Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
Cool.... that leaves more alcohol fer th' rest of us.... "Water never.... fish **** in it " W.C. Fields
Yah...Right... No one can prove nothin' and I ain't fessin' up ter nothin' in public.......
I read that some Captains made their crew break the tip off of their knives. Does anyone know if this was done durring the GAoP ? If a Captain made their crew do this, I don't think someone would throw away a knife just because it no longer has it's tip when they went Pyrate. I'm thinking that it might be a nice extra touch to my gear... (if it is period...)
Wouldn't that make her walk funny.......
Why not just get a pair of work gloves at a hardware store.... they come in brown. Just re-stitch any of the fingers that you cut, or they will unravel.....
The ones that I have right now are suede (yah not very period but I had it...) but they are too heavy, they stay "up", but in Summer they do get hot....I'm thinking pig skin or maybe goat, cow is to heavy.... I don't think there were many deer in the Carribean... So they are another of the things that I have to work on..... On tanning, I'm trying to figure this out myself.... I'm not sure about brain tanning, I know the Indains did it, but not sure if Europeans would do it (well in the Carribean at least...) but vegetable tanning dosen't seem likely for Buccaneers either...... and the descriptions of them wearing "trousers and boots of untreated hide" just dosen't sound right..... thats rawhide.... (I've "flexed" a chunk of deerskin rawhide to see if it would "loosen up", but it still stays too stiff........) I'm thinking of going with pigskin... it's just my best guess......
Well ... I could say that I ate the brass ones.....Because they were softer and taisted better......
Yah... but unfortunately.... the 1706 Slops contract didn't call for cheese buttons..... So I'm back to looking up the ones cast in India.......... Or just getting the ones from Jas. Townsend.......
I haven't checked out MercenaryWench's sujestion yet.... but I have seen some that were made in India that were just like the pewter ones, but brass... Thats what I'm looking for.... I thought that pewter buttons were a "Poormans" copy of silver buttons..... so I'm guessing that they would want them nice and shiny....
...Paint.... I used oil based paint..... and its been dry for over a year now..... I don't know if that would change the flamibility or not...... I have no Idea how tar would react..... but you could do a test on some fabric and quickly find out......
capn. William I've made "tarred" hats, by painting semi-gloss black oil base paint over canvas.... works well..... outta couriosity.... I just held a lit lighter to the edge of the one shown in my avitar for 10 seconds to see if it would catch fire..... sucker didn't even start to smoulder..... (kinda suprised me..... I thought it would burn a little...) I say, go ahead and tar a test hat (or scrap of cloth).... see if you get the same results......
I'll check them out..... but the SCA is not exactly noted for thier authentisity..... I know there are some cast brass buttons that are made in India, that are almost like the ones shown on the Spannish Colonial site.....
Not that I would ever look at "Adult" content on the internet..... But I once saw a link to an Adult site that was advertising photos of cleavage shots from Faires........ I thought it was kinda silly (NO I didn't check out the site...) Why bother... I can see that sorta thing for myself at a Faire......
Well.... I have almost half the topstitching done so far........ then I can start on the sleeves......... The body of the jacket looks much better where it is topstitched....... but doing it by hand is time consuming.......
I'm making a 1706 slops contract jacket.... and need 14 brass buttons.... I looked on Jas. Townsends page, and they sell them for $1.00 each... does anyone know other sources ? I know there is a company outta Florida that sells brass buttons on E-Bay,(I think it was about $14.00 for 100) but they are not period. I am looking for Period buttlons....... Also... the ticking waistcoat (next project) needs 17 "black" buttons..... Does anyone know if these were matal that was painted, or what they would have been, and of course, where to get some.........
I hope they can get the web page updated... I almost was able to go last year..... but couldn't get any info untill it was too late.... (I have to plan stuff like that way in advance, then don't know for sure untill the last minute.......)
I like Photoshop.... I can quickly color a cartoon in using it.......
Awh ... hitman.... the dang. yuppies be to scaried to try to take yer guns.... thats why they love the government....... (dang.... I don't know if that lets you sleep beter at night..... or load everything wit buck and ball........)
ethics question This test only has the one question, but it's a very important one. By giving an honest answer, you will discover where you stand morally. The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation in which you will have to make a decision. Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous. Please scroll down slowly and give due consideration to each line. You are in Florida; Miami be specific. There is chaos all around you caused by a hurricane with severe flooding. This is a flood of biblical proportions. You are a photo journalist working for a major newspaper, and you're caught in the middle of this epic disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless. You're trying to shoot career-making photos. There are houses and people swirling around you...some disappearing under the water. Nature is unleashing all of its destructive fury. Suddenly you see a man floundering in the water. He is fighting for his life, trying not to be taken down with the debris. You move closer... somehow the man looks familiar. You suddenly realize who it is. It's George W. Bush! At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take him under ... forever You have the two options: 1. You can save the life of G.W.Bush, or 2. You can shoot a dramatic Pulitzer Prize winning photo, documenting the death of one of the world's most powerful men. So here's the question, and please give an honest answer: Would you select high contrast color film, or would you go with the classic simplicity of black and white?
GoF posted this group in Capt. Twill, So I joined and now I'm reading all the info there..... http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/fusionbb/index.php Gotta love things that go BOOM
On the radio this morning they told about a group of gay Highschool students in Tracy California that are planing on haveing their own Prom.... the school said that any student could go to the prom, but the gay students felt uncomfortable going to the regular prom.... OK no big deal..... If the gay students want to have their own private party... who cares..... It turns out a group from Kansas does.... they will be flying out from Kansas to California to protest the gay prom....... Hey.... I thought it was funny.........
I still have a lot on that site to read, but I figure there are a few of us that are in the pub and there.... I figure that I'll just post in the earlier period group.... they should get use to us after awhile. I've been to a few rendezvous before, I wanted to get a schedule at a local blackpowder gun shop, told the owner the time period that I am now doing.... and he kinda shruged... it is pre 1840... but you know he was thinking Pirates of the Carribean......... I still have to get a period gun, but then I well attend more rendezvous, with my Bucaneer gear... it is more authentic than what most in primitive campers are using, but they are cool. I figure it will only take a little getting use to..... like I said... it IS pre 1840....... Back on topic (sort of...) I wanted to get the Loyalist Arms Doglock... but the money kinda got spent.... so now I will have to get the parts together to make my own.... but the Black powder site has some good references.... thier debate on Brown Bess made by different companys might interest you...... It apeart that the wood used for the stock is wrong... but the guns made in India are more "handmade".....
http://tennesseevalleymanufacturing.com/ca...ategory=barrels I think I will "bother" the people in the Earlier period... then they will be glad to get rid of the Buccaneers and Pyrates...... Interestingly enough.... it is a time period of many changes to gun ignition systems.... GoF... there is so much to read there.... I've just looked at a few topics... will have to read more..... OH yah... did you see the discussion on grenade launchers.... your page is listed.....
I got some more done tonight.... finished the pockets, and started to assemble to body.... http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...t=Jacket-06.jpg Jacket 06. shows the interfacing ... I don't know if it's period or not, but I wanted a little extra thickness around the front. So I just used some of the wool. Jacket 07 Inside of the lining and interfacing sewn into place... all inside out.... Jacket 08 Shows the jacket turned right side out...( I turn everything through the arm hole at this stage...) This is a kinda icky inbetween stage.... the lining and body look lumpy .... but wont look bad when I topstitch all around the edge...... Jacket 09 a closer view of the vent.... After looking at some of the picture that Foxe posted, I noticed that there isn't an over lap on the vent.... Jacket 10.... well it is starting to look like a jacket at this stage..... Now I get to hand sew ALL the way around the jacket, to make the wool body and linning flatter......