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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Just don't be tieing it to tight, or yer eyeballs kinda pop out........
  2. Hummmm..... My Pornstar name..... Tippy Robertson Nah..... just dosen't sound right. Romance Writter's name.... Edward Lilac Nah....still dosen't sound right....... Pyrate Name.... Black Leg Ed..... Closer, but I Think I'll just stick with Patrick Hand........
  3. I may have to do that.... when I first tried it, the snapsack was to short to hold a bedroll, but now that I'm going to carry the bedroll on the outside, it should not be a problem......
  4. When I made mine, I left the straps extra long, so I can cut them down after using it if nessecary... I also "painted" it with linseed oil (with a touch of stain for color) to waterproof it. The only problem that I can see with using it, is that the ends don't "draw-up" as tightly as I'd like.... I'll have to use bags inside for smaller stuff, so it won't fall out. (I'm use to haversacks.... small stuff just works it's way to the bottem of the bag....)
  5. Yah.... camping in yer garb does a great job of aging it...... Tea also works.... but if your going for a real "grungy" look..... after tea staining...... thinned down india ink splashed onto the wet cloth.... will gunk it up realy quickly....... (if you get it to dark..... splash more water on it....."Quickly") You just work as everything is very "moist"..... it will lighten up a little when it dries...... Then there is sandpaper.... but that is for "wear"............... Or soaking it in water, and hanging it out in the sun (just be sure that it is "formed" (like how it would be worn) right......) then it fades.......
  6. Wow... the one from Armour.com.... is pretty... but for $580.... dang....... Still very nice, (and it has everything.... kinda like an early period Swiss army knife...... ) I've always though Bullocks daggers were kinda funny.... espescialy when you look at period pictures and see how they were worn....... (dang buncha perverts )
  7. Oops... miss-posted the photo in "snapsacks"......but I think everyone that's been reading this has already seen the latest photo........ (and comments) I will try to pay more attention in the future...... (even tho drinking lots of rum is very period..... )
  8. "Total emersion" But it would be cool, to get a bunch of modern people that kind of (or just a little) know the time period....(Ok lets say Pyrate Reenactors).... and then put then into a real period situations (well maybe not "real" ship to ship combat....) I think I could do it...... but there would be a lot that was not that much fun........ (period Ships food, just kinda "pops" into mind......) But using people that know some about the time period..... then play what it was realy like......... Some people would do well, some would be very "shocked" ..... hummm could be interesting.... the stuff T.V. is looking for..... (OK... maybe not brainless enough...) but... "A real people in interesting situations kinda thing...... " (as a footnote) a friend gave me an aplication for Survivor (and I've never seen the show)...... but some of the questions are very funny..............
  9. That looks an awful lot like "confederate" bedrolls.... (roll the blanket into a long tube.... tie the ends, then wear it over your shoulder) And obvously it was used earlier than that..... just the name I use for that style of carring a blanket..... I will have to look at that picture some more, and think about it...... But when I did American Civil War reenacting.... I discovered that carrying a bed roll that way was..... WAY to hot..(cut off any and all nice cooling air you might get ). so I'd carry my bedroll in what we called "grasshopper" fashion..... roll the blanket into a small tight bundle, and then using a chunk of rope, sling it over you shoulder.....(above your butt, or it would "bounce to much...) But I know there were others that had no problem with the "Confederate" style...... I just didn't like it...... And I'm sure (well guessing actuly...) that people in the past did the same thing........
  10. Dang..... I can't think of anything safer than florist styrofoam.... When I was in a Gunslinger group, we'd do a demo to show how dangerous even blank charges were..... shoot a phone book, or 1/2" plywood..... (it blows an impressive hole through both)....... I guess, just not realy pointing at anyone and using styrofoam (and show how dangerous the guns are).... might be the only solution....... Sorry I couldn't be more help......
  11. Aaaargh.... but th' cover do look tantilizing................. Wot was the name of that other Pyrate Porn...... A lady friend hadda copy of it, and I just wanted to see it for the Pyrates...... (Th' scary part is ..... thats realy why I wanted to see th' movie.......)
  12. somehow I kinda always invisioned Christine in fishnets....... (see how me mind works.......
  13. I got one picture of the new hunting coat, from the Heart of the Forest Renn. Faire.... Unfortunately, the shirt is kinda rumpled, so it looks like I have a huge pot belly...... rats..... http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...ccaneer-HoF.jpg This one fits better than the attempt of making it "shirt" like... This one is made from four parts, and then the sleeves. Now to get the hemp canvas, and some linen to make a new better one,,,,,,, Also , here is the snapsack that I made.... http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...nt=Snapsack.jpg Unfortunately, it's not quite large enough to hold my bedroll and all of my stuff.... so I might just sling the bedroll, and put everything else in the snapsack.... I also got 2 1/2 yards of canvas, that I will paint with linseed oil and terpentine to waterproof it, for the groundcloth. Other stuff that I'm working on...... I'm hand finishing a new pair of venetians that I made out of a buckskin colored wool, and lined with linen..... I also got a coconut that I'm going to make into a bowl (not sure if it is period, read about it in James Michners Carribean,..... sounded like a fun idea) I should have enough money saved by next Monday, to order the Doglock musket..... yaaaaa.......
  14. Yah... Thats why I like French Fly breeches pattern on GoF's page........... http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/images/v...chespattern.jpg
  15. simple pattern.... like I typed,,,,, use that French fly breeches patten form Gof"s page,,, but make the legs much wider...... (OK not heming the bottem of them ain't period... but it looks cool... and the same wit..... all the patches onth' butt......) ( I have a problem wit.... being both a "play " Pyrate,,,,, and trying to do it period......) If yer interested in the pattern... I can re-draw it out an send it to ye.........
  16. Why does a re-enactor need to get drunk in an attempt to impress others? Anyone can get drunk. Reenactors should impress others with how well they can learn, live, and teach history. ONE (and I'm not a good person to expline this).... But reencators are NOT drunk when they are reenacting..... that happens when the public is gone...... Pyracy,,,, well hell...................... at Ojai... I get drunk th' night befor... then drink Ice tea in rum bottles..My impression of Pryacy is Not nice..... Pyrtes DID drink (and a lot of them died from alcohole poisining........ ) Ok so I'm showing a not PC or AA virsion of this bit of history,,,, But back to the original arguement...... All the people in the photos were having fun.... the re enactment was over.. (after hours) the public never see that.......... so who cares............... sorry Capt Will..... maybe you don't understand..... not picking on you... so we can disscuss this in the Pub... and figure it out..........
  17. Dang..... I hope that typed out right..........................
  18. Captain Jack Sparrow is like James Bond. You will love him no matter how many women he beds. Why? Because he's Captain Jack Sparrow. And isn't that the dream of alla us guys....(and wpmen also... just kinda different...) ter be th' ultamate "sex"symbol (....(OOoooooooooooh ... YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH...)
  19. Aaaaaaagh... so ye be th' cute red 'ed......................... cool..... Nice drawings,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  20. I wanted to show the basic patterns that I work with for trousers and slops.... http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...nt=Patterns.gif The Venetians (1615-1620) are from one of Janet Arnold's books, The knee breeches are from one of the Rev. War sketchbooks. (But I like the "French fly" pattern on GoF's web page much better.) When I make slops of trousers, I use the knee breeches pattern, but make the legs much wider. http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...=Untitled-8.jpg Shows a front and back view of my Venetians, trousers, and slops.... (with that "sexy" baggy butt, caused by gathering at the waist, and a straight seam...) On the next pair of Venetians (for the Buccaneer Project) I don't think I will make the girth so long... the waist is just to high.... But I have some buckskin colored wool, and some linen to line them with.
  21. Dang... me 2 cent worth..... From what I can figure..... buttons were realy small.... ( see the link about Spanish artifacts......) offa Gof's page .. But wern't buttons a "show: of afflunce........ (kinda lik the guy back in the 80's with the bag of coke...... showin off.......)
  22. Foxe.... Gotta ask.... Have you ever figured something out.... and be dang sure it's right,,,,, then "Wango".... someoneelsle shows you your wrong..................damn... living histoy be ...eergh....... interersing.........
  23. Just waiting for GoF to get back from vacation....... not fair to say anything behind someones back.... (and I'm not saying anything bad.... not a flaim war or that crap..... just a discussion ..... (and this sound wierd) about the cut... and fit... of mens period pants,,,,,, (I DO NOT HAVE A FIXATION ABOU . MENS BUTTS.... JUST TRYING TO GET THE PATTERN RIGHT).... OK done with the upper case..... I am not sure what sourse Gof.... had for his pattern..... I can not argue that untill he gets back...... My source may not be corect..... but I think it is very close.... SO untill Gof is back from vacation..... we will argue it anothe tyme........... GoF argues .... use period fabric... I argue .... figure it out with cheap stuff... then do it right...... Funny part.... I think we both agree..........
  24. Yah.... I gotta sound off also..... just poke a hole in ye ear...... (Interestingluy (ok something like that) anyway........pinching yer skin.... messes it up worse than puncureting (poking holes throught it) But you can ank Pyske(dang ... eh name be something like that...'er avitar be an elf 8)...... .) (she's on th" board... just not sure I typed her name right..) BUT she would know bout this........... she is a proffesionall......... (dang can't spall wort chit......) When in dought .... find someone that knows................
  25. Dang .... Ace..... That be some pretty shading................... WOW.......
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