......... I was at an American Civil War reenactment (Co. A 14th. TENN. Vol. Inf. C.S.A.) we were marching out to battle, when a father pointed at us and told his son.... "that is the Mexican army... when they invaded the United States....." Hummm... I must have slept through that part of history class......
  21. Nah.... Elvis ain't dead I saw him myself in a gas station outside of Memphis.... and again in Los Vegas...........( well three of him all at once...)
  22. I was looking for something else, so of course I didn't bookmark the page.... But I found a reference to knitted sleeve covers (can't remember what they were called) ... basicaly they were like legwarmers that were worn over sleeves in bad weather..... maybe that's what the 'rough sleeves' were....
  23. I thougnt pallets were made from hickory.... But that is a good idea, and easy to get for making tent stakes......I'l have to try making some and see how well the hold-up......
  24. I have to re-make my tarp, I still want to make it light weight, and I don't waterproof the tarp, I carry an oilcloth ground sheet, if it rains hare enough, I wrap up in the ground cloth...... I'm thinking on maybe making it like a spritsail... But it wouldn't be light then... still thinking about this.... This is for my Buccaneer gear, so it has to be portable...... I also have to re-do the trumpline for my bed roll. I used a three stranp plaited rope, but with the blanket, and groundcloth, the bedroll weighs 10 pounds, and I want a wider trumpline... maybe I'll try a 5 strand plait...... I did find a web page on how to make a copper boiler, so that will be one of my upcoming projects.... Still trying to decide if I want to carve wooden tent steaks, or just use the large nails that I have now...... Spring will be here soon enough, and I want my gear in order........
  25. There already is a thread on “Period Camping” This discussion is on “Pyrate Camping.” The tents and gear that people and groups take when they go to a Pyrate event. Pyrates as seamen, wouldn’t really have had the tents, tables and gear that we use when we set-up a camp at an event. About the only time that Pyrates would have camped would be when they were careening their ship, and then they would have used what was available to make a camp. Lashing spars together, and covering them with old sails would make a cool looking camp, But isn’t always practical for an event. Wall tents, wedge tents, lean-tos are period tents, but I don’t think that they would have been carried a lot of tents, tables, and camping gear on a pyrate ship. And lets face it, most events aren’t really hard-core reenactments anyway, having a camp that looks Pyraty and is comfortable is more important for most events than one that is 100% authentic. So this is a discussion on aesthetics, instead of authenticity. I have two camp set-ups, my Buccaneer gear is intended to be authentic (I will discuss that gear in “Period Camping”) but my other camp has a lot of stuff that is way out of period, but it looks right. I use a small Wheeland style lean-to. Lean-tos are period, but the Wheeland style with side flaps, a “curtain” to close it at night, and longer fly is too modern. I lash the tent poles together, and then decorate the inside for a Pyratical look. People who have seen my set-up at Ojai or Kerney Park have been impressed; it has the right “flavor” that is what I’m going for…… I am planning on making a compact “Camp Kitchen” …It has to disassemble so I can fit it and my camping gear in the back of my PT Cruzer. I want to make a mutated lean-to with a large fly, and curtains to close off the inside where coolers and non-period looking stuff can be hidden from the public during the day. Two trestle tables for a work area, and figure some way to rig a 12 volt lighting system that looks like candle lanterns, but throws more light….. So… what are others camp set-ups like? And what tricks have you found to make a good Pyrate looking camp?
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