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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Now look at th' bright side..... 'ear ye not be alon'...........
  2. Drink, listen, drink think, drink some more, sometimes write but what ever you do........ don't forget th' rum..........
  3. Yah.... that's the way Pyrates realy did it back then..... <pissssst.... hey RumbaRue, you think they are going to beleave us........ >
  4. lorien_stormfeather, if you have a chunka black cloth, you might be better off sewing it..... paint gets heavy.........
  5. Diego... after some of the post we have done in the "six word story game"...... thier gas can only go up...... takes on a totaly different meaning than what you ment.......
  6. OK .... so I got sidetracked..... the .jpg of wot Christine said is sorta in progerss...........
  7. Being a guy type....( (I've made the "vest style bodices") and what I call the "slut top" (ok ... need a better name for it, but it looks like a woman is "falling outta her top", but realy won't (drat...) ) From what I can figure there are basicaly two different types..... the tight vest kinda thing (Dutchesses second photo) or the more period (and somehow more "supportave type" ) and many different variations of both of them.... You can make your own (look up the "bidice generator" or go to some of the S.C.A. sites for better info...... ) or you can check out the page Gentelman of Fortune sujested............ but being a guy type..... there is nothing like a well cut bodice to keep a man on his toes...................
  8. Lady Snow..... So I should'nt say anything about feeling comfortable (a Chimichanga for dinner, and two double martini's then a shot of Morgan.....) <just joking. hope you get feeling better....>
  9. I can't remember what the lock is callled....... BUT WOW.... I want one (just the lock)
  10. WELL there went my mind fer the night............... (just to keep this ON topic, I have made a few bodices for ladys.... but what I make are more of a low cut tight vest....... It's the way the blouse/chimese is made that keeps a woman from "falling out" (drat.....) )
  11. MercenaryWench, I just wish that there was a discription of the game, and how it is played, before I "register" (parinoid or wot...)
  12. Hummmm.... you can only read the FAQ unless you resister..... but there is NO information about the game untill you do.........
  13. I'm in kinda wierd mood..... the power was out all day, so I couldn't get any work done....... But I had to hang around IF it did come back on.... kinda burns you out not doing anything....... But I'm going to watch "Muppets Treasure Island" again..... so it's not THAT bad........
  14. NOW I LIKE the picture THAT brings into my mind........
  15. <Animal from the Muppets, pops into mind...> PARTY PARTY PARTY.......................
  16. Cut and paste won't work...... but there were a lot of links and discussions in..... look at the very bottem of plunder (you may have to go to page 2 to find it.....
  17. Wot one.... I use to listen to Alice Cooper really LOUD....... good stuff..... listining to "Blame it on the rum........" Jim B.
  18. DANG>>>DANG>>>DANG>>>>and DRAT..... just when I got the Hot buttered Rum all ready........ Warm water, brown sugar, slippery butter and rum...... guess I will just have to drink it........
  19. Dang... sounds like the kinda story "they" want us to hear...... I dissagree.... I think we have been "trained" to think everything is hunky dory...... look at the way anyone that "think differntly" is delt with........ < political rant mode off>
  20. Welllllllllllllllll .... Lego pyrate ships be costin about $30 -$60 offa E-bay..... I can make wooden ships for the game a lot cheaper...... but that is not the point..... the point being.... the rules are good...... you don't have to play them using Legos...... If everything works out right..... I wanna play this game at Ojai next September..........
  21. Francois.... but it is so large..... bigger than your post...... (not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing)
  22. Depending on wot Sea..... the Pacific gets DANG COLD..... times in Summer that is good...... other times .... to dang cold........
  23. The fun part about me Pyrate stuff....... the weapons are all such a part of it...... But weapons arn't "garb" so me Pyrate stuff works better....
  24. What would happen if on July 4 th ( or pick another date...) everyone that made less that $10 per hour called in "sick" the "poor workers"..... ........... you want some gas... you want a cup of coffee.... fryes with that burger............... Unions once apon (sp) a time worked for the workers... but now they work for themselves..... but with the internet,,,, we don't need the union to get fair wages................................. NO mafia Union.... but fair wages for work done.................
  25. ...Awh but lust is good for at least a good ten minutes.......................
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