Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
eeeer..... a head scarf is just a chunk of cloth,About 32" x 32", folded into a triangle, and then tied on yer head...... you don't even have to hem the edges.... simplest bit of Pyrate garb thar is.......
Ain't been brushing me teeth.... so's I can have plenty O' skin on them...... But I'm still going..... Been drying some buccaan (jerkey) and going ter be cooking some bread, so's I got somethin' ter eat (gotta save me money fer rum)...... Sorta got everything ready to pack...... knives .... machetti.... sharp pointy things go in "that" bag...... breakables and such in me carry on........ DANG.... less than one week..............
lady renee, ..... will you settle fer two outta that 10 on yer list....? It reminds me of an old Nat. Lampoon joke... "photo Funnys" where the woman is describing "the man of her dreams"...... the male says....."if you find him ... I wanna $#%@ him also........." (Not picking on you...... it's just that yours was the last post that I wanted to reply to........ bad timeing or something like that......... )
NOW...... Christmas season can officially start......................... Everything befor today don't count................................ (scheeeeesh..... th' day before Holloween.... tooo early..........) OK.... Spiked Eggnog season is now here....................
RATS....... Dang...... 10:45 California time..... and I still cant get it to download........ The one link came up computer talk....... The next never loads....... OH well will try again another time..........
Interesting part o' it...... I can speek very little German...... If I want to order a Beer... got that.... or if I want to know if Peter is sailing.... hey... can ask that also... When I was stationed in Korea.... I learned Korean.... now all I can remember is to ask it that is a book......and how to say "your Mother has a........." funny how the dirty stuff sticks in your mind........ Klingon.... Ok I can say ...."that's not a knife" and "Your ship is a garbage scow"..... what little I learned... I have also forgotten.... My Spanish is pertty bad..... but last time I was in Mexico.... I knew enough to get by.......... and I've learned more since then....... (still can't spell in English tho....) It's just one of those use it or lose it kinda things...... (well not that bad.... but close....) I can kinda pick up just enough to get by........ then end up forgitting most of it..............
I dissagree why we sent our Troops there in the first place...... and wish we had stated our objectives (such as when "this" happens..... we win and our troops can come home.......) But, I also know what it is like to be in the Military, in a foregen country for the holidays..... ... Best of luck to your friend, and all serving overseas......
hitman.... thanks that would be cool (OK interesting) if you could find that...... I'm courous about "when" they figured that sorta thing out.......... I'll be looking fer your next post....... (but no pressure... or anything like that..... )
Aaaaargh.... ya gotta' love them vegains....... sliced thin, slow cooked, and with the right sauce.... they be down right tasty.........................
I think that if it's not snowing after I get back from PiP, I might try to add another chunk of stove pipe at the top...... And re-tape all the joints on the flue pipe on the inside...... sheech..... and it's sopose to be an "airtight" stove...... you'd think that airtight would include smoke tight as well..........
Yah..... I realy want to go to both of them.... (not sure what the political climate is like in Hati right now.......?)
I read a book about Mr. Harrison ("The Man who discoverd longitude" .... or something like that.....) I just remember that it told how difficult it was to sail before the chronometer or celestrail tables were finished..... The link that oderlesseye posted was helpfull..... (interestingly enough.... I've never read HOW a backstaff worked, I just guessed at it.... and I was right.... cool....) I just figure that there were so many varribles, that to get anywhere took a lot of luck..... wind, currents, a basic idea of where you were by the sun, and stars, and kinda which way was North......(did they know about the magnetic varreations at the time?) Kinda like a Moon shot...... they have the rocket ready, now to figure where the moon is going to be....... and you can see the moon.....
I found a knitting pattern on-line on how to make a Manmouth hat..... So no I'm trying to learn to knit....... but I have some of it figgured out........... (next is learning how to purl.... and decrease..... Hey... I'm just starting......) ..... Splicing and knotwork.... ok it's kinda sorta the same..... just smaller, and longer marlin spikes.......
"This ain't a sing along..... so stop watchin' the bouncing button...."
Well there is one good thing about th' D&$n fireplace..... I put two logs on each end of it, and a rack from the oven across the top.....I'm making some buccaan (jerkey) so I'll have some food at PiP........
tishsparrow..... Obviously your class didn't read "How to Kill a Mockingbird...." The ninja Vs. Pyrate debate just seem to keep poping up from time to time..... Some stupid ninja comes into th' pub and ends up floating away face down the next morning...... go figgure......
Dang..... this is going to get interesting.......... I've got my plane tickets..... found the schedule for Greyhound...... and (should) have enough money to get by....... Aaaaaaargh... I LOVE doing things by the skin O' me teeth...... BUT I WILL be going..............
And the Pyrates are fighting ninja's........... again........ You can tell how boared I am tonight..... I watched the whole thing....... eeeerg....
....And now for something compleatly different...... I HATE MY FIREPLACE.......... HATE IT...... HATE IT......... HATE IT Now lets see if there is something that I've missunderstood...... When it's cold outside, you can build a fire in the fireplace. The reason a fireplace has a chimney is so the smoke will go outside, Not inside.... where you have to open all the doors and windows to let the smoke and heat from the fire out...... And yah.... I checked to make sure the pipes were clear....... THE DANG THING WON'T DRAW RIGHT........ AAAAARGH......... Well looking at the positive side...... at least all my Buccaneer garb and stuff will have a nice woodsmoke smell to it (as does everything else in the house..... )
....Hey how about....... "Everybody run, Pirate Petee's Gotta gun....." Well you could change the name.........
Bonnie Red Weasel.... are you saying that Diego's real name is..... Beck...? Hey... I'm only on my second cuppa coffee.........
I've always liked Pyrates..... When I was a Kid, I audittioned for a part in a play of "Treasure Island" dang... didn't get the part, and I was very dissapointed..... There was a "Summer Recreation" treasure hunt on the beach, so I got to play Pyrate then.... unfortunately, the treasure hunt was set-up for the older kids...... Watched all the Pyrate movies whenever I could..... When I got older, I dressed as a Pyrate for a few Halloweens, and one time when we went down to Mexico, I took some garb, so we could have a Pyrate party on the beach...... Iv'e done an assortment of re-enactments... gunslinger, Civil War, S.C.A. and Klingon (OK... the last two arn't very historical......) (Oh yah... the Klingon's were a group of Pyrates tho.....) About five years (WOW...has it been that long....) I somehow discovered "No Quarter Given". Unfortunately, looking through the ships to sign on with.... the closest ones were all outta Southern California (an 8 hour drive......) I started to put together some Pyrate garb for myself..... But about 4 years ago, I saw that there was a new group listed in NQG,..... So I contacted them, and joined "Tales of the Seven Seas....." It is kinda fun to see the progression of my garb...... from what I started with, to what I'm wearing now........and I have two different "Personnas"... my Pyrate, and a Buccaneer. The Pyrate is semi authentic, but more for "Play" and my Buccaneer satisfys my "need" for authentisity....... But it's all fun........... Aaaargh
I have a mold to make one...... outta "slush" cast latex.... (even have a can of latex from Halloween..... It would just be the rubber part, you'd have to add color and the hair....... e-mail me if yer interested.........
Out of Period........ But I've been reading "Two Years before the Mast".....(I never could find a copy in the library, and finaly found a copy in a used bookstore....) Dana makes being in a merchent ship sound soooo much fun.... gotta love Capt. Thompson ...... Underhanded, and a Capt. that is a tyrant..... what kept them from "Jumping ship"? did the sign a contract or something? It's interesting thier thoughts about mutiny, and thus turning Pyrate.... but in the 1830's there were not many safe places to go if they did.... wonder how much different it would have been if there was a semi-safe place for them to run.....
Skull pyrate Carter, but that wasn't untill after the GAoP (mid 1700's) untill they could make a clock that was accurate and stable at sea.......