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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. I went and checked out more of this page..... http://www.ecstagony.com/eng/dict/dicinstr...tr/instr_be.htm They Alphabetically list all types of whips, and punishment devices..... there were a few Naval references.... "boys cat" and "colt" were both interesting, as were all the different names by Country for "Cat of Nine tails." After reading about all the whips, I think that using a "Colt" (or a "Bimmy"... a short rope with a knotted end, sometimes dipped in tar...) would be more period for a Pyrate to carry than a cat.... Just enough to knock some sense into someone, without doing too much dammage.....
  2. I've tried that, but I still get an error message..... that's why I just link to where the picture is.........
  3. Hey,.... maybe Santa's zipper was stuck and the Elf in a fleash colored body suit was just inocently helping him out....... NAH...............
  4. Mad Matt..... you are right.... this never would have happened to a John Wayne post......... OH yah..... and another 10 points from Griffondore
  5. Monsignor Fitzwell.. you should look at some of the eairlier post ... there are some good pictures of Buccaneers from period sources that Foxe posted. Awh..... I was just being picky about that...... But it did get me wondering about early rifles..... But I think I will stick with getting a smoothbore......
  6. Humm lets see…. "Scary looking 8 &1/2 foot Whip kept by a Ships Captain. The owner tells us that it's made of canvas and leather and dates from the middle >1800's.< " 1800’s is way after the GAoP, and the above quote doesn’t say if the owner is the Ships Captain, or the Ships Captain owned the whip during the 1800’s, Or what the cargo of the ship was….(maybe a slaver…….) Nor does it say if the Captain used the whip in combat. "In >1773,< the enslaved Africans from Gambia" Whips and slavery… OK that’s believable, and period for the GAoP…… "Capt. Charles V. “Steve” Gridley" >(1844 - 1898) < Way out of period. And they were using the whip for a ceremonial purpose, not as a weapon, or punishment device. The one from "Canadian Naval History" is interesting... Dang... I guess Pyrates should carry both whips and brooms as weapons...... But once again, the whip was used as a pendant…Not a weapon. I had to do a search to find “buntot pagi”.... and found a page for all the S&M Pyrates.... http://www.ecstagony.com/eng/dict/dicinstr...tr/instr_be.htm (lit. ray's tail. Pagi or Pagi-paguiis the name of the animal) Also buntot pagi. A Philippine whip made with a dried ray's tail. It is rough, and covered by bulbs, full of a neurotoxin that preserves its power even when the tail is dried. Used as a weapon in Philippine martial arts. "Obviously you've never been to Singapore" (or the Philippines) Yup.... Philippine martial arts were all the rage during the GAoP in the Caribbean....... along with ninjas........ From the sources listed above, “they had then and used them” for ceremonial purposes, for discipline, or to whip slaves……
  7. Actuly it's NOT a rifle...... but a smoothbore....... Just nit-picking a bit......
  8. And there is NO ONE here on Christmass morning........... Dang....the Pub is empty....empty...empty........ Woh..... cool echo....echo....echo..........
  9. This is not an attempt to "Rip" your beliefs apart. If you want to carry a whip with your Pyrate stuff, have at it...... One of the members of our group plays with a whip durring parades..... it has a nice look and sound to it..... But it is more "Play" Pyrate, than authentic. With "play", almost anything that looks right is OK... Ninja Pyrates might be pushing it tho........But there were ninjas durring the GAoP......so a group of black pajama clad Pyrates would be correct....right? just because there is no documintation of it ever happining in the Carribean dosen't mean that it could not have happened..... Earrings existed durring the GAoP.... just because no one in Capt. Twill can find any doucmintation of Pyrates wearing then at the time ... we all "know" that Pyrates wore them, so it must be true..... In the movies, Sailors and Pyrates play concertinas (an accordain like squeeze box)... it looks and sound right..... but concertinas were not inventer untill the early 1800's so they didn't exist durring the GAoP.... but the mechanics of a concertina isn't that difficult, the materials existed at the time.... who's to say that Pyrates couldn't have invented concertinas eairler..... Corsets existed during the GAoP... "You want pain, try wearing a corset" .... so a group of male Pyrates wearing corsets would be correct.... hey it could have happened...... Like I typed at the begining... I'm not trying to "rip" you apart. There are two groups of Pyrates..... The "Authentics" those who are trying to make thier clothng and gear as close to what would have been used and worn durring the GAoP. The "Authentics" are more into documintation..... proof that something was used or worn during the period. The other group, are the "Play" Pyrates, who are having fun, and not worrying too much about authentisity... if it looks cool.......have at it.... whips, concertinas and (eergh...) even ninjas can all be part of the fun. (but NOT corsets.....that's just wierd....)
  10. A buncha Christmass music on the radio...... well being Christmass Eve.... I didn't think Wagner would be quite right..........
  11. Sorry... didn't want to give away the ending of the Harry Potter stories...... OH well....... Another 10 Points from Ravenclaw for that outburst........ I hope you realize that you are seriously hurting Ravenclaws chances at the House Cup......... NOT that Ravenclaw had any chance at the House Cup....with Chuck Norris joining Slytherin....(Dang... giving away more of the last book....) BUT... Harry will also drop out of Griffondore and be joing Slytherin with Chuck Norris ...... Hey... you didn't think that Chuck Norris would join such a wimmpy house as Griffondore......did you ?
  12. Humm.... from what I can figure, there might have been a cat of nine tails aboard a ship.... (not sure if Pyrates would have had one tho... would kinda remind them of the strict disapline they were attampting to avoid...) but one could be made out of a chunk of ships cable...... Now horse and bull whips... Why would a Sailor or Pyrate learn how to use such a thing ? just to look cool ? I can really see a Pyrate with a purple leather "Flogger"....(It's a well known fact that all Golden age Pyrates were into kinky S&M...) And why bother using a flogger to hit someone when a cutlass works so much better........ (and a bull whip need some room to use..... there is a lot of stuff on a ship to get in the way of using one.... there might be a reason that bull whips were not common at sea......) The only reason that I can figure why a Pyrate would carry a Cat of Nine tales would be morbid gallows humor.... (I know there is a picture showing some Pyrates riding monks, and whipping them.... but I will have to re-check that picture, can't remember if it's period or not.......) Sorry to be such a poop, maybe a cat would be interesting to show what was used for disapline abord ships, but horse and bull whips, and S&M floggers... are just a little too Hollywood......... (Nicco's bull whip in a parade is kinda fun..... but it's not ment to be authentic..... just a good bit of show....)
  13. Thats because Chuck Norris is going to be in the last Harry Potter movie... He will become the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, and him and Harry will roundhouse kick Voldermorts a$$..... Oh yah.... And 10 points from ravenclaw.....!!
  14. So far , I've only watched the first part of the movie..... I would have been nice if it was subtitled, so you could read what they were saying...... Up to what I've waatched so far, it just shows Hitler and Germany after recovering from thiere depression.... lots of shots of food, and happy Germans.....and some speakers (that I guess) are saying what a good job Hitler has done for Germany. Some interesting shots of uniformed men martching with shovles.......
  15. Aaaaaargh....... a Pyrate mushroom dressed as a ninja.....
  16. Dang.. I was courious if I could post in all topics...... and yah... did it.... Gotta love th' rum.... and having nothing better to do..... But my kitty still loves me.... Tyme to go to sleep...... I'm now miss-typing (well can go back and correct it) night everyone....................... Aaargh......... th' rummmmmmmmm.................
  17. Before I start this topic. I have to do a disclimer..... 1. I am not a Nazi... 2. I do Not beleave any part of what they thought..... I am about to watch a propaganda movie.... pre WWII... "Triumph of the Will" Nazi propaganda stuff.... from the liner notes it says that Hitler will decend from the sky and transform into an eagle... and come down to Nurinburge..... What fasinates me.... is how Hitler spoke ( I don't even understand German... but dang..... he had such passion...) scarry stuff..... I guess ... "The reason we learn History, is so we don't make the same mistakes again" Dang.. they had a good costume designer... great uniforms... and interesting symbology.................. like I said scarry stuff...... My Dad, was stationed on Okanawa.. prepitiry for the invasion of Japan.... sorta kinda happy (NO GLAD ) we bomed Japan........ we won... but at what price..... Hitler is facinating.... because he is no longer around.....I see it totaly different from those that were there...... My point.... don't know untill I watch the movie..... I do know that the U.S. has the best propoganda in the world.. (the British have the best spys...) Why the Heck don't we use it/that........ Awh... heck............I will have to watch the movie..... I thought it might be kinda funny... but now that I think about it... it becomes morbid................ OH well... wait an see.............
  18. Tales of the Sevin Seas is still doing stuff...... just goto http://talesofthesevenseas.com/ type at Claire........ Oh... and by the way... the first photo that comes up..... that be me bout two years ago...... aaaawh...so dang sexy..... (hey... don't run away... I was only joking..... something like that.....)
  19. Cool.... thanks.... I've been bookmarking all the links so I can send tham along........ (dang... just envous that I can't afford a cannon...)
  20. I gotta get to the Hampton Festivale...... But I still say (untill I've been to Hampton) that East Coast..... Pyrates in Paridice..... West Coast Ojai (there are good Renn Faires.... but they are Renn Faires with some Pyrates.....) Ojai, and Pyrates in Paridice are Pyrate Faires....... Ok... so Ojai is really small.... but so if PiP...BUT it is Pyrate......) If you want a good Renn Faire.... I'm not the one to ask..... and never being to Hampton, I can't say for sure..... but Pyrates in Paridice(East) and Ojai(West), are the places where you will meet the Pyrates that post on the Pub...... Diego is working on promoting a Faire in Los Vegas.... cheap airfaire to get there ..... so that may have potential..........
  21. Is there a place or a web page that we can post ideas on how to make PiP even better...... Not critisizing..... PiP is so much fun..... but if there was someone to contact.... hey... the Tavern could use some props..... UPS be sooooo cool bout sending stuff cross the US..... like I said...I enjoy PiP.... wanna do something to make it even better...... ( I fly out from California.... so if I make some props for the pub... I'd have to UPS them out....). imagine it.... the pub, with banners, pictures.... all kinds of stuff to make it look right.... and the guys running it can't do it all... so "we" can do our part.... donate cool Pyrate stuff...... And I have to thank them for lending me the tent poles..... didn't have to chop down any trees to set up me lean to........
  22. Awh.... the ghost were no problem..... I kinda think they liked us.......
  23. Still thinkin' bout a Pyrate camp..... Diego, do you have a line to the orginizers ter set such a thing up ?
  24. Hitman... what's wrong with a Delorian? I thought they were good cars.... expensive..... but high performence........ other than the drug sting against Delorian.......Hey... gotta love government entrapment......
  25. I have a realy cheap concertina.....(East German) can play a few Pyraty songs... unfortunatly... concertinas are not period... Rats.....they just sound so right...... Jack... Jill's other half, let me play his concertina.... dang a whole world of difference.... Think I will get a book to figure it out more...... practice , and if I can keep at it... then get a better one....... Jill.... where can I find the music to Billy Bones?
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