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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Never had a chance to eat "real" haggas..... had something that was more of a meatloaf...... not the same thing...... who cares if it's cooked in a metal pan or a stomick...... and with enough "Water of Life" (whiskey) I don't think anyone would question what they were eating.... Fun asside..... From what I understand... meatloaf, is just a modern version of haggas.....
  2. Captain Jim, thanks..... I can't post his name... but his dad is world famous..... (and rich). He is a cool dude.... his brothers and sisters be living offa Dad's wealth (he did have some advantages to having a rich dad...) but he is doing it himself..... and doing well.....so he has the money to buy Dad a new cannon for his ship......( dang..... just wish I had half of what he's got.... rats....) Anyway thanks for the links.... maybe his Dad will need a gun crew.....to fire the new cannon....
  3. Hey William..... how do you do that.... when I tried to post, it wouldn't let me do it here..... said that it couldn't post running ..... whatever pages......
  4. Hey.... my fish soup is cold...........
  5. Hummm..... you must be Slytherin...... cool....
  6. Dang..... good thing there's braile.........
  7. Just for that....... "TEN POINTS FROM GRIFFONDORE....."
  8. HEY..... thats a Rat...... (get it... a Py-Rat......) Anyway......mouse's have short snouts....... and are not known for carrying large weaponery..........
  9. Dang...Dang....Drat..... wouldn't you know it.... I cleaned out my bookmarks, and got rid of all the links to cannon web sites...... now a friend was asking where to get a cannon, and I don't have the links anymore..... drat..... So can anyone post links to where to buy cannons.......... (His Dad had a brass barrel cannon, that someone ripped off, so he's thinking about suprizing his Father...... and he has the money to do so........)
  10. I have only been in "love" (that heart wrenching kinda thing) one time.... and she turned me down...... dang.... crushed.... I have been in Lust many times, and from that lust, I have grown to (sorta) understand and apriceate different women. I keep thinking about that part in "Fiddler on the Roof" where Tevia ask his wife if she loves him.... she responds with " what, I take care of your house, raised your daugheres.....etc...." but Tevia ask her again...... Given the choice... I think I will stick with lust that grows; instead of a "heartache" kinda falling in love...... (of course I could be totaly wrong about this.....)
  11. After watching the clip..... hey that song does kinda grow on you....... Of all the stupid things we can do..... filming yourself singing along with a song..... hey... it's gotta be one of the most harmless..... he looked like he was having lots of fun..... Dang.... I still love that clip tho........ I laugh me ass off watching it........
  12. Not exactly what you are asking.... My Buccaneer stuff, it's as close (well still working on it) as I can figure.... but it is so drab..... It dosen't look like a Pyrate, and very few people know what it is..... But my play Pyrate garb..... nice and flashy (in a grubby dirty sort of way) is much more fun to wear.... I get a better reaction as a recognized Pyrate...... I try to do both, but there are times when is is more fun to play the Hollywood version...... The cop out being that the fantacy is more recognizable than history.....
  13. I kinda like the voodoo doll in the skull hair on the movie poster...... I made something simular a few years ago outta corn husk..... may have to make another....... Funny story about the corn husk voodoo doll...... An old girlfriend , her daughter and I went to Waznecks exploritorum in San Jose.... and they had a hand-on exibit on making corn husk dolls..... so I helped my girlfriends daughter make a doll..... and ....well I just hadda make a voodoo doll...... anyway, I hung the thing offa the rear view mirror in my truck.... kinda thought it was funny..... My bosses boyfriend at the time (who I hate...) thought that the voodoo doll was ment to be him..... the jerk (keeping it PG 13) started to get sick...... my boss asked if I'd take the thing down... I just laughed.... if it upset what little mind he had....cool....... So I've always had a kinda soft spot in me ol' black 'art fer voodoo dols.....
  14. I thought the idea of Lost Wages, was that flights there were affordable..... dang... my biggest problem is ...Ojai in September....then Vegas in October.....
  15. This is the kinda stuff that I draw..... http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...rrent=PyRat.jpg[/img]
  16. Diego, that would be cool if there was a Pyracy Pub..... or at least alla us from the Pub camping together........ (it might be almost like Bedlam at Kerney Park.....)
  17. It ain't snowing here yet.... but if it starts, I'm tell it to go to Southern California where it will be apricieated..... I HATE SNOW......
  18. Yah...but numa numa is an internet classic..........
  19. When I was stationed in Korea, some of the girls wouuld rub orange peal on thier wrist.... simple, but it smelled nice........
  20. "The rain falls on the just and on the unjust.... but usually it falls on the just, because the unjust stole his umbrella..."
  21. Blackjohn.... FASA had some Star Treck gaming stuff also, but I never played any of them (I already have enough game rules that I've never been able to find someone to play...) I did play that Star Treck collectable card game for a short time.... I had a Klingon Fleat.... would shoot any fedi ship that showed itself.... then lay seige to their homeworld untill I had a large enough fleet to blow it up and win the game..... it wasn't very much fun...... Right now, I'm rebuilding my armor and making a new headpeice.... and play Klingon when it dosen't conflict with Tales of the 7 Seas events. Was Klingon Marine Infanty, but going back to Klingon Pyrate.......
  22. Kinda on the subject.... In comicbook cartooning, the cartoonist and the reader are both particapents in the experience.... I can draw a story, but when you read it, you add detailes, voices, sounds and the parts that were not drawn. The reader even adds detailes, and emotions to the characters that can be quite different than what the cartoonist originaly intended..... (check out Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comic" for more details ) I find it facinating..... it's just to bad that I haven't done any cartooning in a while......For awhile I was drawing dirty 8 page comix ("Tijuana Bobles") for funsies... unfortunatly when I'd show them, most men would only look at the pictures..... interestingly enough, when they would show them to thiere wives or girlfrinds, the women would read them.......OH well...........
  23. Aaaawh....callenish gunner how sweet...... See Chivalry isn't dead...... 'elpin' a poor cold almost neeked wench out wit' 'ot spiced rum....... An now she wants ter be playin' poker (wink wink) see goodness be it's own reward ............
  24. PiPR and PiP............ cool....
  25. Yah... but it is much easier than the way I useto do it...... Still haven't drawn anything.... started a mean Pyrate.... but didn't like the pose.......
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