Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
Cool.... the Sea chest recovered from the wreck of the Kronan, 1676, has dovetailed edges...... the one right above the "interesting lock" is pegged..... Too bad that I can't see if there was a "block" for the handles to go through... Making a sea chest is a possible future project......but the detail in the photos ansewers some of my questions..........
Well the next song is about to start......... Hans Zimmer - Shiver Me Timbers [2:46] - Muppet Treasure Island http://www.live365.com/stations/captainbillybones A free Pyrate online radio station.......
After that, I brain tanned it..... dang stinky..untill I smoked it..... but it did turn out very soft and supple..... I'm outta th Mountains in Central California, about 2 hours inland from the Bay Area... A Buccaneer "trek" would be cool tho..... Other than the barrel, and lock, I'm going to make all the other parts for a musket....(going to learn how to forge this spring.... or at least burn myself trying......) I haven't ordered anything from them, but check out this supplier for smoothbore barrels.... http://tennesseevalleymanufacturing.com/ca...ategory=barrels I'd have to grind the octagon into octagon to 16 sided just befor the barrel bands tho... I've been colecting pictures of Doglock muskets, they have a lot in common with some of the trade guns.....
Right now, “The Buccaneer Project” is kind of on hold until I can get all the parts to make a musket…. Without a musket, it’s just not “right”….. I figure that I will use my Buccaneer stuff for going to rendezvous. It’s really the only place where it “almost fits in” (pre-1840’s) and I would get to fire my musket. Because the Buccaneer period is so obscure, no one knows what my stuff is… (OK Rumba recognized it at Ojai…) At Pyrates in Paradise, someone thought I was Robin Hood! ON LEATHER…. I’m starting to think that it may have been brain tanned… the description of “trousers and boots of untreated hide” would fit that. I don’t think the Buccaneers did a lot of tanning, but they had the raw goods, and I can’t see them just throwing the hides away. I’m still not 100% sure about if they would have known to use the brains and then to smoke the hide tho…. But it is easier than vat tanning (no need for a vat and bark to soak the hides in…and it’s quicker) An easy way to “slip: the hair from a hide…. Lash the hide to a simple framework, and stake it in a creek so that the water flows over both sides…. Three days later, almost all the hair will be washed off….the rest is easy enough to pull off.
Well that Idea didn't work..... I finaly got some brass buttons for a mascot that I was worknig on, and had one extra to see what it was made from if I filed off the surface.... I had hoped that they were brass ... but they are only cheap pot metal that is plated. I also had the chance to check in a fabric store ... but the buttons they had were all the same. RATS.... and it sounded like such a good idea if it had worked...... I think I will just order the brass with copper shank buttons..... interestingly enough... they are only about 10 cents more than the ones that I would have had to file....
When I was taking Physics, the teacher was explaining how artificial satellites stay in orbit….. I started cracking up…..I then asked the teacher if he’d ever read the Hitchhikers books (the trilogy of 5…) ….. Hey…. That’s the same way you fly…. Throw yourself at the surface, and miss…….
You're forgetting the French (insert good anti-French joke here) and the Dutch.... The Spannish don't count, they were the prey......... My Buccaneer stuff is English based... I didn't want to do French of Dutch, so I'm looking at everthing from a different prespective...... Morgan and then Dampier....
A rating system wouldn't tell you what you can or cannot buy, it would give you the information about an item. If you are trying to be authentic, you would be interested in the authentisity rating..... if you don't care if an item is authentic or not, you would just ignore it. I think the system would govern itself.... If an item was listed with a high authentisity rating by Kass or Foxe or Gentleman of Fortune, then you could be sure that it was correct. If an item got a high authentisity rating only by the person selling it.... well you could decide for yourself ..... Ace does a realy good Jack Spareribs impression, so if he found a baldrick buckle that was exactly like the one from the movie, you could be sure that is was good. Now Foxe might post that it isn't authentic, so someone looking for a good baldrick buckle could make an informed desission about if the buckle would be right for what they are doing.
Sorry to go off topic..... but heck... couldn't help myself.... Dang I hate wearin' an underwire bra.......... OK back to the idea of a rating system for plunder.........
Hey... I'm with Pirate Petee on this one........ just go to your local fabric store... and buy the fabric...... Wot idiot pays $15.00 for $1.00 worth of fabric................. himming it ain't covering wot they are charging....... is it hand sewn... NO.... 5 minutes and one doller worth of cloth... hey... I got some land in Arizona that you are going to realy love....................
or simpler.... "Don't make me go Pyrate ..." and maybe..... "because it will realy hurt you....."
Cool ... I ain't never washing me hair again... gotta protect meself genst lice........ Sorry after a "bad" night and a few tankards O' rum...... heck what do you expect.........
What do YOU want to see in a pirate movie?
Patrick Hand replied to Captain Leigh's topic in Pyrate Pop
OK... that was kinda fun.....nawh the truth......... well Heck IT SUCKED............I just remember them at the end of the movie sitting on the chain........ didn't work fer me....... I wanna see a Pyrate movie with some action... gun fights... sword fights .... blood... and heck if you can fit it in a bit of a story.............. -
you know that you have to post pictures when you are done........ kinda th' law.... rule ...... whatever........................
Dang... ain't findin' the exact right font kinda fun...... I have a CD with a buncha fonts... (need them for my work) Some are lame... some are kinda OK.....and some are "WOH...COOl" Aaaaargh.... but ain't that kinda the fun of findin' exactly th' right font.... <Yah ... I know this wasn't on topic......... heck ......Pyrate.............>
What do YOU want to see in a pirate movie?
Patrick Hand replied to Captain Leigh's topic in Pyrate Pop
Hey.................... sh*t happens........ Sorry couldn't help meself wit that one................. -
CaptainCiaran... that was from the pine tar...... rendered tree sap..... not the stuff used on raods........ http://www.maritime.org/conf/conf-kaye-tar.htm gives more info..... Still don't think I wanna put rendered/refined tree sap on my hair tho.......
I have noticed many post in plunder about Pyrate stuff... but unfortunatly they all kinda turn into little "flaimette wars" (Hey... were all cool here.... so we don't have big flame wars.......just some dissagrements about stuff...) Someone posts about a source for a coat, or boots or hats, Then there are replys about the quality and authentisity of the item.... Then it turns into a discussion about if the item is period correct, or "I don't care if it is period, I still like it..." OK... in the Pub there are the "Authentics" and the "Play Pyrates" both groups see "Plunder" from differnt viewpoints.... and there is no problem with that... we all do what we enjoy.... What I am Suggesting is a Rating system for Plunder.... simple and basic.... from one to five * symbols .... * being terrible....***** being "this is fantastic"....and 0 used for "I don't know" BUT for quality and authentisity....... an example..... someone post about a cool pyrate coat..... the quality is great.... but well... it isn't realy authentic..... but not "that" far off.... so it would be listed as.... Pyrate Coat: *****/** It gets a ***** (5) for the quality of workmanship... but it's not authentic enough to get a higher rating...... (and if you are not sure about the rating... just give it a 0... no comment, or "I don't know"....) Another example.... someone finds a replica of the baldrick buckle that Jack Sparrow wore in "Pirates of the Caribbean" The quality is OK, but they have no idea if it is period or not.... so it would be listed as... Jack Sparrow Baldrick Buckle: ***/0 But this buckle with a bit of file work and because it is at such a good price.... they would tell us that in their post...... With such a rating system, someone that is interested in an item would be informed about it..... If you are a "Play" Pyrate, and someone post a cool jacket, with a good rating on quality, but low to poor on authintisity... hey, If you like it.... none of the "authentics" are going to chew you head off it you buy it...... But if you want to be more authentic, you would look somewhere else before spending you money on something that isn't period correct for what you are doing..... Information is the key here...... Everyone can make a decision based on what they are doing...... If you are a "play Pyrate" quality is going to be important to you. "Authentics" will look at quality and authentisity.... But with Information, we can make "informed" decisions on what we want to spend our money on........
Slopmaker Cripps, I think I can visualize how that would work...... Basicaly "Needle hitching" just done with wire...... A picture would be handy tho..... hint hint.....
Not "tar on the Pig tails".... but I think it was in "The Wooden World" (something like that....) there was a reference to the sailors plaiting (OK...braiding) each other hair...... something about the longer the tail, the longer you had been at Sea...... Does anyone have better references to period hair styles ?
What do YOU want to see in a pirate movie?
Patrick Hand replied to Captain Leigh's topic in Pyrate Pop
I'll still argue.... doing the Calico Jack, Anne Bonney, Mary Read "triangle"..... Ok the story could be "sappy"... but it has good potential.... enough to get people other than just us pyrates interested....... The guy that won an Oscar for "It's a wonderfull Life" (or something like that.....) said when he won...... "tell a good story..." A story about Grace O'Malley would be interesting..... but Jack, Bonney and Read are more well known as Pyrates, and have all the elements that movie goers would want..... Documentaries and movies are two different things..... Telling a "good" story...and yah.... with a lot of leberal non-authentic embelishmenst.... But within a good "gritty" period envoronment.... Hey it could work.......... -
Hey... I might not be the best authority on this... just learning how to knit and such....... But it take me over 9 hours to knit a cap (I'd guess that she can knit one much quicker than that......and much better than I can do....... ) To buy the wool yarn cost me about $8.50........Maybe she can get it at a better price....... SO......... You can knit yer own, or just buy one..... that isn't a bad price for the work that goes into makeing one......
I'm not saying that I know Latin...... but "libido ergo sum" got tarnslated as.... "whim on account of to be" And all this time I thought it was "I lust, therefore I am...."
What do YOU want to see in a pirate movie?
Patrick Hand replied to Captain Leigh's topic in Pyrate Pop
I can't remember the name of it, but there was a movie with Pyrates in modern times..... they catch some drug runners , and at the end have a fight with the Coast Guard..... Anyway.... The thing that I liked most about the movie, is how nice and scummy the Pyrates were. None of this "Fancy Prittyboy" pyrate stuff.... but some good honnest (?) grunggy filth..... They looked like Pyrates..... AND... they acted like Pyrates What about something on the "Love Triangle" between Rackham, Anne Bonney and Mary Read ? It's not my first choice, but you gotta have a story that people will like..... The story can be a bit Hollywood, but if everything else is Historical correct.... Hey... violence....sex... more violence... and a great ending. -
Patrick Hand replied to callenish gunner's topic in Fort Taylor
Aaaargh.... but me aim be improvin' ........