Patrick Hand
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COOL...COOL...COOL..... OK I know this should go in Beyond Pyracy.... but it is about art/cartooning... Pyrate aaart...... I haven't done much drawing lately, one of the reason is that I lost the directions on how to make a line drawing with a transparent background in Photoshop (you then color layers below it......) I was surfing the web tonight, and found a site on Fantacy art, and in their tutorials had SUPER EASY directions........ ( the instructions that I was using required about 13 steps... so I couldn't remember them...) So to do it..... starting with a good black and white scan... In Channels click on the dotted circle (the one to the left at the bottem) you will get marching ants around your black lines goto LAYERS and duplicate that layer. on you new layer, press DELETE.... the white parts will be gone. You now have a layer that only has your black lines ! you add color, shading, etc... on layers below that COOL...COOL...Cool.... Now I'm can start drawing and coloring again.......... (And then post something to get this back on topic.......)
But why a spoon..... just because it hurts more ?
WOW..... that was fantastic........
Aaaah.... your the one who kept poping up among the crowd during the parade...... Sorry that I didn't get a chance to talk to you.......
I can't remember the name of it.... It's the musem that Steve Wooznick (apple computer) had set-up ... an exploritorium.... hand on stuff for kids.... one of my ex-girlfriends , her daughter, and I went there, and it was fun.... I didn't play on the fire truck, but the corn husk dolls (well I made a voodo doll) and all the other stuff was lots of fun. They also have a kids "hands on" at the Smithsonionan .... To bad there are not more "Hand on" exibits for adults.... (well realy Big kids.... )
I read somewhere, that Early Humans only had to work four hours per day to survive....... they had lots of time to tell storys, loaf and goof around.....
Humm... the second one look interesting..... I had to look it up... what I sew for button holes is actuly the same way as a "worked eyelet" (the "caught" part of the loop is on the fabric, not in the button hole) I guess by doing it the other way, there would be more thread inside the button hole, but I like how the loop makes a finished edge to the button hole. never had a problem with the threads wearing through....... going to have to try that other one tho..... like I typed... it looks interesting.
Thats because everyone thinks they are sopose to have a Norman Rockwell kinda Christmass........ There are some parts that I like about "The Season"..... but you covered most of the ones that I don't like..... My biggest "peeve".... We ship out the customers orders, but because it's "the Holidays", they kinda forget to send out the payment for it untill the begining of next year......I hope they had a nice Christmass, because I've gotten use to getting by on very little cash....
Kendra... if your using Netscape..... it has a webpage "Composer".... hummm and so does Microsoft Word.....
The green letters on the Matrix background works as far as readability.... (It looks cool ...kind of a Techno look....) but is that the "feel" that you want? OK... now I've got to get back to working on my web page........
Dang.... I couldn't find the funny button thread..... but I did find a site with some funny bumper stickers quotes..... http://www.lotsofjokes.com/cat_31.htm
But grasshoppers arn't endangered...... so you can eat as many of them as you want......... Besides the wild haggis's do an increadable amount of damage to the Scotish countryside.... eating trees, and all the grass..anything that grows..... So hunting and eating them is GOOD for the environment
Mick MacAnselan, just go to your Public Library and check out a sewing or embordery book.... it will show you how to do a blanket/button hole stitch.... (if that dosen't work, I can scan and post a drawing showing how it is done...)
Caribbean by James Michener..... I've only read the Pyrate parts tho.... not sure how the rest of the book is.....
Hermione Granger's on a pink and black pyrate ship........ Now you've gone and ruined the end of the book for me.........
Kinda on topic... I read an article about early period lighting and using animal fat for lamps.... the problem was, that people were so poor, they had to choose between light and food. Like the old saying "you use all the parts of the pig except the squeek"
Hummm... I don't know about that.... hanging Pyrates and leaving thier bodies in public display did not stop pyracy...... Sorry, but some of the post about unusual punishment, just "hits" me as very wrong. The difference between how a murderer kills, and how State exicutions are preformed is that the first is done visciously, and the second is done according to law. I don't think that the death penalty "deters" violent crime, but at least they will never do it again.
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/04/25/...ain507237.shtml OK........... His next chance is in 2007............
COOL...... two pages back was a re-post of a trailer link that finaly worked....... Looks like fun.....
I didn't take many photos.... but here is a link to what I took...... http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...Untitled-21.jpg
Yah.... but "bumming" and GETTING some Rum kinda made up for that.... I rode Greyhound down form Miami, and was startled by all the storm dammage also..... Heard some tales from some of the locals that got flooded out, riding on the city bus (I still can't figure out which bus to take, so it's always an interesting adventure...) Hadda great time (well Friday I was a little sluggish (hungover...)) but plan on going again next year..... <Maggie..... I think Jib is doing his post in three parts..... that was only the first one......>
I've got to get back into drawing (for Fun.... not the renderings that I do for work)...... For awhile I was drawing a buncha antrhopolymorps.... Can't remember why I stopped.....
One hour and fifteen minutes untill I leave fer the airport...... and Key West....
AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH............. IT'S STARTED............ Got about 2" of slush today..... and more is sopose to be on the way....... Yuckie, ickie no good...<the following has been censored >....snow.....
OK slightly off topic..... But I found an interesting page that explained how to make boffers.... They were high density foam over a fiberglass rod core, then covered with latex...... They sound like they could be made close enough to size (not big bulky, like the pvc and foam insulation ones...) I know they would not sound right..... and would be a bit "Fake"..... but if you think about it.... so is a foil..... but at least you can fight with them without a mask, or a lot of armor........ Maybe use them to practice with then go to real metal weapons..... or just have fun playing with them...... I have the Foam and latex.... just gotta find the fiberglass rod..... see how it works..... (it may be a total "flop" or they might be fun, can't tell untill I make some and try them out..........) It would be almost the same as fencing....