Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
There was a "top 10 list" of things a new pyrate should have.... (I think it was in Plunder) Anyway.... what would be the top 5 things a Pyrate re-enactor should know....? I will have to think about my top 5...... One of my personnas is ex Maritine Infantry (Marine), so I kind of know a little about being on a ship...( I just have a difficult time remembering that they are "lines" and not ropes.....) (also Sailors talk funny......a totaly different language....) I do know ropework, knots, lashing, and splicing (OK.... I haven't done a long splice..... but I understand the idea....) I can load a cannon, pistole,and gun.... I can sew.... clothing and canvas. I never have killed a cow (Buccaneer), nor have I ever butchered one.... but from that point on, I can smoke or cook the meat, work with horn, and leather, and even tan the hide..... I can start a fire with flint and steal, and can camp (semi) comfortably with period gear.... Current events and what I would have know about the World at that time, I still have a lot to learn...... but am working on it (well kinda slowly....)
I like "Old Spice"..... but the bottle ran out last year.... an no one got me more last Christmass....... One of the things that I discovered.... when I'd wear it.....It brought up memorys from the women who smelled it...... (I'd alway ask if they were "good" memorys......) Just..... a nice basic traditional, Manly scent.... (and it covers up th' smell of gunpowder and bilge water quite nicely.... something that I think thier advertising department has compleatly overlooked.......)
blanch......! I gotta start making leather clothing...... dang it pays much better than what I do.....
Well th' stupid stove sorta works right now..... smoked a heck of a lot when I lit th' sucker...... but now that it's hot..... seems to be drawing....... so now (finaly) th' house be nice and warm.... (it could be the effects o' th' rum tho....) anyways...... I be off ter bed...... read a bit.......then work again tomarrow... (onna Sunday no less...........)
Wot picture..... the one when ye were in the Military.... or th' one wit th' hat ?
I read somewhere else that ye were coming ter San Fransico next May..... ... hey only half a year away.... maybe see you there... then we can discuss Buccaneers.......... But not to make this a personnel greet thing..... I've been looking at what the Voyers (dang... can never spell that right...) carried..... because of the very heavy French infleuenc in the area... I figure most of the same stuff would be avalible for Buccaneers....... Looking at the Trecking sites... the earlyest are about 1750..... but Buccanneers DO fit into thier time period... just not that many of us yet........... Longhunters... Buccaneers.... same ides.... but there are enough differences, that I don't think you could "use the same stuff to do both"..... OK some of the kit.... but the garb is different... (OK once again...... but shirts are the same......) OK.... most of your camp gear will cross..... and some garb.... but there are enough differences that one set of garb wont work for both......... (hummm did that come out right.... ?) Hey ..... Rum is period for both tyme periods...... with that ... I think I better just stop fer th' night.....
OK.... now I'm slightly confused........ Who was the man that was working to make an accurate cronographer (watch...... that I can spell) so they could tell how far away from Grennich they were (for longitude.....) Can't remember his name.... but from what I remember ("the Man who inventer/discovered Longitude" or some books title very close) was trying to make a clock that would work at sea.... the motion of a ship... kinda messed a clock up..... he worked at it.... got it to work... sorta kinda..... but the board that awarded the "prize" had thier "golden boy"... astral navigation...... so there was some political junk going on as well....... But that IS all after the GAoP........... So back to what they would have known before ..... 1730.... or thereabouts..... (not that I don't want to know who the man was that was working on an accurate cronogr....... watch......... and the navigational stuff that is outta period also.....)
This might be better in Rabble rousing..... but it does have to do with period Pyrate skills.... so I will post it here.... I was looking through the photo gallery.... and saw lots of different kit and garb... look great at a Faire.... but could you realy "board " a ship with alla that..... (ok outta fairness.... I carry a tankard on my belt... and a shrunken head..... and someother bits of fluff) When I played on the Royaleste(sp)(just a touch of rum tonight... so spelling is out the window...) , I quickly discovered that a big hat, and the baldrick with cutlass.... and stuff hanging offfa my belt got in the way...... Dressing flashy to go into town and impress the women.... ok that's one thing ..... but other than sailing, what activitys or games would be aproperate to show/illistrate.... how to carry (and what not to carry) yer gear... weapons...etc.... (walking through a crowded bar... that don't count.... if you have a cutlass ... people get out of your way....) But sieriously..... (dang spelling again) what games or things could you do to illistrate what works and what dosen't .......... OH yah..... and what skills should all period Pyrates know....... flint and steal..... loading guns..... etc........
Aaaargh..... Rights abouts now.... I CAN SPEEK ANY DANG LANGUAGE THAR BE........iffin I wants ter........ aaaargh..... Now the question is...... would anyone understand me ?
Hummmm...... maybe that's why the name sounded farmilure (however it's spelled)....... When I was playing Klingon, I was Marine Infantry Capt. CheDpa vestai-Pr'San Non aligned.... played with the Chrimson Dagger (I think...) and House He'Klar Ring of Fire Fleet..... hadda good time....... When I was in Tenn. and formed a group of Klingons.... we were the IKV NomwI (thing that moves swift..... it was the transponder from a Fedi tug that we .....ergh ...somehow aquired.....don't ask about the cloaking devise.... that's a whole nother story......) but a group of third and fourth sons who were Pyrates...... I might get back into playing Klingon...... hey Pyrates and Klingons have so much in common........... (the aaargh is just slightly different.....)
But thats why I like using the point.... (I'm tall.... 6'3" so I have a good long reach) I don't want to let someone get that close..... with the point, I can keep them far away from me......If we get that close.... the advantage of my range is no longer there...... then I just have to fight dirty..... (they got mad at me in fencing when I "sorta" did that......) I'd be interested if you could point (eeergh bad pun...) me to a web site that would explain .... for lack of a better word.... schlager "fencing". Like I typed, I've done SCA heavy weapons fighting, and fencing.... and have seen some .... I guess it would be schlagger.... not sure..... but the group doing it never "called back"..... stupid questions....... safety and such... ("Hey... you could poke someones eye out with that..." kinda thing) ... is it full contact... half speed, or what...... I think the group that I saw was using mask.... but they were sorta "cliqueish...." ..... I'm interested in OK..... how is it done....... Dang.... didn't type out right.... but I hope you get the idea of what I'm asking.....
Hawkyns posted a good link to a suttler in the Buccaneer bandana page, and I've seen (and bookmarked) a lot of links that other have posted...... Everyone knows about Jas. Townson..... or do they.... so this would be a good place to post links to supplyers of all things period...... (Ok... i have to go through some of the ones that I've saved....... mayby tomarrow....)
But it is so very quick and efficent......... When I was in the SCA, I used a thrusting tip on my sword, but unfortunatly... it added a bit to much weight at the end of the sword.......(thus distroying it's speed ..... rats.....) If I was realy trying to Kill someone, I'd got for a thrust, but slash at them if that target became avalible......
Lets make Authentic Hand Sewn 18th C Shirts
Patrick Hand replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
What's the latest guess on when the Hand Sewing and shirt making will begin? I will be taking the chunks of linen with me to PiP (still holding my breath about going tho......) and do some hand sewing there...... Have to finish sewing two chunks of the cloth together (it's only 24" wide) to make the Body of the shirt...... I figure I'd be throwing my 2cents in on the project...... I'm making a slightly different shirt for the Buccaneer Project...... so I'd be showing a variation on the shirt........ -
It's like when I did Civil War re enactment..... to make a blank charge look like it had some "kick", you'd jerk the triger when you fired...... BAD HABIT....... Now I have to re-learn proper triger control.......... Dang........
I just figured out who the "best looking Pyrate is......." and I'm sure everyone will agree....... The ansewer is......... "ME"....... It's all a matter of perspective........ if I say "me" well of course I think that I'm the best looking Pyrate...... But if you say "me" well thats from your prospective...... See we all win...........
Dang.... tough one..... for CD's (not in any order...) Meatlaof.... Bat out of Hell Tchaikosky... Greatest hits Wagner... Twilight of the Gods Phantom of the Opera Jimmy Buffet...Songy you know by heart (I'd rather take the CD I made of my favorite Jimmy Buffet song......) Guilty Pleasure...... Cigaretts..... LOTS of Cigaretts..... If I get a Bible and the compleat works of Shakespear..... I think I'd take "Jitterbug Perfume" by Tom Robbins..... I like the book, and can read it over and over...... (the Lord of the Rings was a very close second....)
"Repeal the 13th admendment I don't want my boss to go to jail...."
PPPPFFFffffffffffuuuuuuutttttttt...................... Dang thar went a good size swig o' rum....... at least th' moniter wipes sorta clean...........
If I ever get around to building it...... a proque........ Is there some "rule" that says I have to name it ?
Awh.... jest wear it alla time....... they get "funky" realy fast............
You don't want to cut it into a triangle..... (well I guess you could........) but just tear the cloth into a square, fold it into a triangle, and yer set....... Linen or silk would be period......... cotton is close enough (but it is kinda cheating........) You only need less than a yard, so it's no big deal cost wise......
I wonder why someone like me who hate snow so much lives up in the mountain where it snows........ aaaaaaargh .... COLD, ICKY, WET STUFF...... YUK...........
Well I have seen "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" but luckly it was a long time age........
You also might want to look up KAG (Klingon Assault Group) There are a few ships in your area that you might want to contact..... The thin ones are "Slush" cast, the thicker ones are "foaming" latex..... Slush cast can be made in a one piece mold, and the foaming laxex is cast in a two part mold.... sluch cast is just easier and cheaper to make.....