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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Sorry to be a pain such a pain in the a**.... but I will be anyway.... Sigs be cool.... but when they take up half the screen, and you have nothing to say........ dang...........BAD SIG........... A sig should be happly subtle.... say who and what you are.... but not so blataint ..........not so HUGE............. Bad joke..... "If you have no dick, you'd drive a truck this big" I am not doing well, discribing my grips...... but I will try.... Why so many HUGE sigs? Takes to long to download and I'm using a DSL.... so what about those on just phone lines? A huge Sig takes up too much space.......... This is an artistic arguement...... say what you have to say in the most effecien way possiple........... I wanna make a sig..... but it will not be huge..... but as tastefull as a Pyrate can do.....
  2. How do I descripe my wierd kitty..... I've been feeding a racoon.. and wierd kitty wants to play with the raccoon (racoons can kill a dog.... but this one is realy cool...)) Dang,,,, I don't know....... kittys get wierd that way ,........... dont they............ Yah... hears to the dumb kitty.....Yah... cyber kitty........................(and the little bastard would make a good Pyrate kitty)
  3. OH yah.... I should have mentioned, that other than the flint and steal, everything is newly made, but I have done primitive camping before...... I just haven't had a chance to use the Buccaneer gear camping yet..... I am thinking about finding someplace down in the valley where it is warmer and going camping befor it gets to cold (the Buccaneer stuff was designed for warm weather.... not winter camping...... )
  4. Hawkyns.... When I did a search for copper boilers.... they were about $60 to $80 .... so I will use the tin cup untill I can try to make one (using sort of the pattern in the Voygers sketchbook....) I might get rid of the razor.... but the picture of Buccaneers showed then clean shaven... so I'm still thinking about that one......... Unfortunately, other than setting up the tarp in my backyard, I haven't had the time to go trecking with any of my gear (worked a second job this Summer) and now that it's getting colder, I don't think I will have a chance..... (somehow a capote and mittens just dosen't seen right for a Buccaneer...) If you could, I'd be interested in seeing a picture of your wooden tent steaks. I haven't fire blued the metal ones yet... but am thinking of maybe trying some wooden ones also....
  5. I gust took some photos of my Buccaneer gear..... http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...urrent=gear.jpg The first photo shows all my camping stuff... to the left is a light weight tarp, rope, and tent steaks (I'm going to fire blue the tent steaks next time I have a fire going...) At the top is a straight razor, a waterproof soap bag with a bar of Casteal soap on top of a cloth towel. the 2 checkerd bags are for holding everything and my food (not shown) On top of the waterproof snapsack is a coconut bowl, tin boiler (I want to get something better than my Civil War tin cup... but it will have to do for now) my pipe and tobacco pouch, and a horn spoon. (I also will carry a silver plate that I put away somewhere.............(I like the part in Diemphers book where the Doctor is drying his powder on a silver plate....)) Below that is a small pouch with pebles for the games painted on my waterproof ground cloth, my flint and steal, a sewing kit (a wood tube holding sewing needles, wraped with thread ) and some leather thongs and cord . Below the snapsack is the machetti (I havent finished the handle yet...) I figure that a machetti would be more usefull than a hanger or small sword, I'm not sure if it is period, but I can chop wood, clear brush or Kill Spanards with one tool....... The next picture shows my flint and steal. I carry everything in a small tin,(there is a hole punched in the lid of the tin, so I can make more char cloth...) The tineder tube is cotton batting covered with linen cloth. It holds a spark much longer than just char cloth. when not in use, the chared end is pulled back inside the brass tube to protect it. I'm not sure if it is period, but it is realy usefull for lighting my pipe or starting a fire.
  6. When I was a kid, my Mom taught me "Good boys don't fight" but being the tallest in class, the short guys wanted to fight..... the Yard Moniter always stopped the fight before anything happened.... but it sucked that all the kids were rooting for the smaller guy.... When I joined the Army (Infantry) I learned how to fight dirty.... I've only been in one fight where any blows were thrown, and after kicking the guy in the gut, he didn't want to play anymore. I was in an argument with a guy in a bar once, told him I didn't want to talk to him anymore, when he tried to grab me and pull me off my seat, I knocked his hand away, and his wife quickly pulled him outta the bar.... what I didn't know at the time, was that I'd opened my Buck knife with the other hand. He didn't see the knife, but His wife did..... (I stopped carrying the Buck after that....) I've been sucker pucned in the nose twice by short drunks, but they both got dragged off befor I got my turn to hit them back. I've been in a lot of "almost" fights, But most of the time it isn't worth the effort, or going to jail for.
  7. Dang I am so mad at my boss right now.... OK we have a wierd relationship........ but she fu*ced me over tonight...... no faire.... not nice.....................(put on pg13 mode) shit piss fuck......... I am mad............. and I apoligize for anyone that iI might have offended..... but I feel that I've been screwed..........
  8. Interesting question..... Is the other clothing better made than what I have... is it warmer..... am I just making fun of my "hee heeeee----- "Betters"... or is all that just a modern view of life back then.......... Right now... I do dress up nicly when I have to...... but what I wear day to day.... black jeans and tee-shirt..... isn't exactly "better" dressing......
  9. AAAAAAArgh....... Hungry, and the only thing to eat is keach (however it's spelled) I will let everyone know if my male parts fall off after eating it.......
  10. "Cup of Gold" was a fun read...... but if you have something better......
  11. Deadeye, have you tried a single strand of rope, twisted into two loops (so it forms 5 strands) and then plaited (braided) them ? (OK.... a drawing of what I'm trying to describe would make more sence........) One loop (with the ends of the rope going out both ends of the loop) will form three strands for plaiting... it will make the rope wider, but 5 strands, (and mashing it flat) will make it even wider and more comfortable across your shoulder...... The most difficult part, is figuring out how long to make the loops (you have to plaite and hope it's long enough, or un-do everything and change the size of the loops..... untill you get it the right length...) OK..... maybe I will have to do a drawing to show what I'm trying to describe......
  12. On my oiled groundcloth for my bed roll, (The Buccaneer Project) I painted a 9 man Morris and Backgammon board, then carry some white and black pebbles as game pieces and a small pair of bone dice ...... it takes up almost no space in the snapsack, but now I can play period games..........
  13. I've done a little work on the Buccaneer Project, so I will have to take some photos of some of my new stuff, and then link them so you can see them. Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos last week, when I took my girlfriend to a Rendezvous (her in sailor garb, me in my buccaneer stuff) Dyed the jacket a greenish brown, looks much better than the coffee and tea staining that it originaly had.... like I typed.... photos coming soon....
  14. "Things that go BOOM..... it's a guy thing......" Interestingly enough, my gilrfriend who didn't like guns at all ..... now is getting interested in things that go Boom........ Cool....
  15. ello mates..... Caroleen here......making plans on bringin "leg O lamb" fer our grub feast......that will be fer Saturday ? Ands I be bringin me dancin boots of coarse. Can't wait......another fine time ta be spendin with me pyrate kin.
  16. I do both.... when I'm doing "The Buccaneer Project", I try to be as authentic as possible. When I do my Golden Age Pyrate, I view it as a form of clowning... I use to do a tramp clown for childrens partys, and I see many simularitys between character clowning, and entertaining the publicas a Pyrate. My Golden Age Pyrate is kinda scarry, but not too scarry to interreact with children. (kinda like a roller coaster.... scarry but fun...) but checking to see if I can shave a childs head looking for a treasure map, or explaining that the reason we are looking for a new powder monkey is because the last one got his head shot off... are fun "bits"
  17. Feast or not to feast? makes not matter to I....always another time ands another place......but lets feast....Rummy, any ideas? just pass the word and I's be willing to put forth. Patrick makes some MEAN bread and ye has already tasted whats I can do.......no sandwiches for I ......just too good of an opportunity to do what I's do........pot luck perhaps with a theme? Caroleen :) :) :) :)
  18. Aye mates Caroleen here at Patt's fer now....til Monday Looks ferward to seein alls ye at Kearny Park.......shall I bring me's dancin boots? Shall we plans on a feast again? Would like to share fine grub likes before....
  19. I get thrown off by the real obvious ones...... Goefery Rush as Barbossa in "Shakespear in Love"... Or Agent Elrod in "Lord of the Rings....."
  20. Just clicked Mad Jack's " secret sauce. " link in his sig....... Check it out...........
  21. After extensive research (at Ojai) I have found, If you mix 32 proof rum (in yer tummy) with 92 proof rum, they add up to 172 proof rum...... yah I know that it should NOT work that way...... but trust me on this one..... it does..... Aaaaaargh Pyrate Luckily the hangover has finaly gone away..............
  22. DANG...... gotta get the info ter me boss (I have a wierd sorta pay relationship with her.....) .... But gotta get the info ter her so she can get me there......
  23. GoF... sounds like a good idea..... I'd espescially be interested in seeing how you, and others do that "stupid" gusset at the coller of the shirt...... I've tried about three different ways..... and it wasn't untill the last one that I "think" I have it figured out......... And how to finnish the gathering at the shoulder.... (I flat fell all my seams, but without adding an aditional strip of cloth, I can't figure how to finnish the gathered part. Period shirts were very well made, but without access to an original... I've made a LOT of guesses...... <as an aside.... you may want to start with "how to hand sew.... the "very basic" stuff...... for those who may not even know how to do that.......> Still a GREAT IDEA.........
  24. Dang..... spent some of my musket money so I could "play" at Ojai (kinda cool that Rumba Rue recgonized the Buccaneer stuff that I wore on Sunday) The problem right now, is that with a second job (I need the money to play, and for a musket....) I don't have the time to work on the project.... So I guess durring winter, I will re-do the jacket outta Hemp, and then a linen shirt. But after the Buckle thread, dang.... going to have to re-think my belt..... That's part of the "problem"..... the more you learn, the more you have to "fine-tune" everything....... part of the fun of it.... but also frustrating.......... Obvously this is not a "weekend" project..................... But I am still working on it.... the clothing, and the camping goods........... (yah.... and the musket.... )
  25. I still say, "That is why you never...ever wa"r"sh you Pyrate ship........... they shrink...... "
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